initial commit

This commit is contained in:
maverickdgg 2022-09-08 11:08:23 +08:00
parent 3c94f4c2b5
commit 1105edb8c2
19 changed files with 3035 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
//#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHComponent.h"
namespace SHADE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* \file SHComponent.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for the Component abstract base class.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include "../SHECSMacros.h"
namespace SHADE
class SHComponentManager;
class SHComponent
friend SHComponentManager;
//The ID of the entity this component belongs to.
EntityID entityID;
//Whether this entity ID has been set once.
//This prevents the Set function from being able to change the entityID once it has been set
* \brief Construct a new SHComponent object
* Protected default constructor to make this an abstract base class.
SHComponent(SHComponent const& other)
:entityID(other.entityID), isActive(other.isActive)
//Whether or not this component is active.
//Systems using this component should are responsible for checking the active state of the component before running their functionality.
bool isActive;
* \brief
* Getter function for the entityID
* \return uint32_t
* The entityID that this component belongs to.
uint32_t GetEID()const
return this->entityID;
* \brief Destroy the SHComponent object
* Default destructor for Component Base class
virtual ~SHComponent();
* \brief
* A function that is called when the entity changes its parent.
* This can remain empty if nothing has to be done before the parent changes.
* This does not change the component that the entity belongs to
* The old parent is not passed in here as the old parent might be the root node
* in which case there will be no parent.
* If needed, the old parent should be deduced using this entityID
* \param newParent
* EntityID of the new parent.
virtual void ChangeParent(EntityID newParent)
* \brief
* This is an overloaded function of Change parent when the entity
* changes its parent to the root node. (No parent)
virtual void ChangeParent()
virtual void OnDestroy()
virtual void OnCreate()
SHComponent& operator=(SHComponent const& other)
this->entityID = other.GetEID();
this->isActive = other.isActive;
return *this;

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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
* \file SHComponent.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Implementation for the SHComponentGroup class.
* The Component Group aids the engine to sort the components to align
* different component types data that corresponds to a single entity
* in the same index. The component group also ensure that all components
* data belonging to the group is moved to the start of the dense array.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
//#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHComponentGroup.h"
#include "../System/SHComponentManager.h"
namespace SHADE
EntityIndex SHComponentGroup::size() noexcept
return (EntityIndex)entityInGroup.size();
bool SHComponentGroup::IsEntityInGroup(EntityID entityID) noexcept
for (auto const& eid : entityInGroup)
if (entityID == eid)
return true;
return false;
bool SHComponentGroup::RemoveEntity(EntityID entityID) noexcept
if (!IsEntityInGroup(entityID))
// This entity has not been added to the group. Ignore it.
return false;
//This entity is in the group.
//Move the placement of the components in all owned component types to the relevant position and remove it from the group.
for (auto const& ownedID : ownedComponentTypes)
if (SHComponentManager::ComponentCount_ID(ownedID) > 2)
// There are components that do not belong in the group. Need to swap to the last element
SHComponentManager::SwapInDenseByIndexHash_ID((EntityIndex)entityInGroup.size() - 1, entityID, ownedID);
for (std::vector<EntityID>::iterator it = entityInGroup.begin(); it != entityInGroup.end(); ++it)
if (*it == entityID)
return true;
void SHComponentGroup::Clear() noexcept
bool SHComponentGroup::AddComponentCheck(EntityID entityID, uint32_t componentTypeID) noexcept
if (IsEntityInGroup(entityID))
return false;
//uint32_t componentID = SHFamilyID<SHComponent>::template GetID<T>();
//Loops to check if this is one of the owned component type
for (auto const& id : componentTypeIDs)
//found it
if (id == componentTypeID)
for (auto const& typeID : componentTypeIDs)
if (typeID != componentTypeID && !SHComponentManager::HasComponent_ID(entityID, typeID))
//This entity does not contain all other component types in this group so we don't do anything yet
return false;
//This entity contains all required component types. Add to group and swap in dense
//auto& dense = SHComponentManager::GetDense<T>();
//Loop through all the owned component and sort them.
for (auto const& ownedID : ownedComponentTypes)
if (SHComponentManager::ComponentCount_ID(ownedID) > entityInGroup.size() + 1)
// There are components that do not belong in the group. Need to swap to the last element
SHComponentManager::SwapInDenseByIndexHash_ID((EntityIndex)entityInGroup.size(), entityID, ownedID);
// If dense.size() == entityInGroup.size() + 1.
// There is no component that is not in this group for this component type.
// Hence no sorting required.
//Add this entityID to group
return true;
//This component type is not in this group.
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
* \file SHComponent.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Definition for the SHComponentGroup class.
* The Component Group aids the engine to sort the components to align
* different component types data that corresponds to a single entity
* in the same index. The component group also ensure that all components
* data belonging to the group is moved to the start of the dense array.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include "../SHECSMacros.h"
#include "../General/SHFamily.h"
#include "SHComponent.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
namespace SHADE
//template<OWNERSHIP_TYPE ownership>
class SHComponentGroup
//This vector store the Entity IDs of all entity that belongs to this group.
std::vector<EntityID> entityInGroup;
//bool CheckAddComponent();
~SHComponentGroup() = default;
//friends SHComponentManager to allow ECSCore to create componentgroups
friend class SHComponentManager;
* \brief
* Get the number of entity in the group.
* \return
* Number of entity in the group.
EntityIndex size() noexcept;
* \brief
* Check if a entity is already in the group.
* \param entityID
* The entity ID of the entity
* \return
* true if the entity belongs to the group
bool IsEntityInGroup(EntityID entityID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Checks whether the entity has fulfilled the requirements to be added into
* the Component Group after adding a specified Component Type.
* @tparam T
* Component type to be added
* \param entityID
* EntityID of the entity to be added
bool AddComponentCheck(EntityID entityID, uint32_t componentTypeID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Check if the Component type is in the component group and if the entity is in the group
* Remove it from the group if found.
* This does not handle the removal from the dense array in the sparse set.
* @tparam T
* Component type to be removed
* \param entityID
* EntityID of the entity
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<SHComponent, T>, bool> RemoveComponentCheck(EntityID entityID) noexcept
if (!IsEntityInGroup(entityID))
// This entity has not been added to the group. Ignore it.
return false;
bool typeFound = false;
uint32_t componentID = SHFamilyID<SHComponent>::template GetID<T>();
for (auto const& id : componentTypeIDs)
if (id == componentID)
typeFound = true;
if (typeFound == false)
return false; //This type is not something this group needs to care about.
//This entity is in the group.
//Move the placement of the components in all owned component types to the relevant position and remove it from the group.
for (auto const& ownedID : ownedComponentTypes)
if (SHComponentManager::ComponentCount_ID(ownedID) > entityInGroup.size() + 1)
// There are components that do not belong in the group. Need to swap to the last element
SHComponentManager::SwapInDenseByIndexHash_ID((EntityIndex)entityInGroup.size() - 1, entityID, ownedID);
for (std::vector<EntityID>::iterator it = entityInGroup.begin(); it != entityInGroup.end(); ++it)
if (*it == entityID)
return true;
* \brief
* Checks if this entity is in the Component Group and remove it if found.
* This does not handle the removal from the dense array in the sparse set.
* \param entityID
* EntityID of the entity
bool RemoveEntity(EntityID entityID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Resets the Component Group by clearing all entity in group.
* This will not change the Component Types that belong in the group but
* only clear the entity that belongs to the group.
* This is used for scene transition where all entities are cleared.
void Clear() noexcept;
OWNERSHIP_TYPE ownershipType;
//This vector stores all IDs of all the component type that belongs to this group.
//This will be assigned when the group gets created and used by the group themselves when they for add/remove components.
std::vector<uint32_t> componentTypeIDs;
//This vector stores the IDs of all the component type that this group owns.
//Each component type can only be owned by one group.
std::vector<uint32_t> ownedComponentTypes;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
* \file SHEntity.cpp
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Definition of function used in SHEntity class.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
//#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHEntity.h"
#include "../System/SHEntityManager.h"
//#include "Scene/SHSceneGraph.h"
#include "../System/SHComponentManager.h"
namespace SHADE
EntityID SHEntity::GetEID() noexcept
return this->entityID;
void SHEntity::SetActive(bool active) noexcept
isActive = active;
SHComponentManager::SetActive(entityID, active);
void SHEntity::SetParent(SHEntity* newParent) noexcept
void SHEntity::SetParent(EntityID newParentID) noexcept
SHEntity* SHEntity::GetParent() noexcept
return nullptr;
std::vector<SHEntity*>const& SHEntity::GetChildren() noexcept
return std::vector<SHEntity*>{};
std::vector<EntityID>const& SHEntity::GetChildrenID() noexcept
return std::vector<EntityID>{};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
* \file SHEntity.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for the Entity abstract base class.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#ifndef SH_ENTITY_H
#define SH_ENTITY_H
#include "../SHECSMacros.h"
#include "../Components/SHComponent.h"
#include "../System/SHComponentManager.h"
//#include "../../Scene/SHSceneNode.h"
namespace SHADE
class SHComponentManager;
class SHEntityManager;
class SHEntity
* Friends with SHEntityManger.
* This allows SHEntityManager to generate a unique entityID for the entity
* upon creation.
* .
friend SHEntityManager;
* \brief Construct a new SHEntity object
* Default constructor for the Entity Object.
* Entities are given their entityID here.
* \brief Destroy the SHEntity object
* Default destructor for the Entity object.
* Removes the entityID and queue it for recycling.
virtual ~SHEntity();
* \brief Get the Component object
* A templated GetComponent_s function that calls GetComponent_s from SHComponentManager.
* This is for ease of use.
* @tparam T
* The type of the Component we are trying to get.
* \return
* A pointer to the Component we are trying to get.
* Returns nullptr if the entity does not have such Component.
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<SHComponent, T>, T*> GetComponent() noexcept
return SHComponentManager::GetComponent_s<T>(entityID);
//return nullptr;
* \brief
* Getter function for the entityID
* \return uint32_t
* The entityID of this Entity object.
EntityID GetEID() noexcept;
* \brief Set the Active object
* Sets the isActive of all Components in this entity.
* This is done through SHComponentManager and this function is for ease of use.
* If derived classes of Entity overloads this function, they are expected to
* call this function using SHEntity::SetActive(active) to change the active of
* all components
* \param active
* The active state to change all components in this entity.
virtual void SetActive(bool active) noexcept;
* \brief
* Change the parent of the entity object in the scene graph.
* This command will be stored in a queue and only applied when
* SHSceneGraph::UpdateHierachy is called.
* \param newParent
* A pointer to the new parent entity.
* Pass a nullptr to attach this entity to the root node instead.
void SetParent(SHEntity* newParent = nullptr) noexcept;
* \brief
* Change the parent of the entity object in the scene graphj.
* This command will be stored in a queue and only applied when
* SHSceneGraph::UpdateHierachy is called
* This is the overloaded version of the function that takes in a
* EntityID instead. This cannot be used to attach to the root node.
* \param newParentID
* The entityID of the new parent.
void SetParent(EntityID newParentID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Get a pointer to the parent entity.
* \return
* Returns a pointer to the parent entity.
* Returns a nullptr if the parent node is the root node.
SHEntity* GetParent() noexcept;
* \brief
* Get a vector of SHEntity pointers of the children belonging to this entity.
* \return
* Return a vector of SHEntity pointers of the children belonging to this entity.
std::vector<SHEntity*>const& GetChildren() noexcept;
* \brief
* Get a vector of EntityID of the children belonging to this entity.
* \return
* return a vector of EntityID of the children belonging to this entity.
std::vector<EntityID>const& GetChildrenID() noexcept;
std::string name;
bool isActive;
//The identifier of the entity.
//This is split into 2 x 16-bits that represents version and index respectively
//Index is used by the engine to index the entity.
//Version is used by the engine to recycle the index of the entity.
EntityID entityID;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* \file SHFamily.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for the SHFamily template class.
* This class is to create a unique identifier for each derived class type.
* Example: Each Component type (SHTransformComponent / SHRenderableComponent)
* will have a different identifier generated by this class.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#ifndef SH_FAMILY_H
#define SH_FAMILY_H
#include "../SHECSMacros.h"
namespace SHADE
template<typename BaseClass>
class SHFamilyID
//this is used to keep track of the new current ID to be assign to a new Derived class type.
static ComponentTypeID currentID;
* \brief Construct a new SHFamilyID object
* Private constructor.
* No objects of this type should be made.
* Only use the static functions of this class
* \brief Destroy the SHFamilyID object
* Private destructor.
* No objects of this type should be made.
* Only use the static functions of this class
virtual ~SHFamilyID()
* \brief
* Checks if this identifier is cuurrently in use / valid.
* \param id
* Identifier to check for.
* \return bool
* true if the identifier is currently in use.
* false if the identifier is not in use.
static bool IsValidID(ComponentTypeID id) noexcept
return(id < currentID);
* \brief
* Get the ID of a derived class type.
* Example of function call to this function should be:
* SHFamily<SHComponent>::GetID<SHTransformComponent>();
* @tparam DerivedClass
* The derived class type that we are trying to get the ID of.
template<typename DerivedClass>
static ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(ComponentTypeID, BaseClass, DerivedClass) GetID() noexcept
//The first time a new derived class type call this get id, it will initialize id using the currentID from familyID class.
static ComponentTypeID id = currentID++;
return id;
//initialize currentID as 0
template<typename BaseClass>
ComponentTypeID SHFamilyID<BaseClass>::currentID = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
* \file SHHandleGenerator.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for the SHHandleGenerator class.
* Generates a unique identifier/handle for objects.
* This is different from SHFamily which is meant to generate identifier for object types.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "../SHECSMacros.h"
namespace SHADE
* \brief
* Generates a unique handle of HandleType type.
* The first half of the bits will be used for version. This is used for recyling the IDs.
* The second half of the bits will be used for the index, this is also used as its ID.
* HandleType should always be twice the size of IndexType
template <typename HandleType, typename IndexType>
class SHHandleGenerator
//List of all the handles in use. Handles that are deleted are still stored here.
std::vector<HandleType> handleList;
//The next handle to be used.
HandleType nextRecycle;
//The total number of handles that are currently deleted and waiting to be recycled.
HandleType recycleCounter;
//The Mask is variable is used to easily separate the version and index via bit masking (bitwise &).
//The index mask is used to identify the index.
//(1<<16) - 1. Shift 1 bit to the left 16 times and -1. This leaves the first 16 bits as 0 and the -1 makes the second 16 bits all 1.
static const HandleType indexMask = (1 << sizeof(IndexType) * 8) - 1;
//using the bitwise NOT, invert the index mask to get the version mask.
static const HandleType versionMask = ~indexMask;
* \brief Construct a new SHHandleGenerator object
* default constructor for the HandleGenerator object.
* \brief Destroy the SHHandleGenerator object
* Default destructor for the HandleGenerator object.
~SHHandleGenerator() = default;
* \brief
* Combines the 16-bit version and 16-bit index to make a 32-bit handle.
* \param verison
* The 16-bit version
* \param index
* The 16-bit index
* \return HandleType
* The resultant Handle
static HandleType GetHandle(IndexType version, IndexType index) noexcept
return (version << sizeof(IndexType) * 8) | index;
* \brief
* Gets the 16-bit version from the 32-bit handle
* \param handle
* The 32-bit handle
* \return IndexType
* The 16-bit version
static IndexType GetVersion(HandleType handle) noexcept
return handle >> sizeof(IndexType) * 8;
* \brief
* Gets the 16-bit index from the 32-bit handle
* \param handle
* The 32-bit handle
* \return IndexType
* The 16-bit index
static IndexType GetIndex(HandleType handle) noexcept
return handle & indexMask;
* \brief
* Checks if the current handle is still valid. This checks if the index
* of the handle is in use, then checks if the version of the current index
* matches the handle we are checking for.
* \param handle
* The handle to check for.
* \return bool
* True if the handle is still valid. False if the handle has been removed
* or not in use.
bool IsValid(HandleType handle) noexcept
IndexType index = GetIndex(handle);
if (index >= (IndexType)handleList.size()) // handle is out of range of intialized index
return false;
return (handleList[index] == handle); // this will check if the current handle at that index has been removed.
* \brief
* Get the number of active handles.
* \return
* Number of active handles.
IndexType GetActiveHandleCount() noexcept
return (IndexType)(handleList.size() - recycleCounter);
* \brief
* Request the Generator for a new handle. This will provide recycled index
* if available
* \return HandleType
* The new handle.
HandleType GetNewHandle() noexcept
HandleType result;
//Check if there is any index waiting to be recycled
if (recycleCounter == 0) // nothing to be recycled. Make a new one
result = GetHandle(0, (IndexType)handleList.size());
return result;
//There is a index waiting to be recycled.
result = nextRecycle;
IndexType index = GetIndex(nextRecycle);
//updates the next recycle.
nextRecycle = handleList[index];
handleList[index] = result;
return result;
* \brief
* Removes a handle and make it invalid and queue it for recycling.
* \param handle
* The handle to remove.
void RemoveHandle(HandleType handle) noexcept
if (!IsValid(handle))
IndexType index = GetIndex(handle);
IndexType version = GetVersion(handle);
//set the handle at the current index to the next thing to be recycled.
handleList[index] = nextRecycle;
//set the next recycle to be the thing that was just deleted with its version incremented.
nextRecycle = GetHandle(version + 1, index);
* \brief
* Clears all the handles in use and Resets the handle generation.
void ClearAllHandles() noexcept
nextRecycle = 0;
recycleCounter = 0;
* \brief
* Attempts to claim a specified handle. If the handle is available, the
* generator will mark it as claimed and return true.
* Updates recycles accordingly when adding extra padding to the handle list.
* \param handle
* The handle to claim
* \return
* true if the handle is available to claim.
bool ClaimHandle(HandleType handle) noexcept
IndexType index = GetIndex(handle);
if (handleList.size() <= index || GetIndex(handleList[index]) != index)
//This index is currently not in use
if (index >= handleList.size())
IndexType size = (IndexType)handleList.size();
for (IndexType i = 0; i < index - size; ++i)
HandleType back = handleList.back();
//set the handle at the current index to the next thing to be recycled.
if (recycleCounter > 0)
handleList.back() = nextRecycle;
handleList.back() = (HandleType)-1;
//set the next recycle to be the thing that was just deleted with its version incremented.
nextRecycle = GetHandle(0, GetIndex(back));
if (index == GetIndex(nextRecycle))
index = GetIndex(nextRecycle);
//updates the next recycle.
nextRecycle = handleList[index];
handleList[index] = handle;
return true;
if (recycleCounter > 0)
HandleType recycle = handleList[index];
IndexType recycleIndex = GetIndex(nextRecycle);
HandleType i = 0;
while (i < recycleCounter)
if (GetIndex(handleList[recycleIndex]) == index)
recycleIndex = GetIndex(handleList[recycleIndex]);
if (recycleCounter > 0 && recycleIndex < handleList.size())
handleList[recycleIndex] = recycle;
handleList[index] = handle;
return true;
return false;
typedef SHHandleGenerator<EntityID, EntityIndex> EntityHandleGenerator;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* \file SHSparseBase.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for the SHSparseBase class.
* This is an abstract class for the SHSparseSet template class.
* This allows the SHSparseSetContainer class to store SparseSet of different types.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include "../SHECSMacros.h"
namespace SHADE
class SHSparseBase
SHSparseBase() = default;
virtual ~SHSparseBase() = default;
virtual void Remove(EntityIndex hash) { (void)hash; };
virtual void Clear() {};
virtual void Swap(EntityIndex hash1, EntityIndex hash2) { (void)hash1; (void)hash2; };
virtual void SwapIndexHash(EntityIndex index1, EntityIndex hash) { (void)index1; (void)hash; };
virtual bool Has(EntityIndex hash) = 0;
virtual void* Get(EntityIndex hash) { (void)hash; return nullptr; };
virtual void Add(EntityIndex hash) { (void)hash; };
virtual EntityIndex Count() = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
* \file SHSparseSet.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for the SHSparseSet template class
* This is a container that allows for fast iteration due to contiguous memory
* storage while having fast lookup time at the cost of memory usage.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include "../SHECSMacros.h"
#include "../General/SHSparseBase.h"
#include "../General/SHHandleGenerator.h"
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
namespace SHADE
template <typename T, EntityIndex MAX>
class SHSparseSet: public SHSparseBase
//Dense array of type T
std::vector<T> denseArray;
//This array stores the key of the corresponding element in the dense array. (eg. entity ID)
std::vector<EntityIndex> denseIndexArray;
//Sparse Array. This array helps with look up
EntityIndex sparseArray[MAX];
* \brief Construct a new SHSparseSet object
* Default constructor for the SparseSet class.
for (EntityIndex i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)
sparseArray[i] = UINT16_MAX;
* \brief Destroy the SHSparseSet object
* Default destructor for the SparseSet class.
virtual ~SHSparseSet()
* \brief
* Clears all elements in the current SparseSet and resets the sparseArray.
void Clear() noexcept
for (EntityIndex i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)
sparseArray[i] = UINT16_MAX;
* \brief
* Check is the specified hash is in range of the sparseSet.
* \param hash
* Hash to check for.
* \return bool
* true if the specified hash is in range of the spraseSet.
bool IsValid(EntityIndex hash) noexcept
return (hash < MAX);
* \brief
* Checks if this sparseSet contains an element with specified hash.
* \param hash
* The hash to check for.
* \return bool
* true if the element with this hash is found. false if no such element is found.
virtual bool Has(EntityIndex hash) noexcept
//Check if the hash passed in is within range.
if (!IsValid(hash) || sparseArray[hash] == UINT16_MAX)
return false;
return (denseIndexArray[sparseArray[hash]] == hash);
* \brief
* Get a pointer to the element with the specified hash.
* This is the safe version which does a Has() check and return a nullptr
* if it does not have such an Element
* \param hash
* The hash of the element to look for.
* \return T*
* returns a pointer to the element with the specified hash if found.
* returns a nullptr if no such element is found.
T* GetElement_s(EntityIndex hash) noexcept
if (!Has(hash))
return nullptr;
return &denseArray[sparseArray[hash]];
* \brief
* Get a pointer to the element with the specified hash.
* This bypasses the Has() check and assumes that the hash has a Element
* in the dense array.
* \param hash
* The hash of the element to look for.
* \return T*
* returns a pointer to the element with the specified hash if found.
* returns a nullptr if no such element is found.
T* GetElement(EntityIndex hash) noexcept
return &denseArray[sparseArray[hash]];
* \brief
* Operator overload for the subscript operator.
* Gets the element by reference with the hash specified in the subscript.
* This does not handle out of range exceptions.
* \param hash
* The hash of the element we are trying to get
* \return T&
* A reference to the element found.
T& operator[](EntityIndex hash) noexcept
return denseArray[sparseArray[hash]];
* \brief
* Get the number of elements in the current SparseSet
* \return uint16_t
* The number of elements in the SparseSet.
virtual EntityIndex Count() noexcept
return (EntityIndex)denseArray.size();
* \brief
* Getter function for the dense array.
* \return std::vector<T>&
* return a reference to the dense array.
std::vector<T>& GetDense() noexcept
return denseArray;
* \brief
* Const getter function for the dense array.
* \return std::vector<T>&
* return a const reference to the dense array.
const std::vector<T> GetDense() const noexcept
return denseArray;
* \brief
* Swaps two elements in the dense array.
* This only swaps their position in the dense array and updates their
* Sparse index reference in the sprase array accordingly.
* This DOES NOT change the hash of the elements.
* \param hash1
* Hash of the first element
* \param hash2
* Hash of the second element
virtual void Swap(EntityIndex hash1, EntityIndex hash2) noexcept
if (!Has(hash1) || !Has(hash2) || hash1 == hash2)
T tempElement = denseArray[sparseArray[hash1]];
EntityIndex tempIndex = denseIndexArray[sparseArray[hash1]];
EntityIndex tempSparse = sparseArray[hash1];
denseArray[sparseArray[hash1]] = denseArray[sparseArray[hash2]];
denseIndexArray[sparseArray[hash1]] = denseIndexArray[sparseArray[hash2]];
sparseArray[hash1] = sparseArray[hash2];
denseArray[sparseArray[hash2]] = tempElement;
denseIndexArray[sparseArray[hash2]] = tempIndex;
sparseArray[hash2] = tempSparse;
* \brief
* Swaps two elements in the dense array.
* This only swaps their position in the dense array and updates their
* Sparse index reference in the sprase array accordingly.
* This swaps using a index(position in the dense array) and a hash (EntityID)
* This DOES NOT change the hash of the elements.
* \param index1
* The position in the dense array of the first element
* \param hash
* Hash of the second element
virtual void SwapIndexHash(EntityIndex index1, EntityIndex hash) noexcept
if (index1 >= denseArray.size() || !Has(hash))
Swap(denseIndexArray[index1], hash);
* \brief
* Adds a new element to the SparseSet.
* \param hash
* The hash of the new element.
* Nothing is added if the SparseSet already contains an element with
* the same hash.
* \param element
* A reference to the element to be added. This will be passed in as a
* copy and the default copy constructor will be used to copy the element
* into the dense array.
void Add(EntityIndex hash, T& element) noexcept
if (!IsValid(hash) || Has(hash))
denseIndexArray.emplace_back (hash);
sparseArray[hash] = EntityIndex(denseIndexArray.size() - 1);
* \brief
* Adds a new element to the SparseSet.
* \param hash
* The hash of the new element.
* Nothing is added if the SparseSet already contains an element with
* the same hash.
* \return
* None
void Add(EntityIndex hash) noexcept
if (!IsValid(hash) || Has(hash))
sparseArray[hash] = EntityIndex(denseIndexArray.size() - 1);
* \brief
* Removes an element from the Sparse Set
* \param hash
virtual void Remove(EntityIndex hash) noexcept
if (!Has(hash))
//Get the index of the item to be removed.
EntityIndex index = sparseArray[hash];
//Get the sparse index of the last element in the dense array.
EntityIndex lastSparse = denseIndexArray.back();
//Copy the contents of the last elements to the replace the element we are trying to remove
//denseArray[index] = denseArray.back();
//denseIndexArray[index] = denseIndexArray.back();
//denseArray.erase(denseArray.begin() + index);
//denseIndexArray.erase(denseIndexArray.begin() + index);
Swap(hash, lastSparse);
//update the sparse array with the new index of our last element.
sparseArray[lastSparse] = index;
sparseArray[hash] = UINT16_MAX;
//Pop out the last element since we no longer need it
* \brief
* Get the element specified by a hash. This will be casted to a void
* pointer
* \param hash
* The Index of the element.
* \return
* A void pointer to the element.
virtual void* Get(EntityIndex hash) noexcept
if (!Has(hash))
//no such element in this sparse set.
return nullptr;
return (void*) &denseArray[sparseArray[hash]];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
* \file SHSparseSetContainer.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for SHSparseSetContainer template class.
* This is a container for SHSparseSets meant to contain SparseSets of
* different types that are derived from a shared Base class.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include "SHSparseSet.h"
#include "SHFamily.h"
#include "../Components/SHComponent.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace SHADE
template<typename Base>
class SHSparseSetContainer
//The container of SparseSets.
std::vector<SHSparseBase*> container;
* \brief
* Default constructor for the SHSparseSetContainer class
SHSparseSetContainer() = default;
* \brief
* Default destructor for the SHSparseSetContainer class.
for (std::vector<SHSparseBase*>::iterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
delete (*it);
* \brief
* Attempts to create a SparseSet for the specified derived class.
* If a SparseSet of the same class type has already been created,
* nothing is re-created.
* @tparam Derived
* The type of the SparseSet to create.
template<typename Derived>
ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(void, Base, Derived) CreateSparseSet() noexcept
EntityID typeID = SHFamilyID<Base>::template GetID<Derived>();
if (container.size() > typeID)
if (container[typeID] == nullptr)
container[typeID] = (SHSparseBase*)new SHSparseSet<Derived, MAX_EID>();
while (container.size() <= typeID)
container[typeID] = (SHSparseBase*)new SHSparseSet<Derived,MAX_EID>();
//Cant use ENABLE_IF_DERIVED here because the macro is defined before template is defined.
//Hence the return type that is a templated class will be an issue.
* \brief
* Get the sparse set specified by a type. This converts the type to
* a type ID using SHFamilyID and use that as the index.
* This will attempt to Create a sparse set if it doesn't exist.
* \return
* The base class pointer to the sparse set.
template<typename Derived>
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v<Base,Derived>,SHSparseSet<Derived,MAX_EID>* > GetSparseSet() noexcept
EntityID typeID = SHFamilyID<Base>::template GetID<Derived>();
if (container.size() <= typeID || container[typeID] == nullptr)
return (SHSparseSet<Derived, MAX_EID>*)container[typeID];
* \brief
* Get the sparse set at the specified index.
* \param typeID
* The index of the sparse set to get.
* \return
* The base class pointer to the sparse set.
SHSparseBase* GetSparseSet_ID(uint32_t typeID) noexcept
//assert(typeID >= container.size());
return container[typeID];
* \brief
* Get the number of elements in the specified SparseSet
* @tparam Derived
* The type of the SparseSet
template<typename Derived>
inline ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(EntityID, Base, Derived)Count() noexcept
return GetSparseSet<Derived>()->Count();
* \brief
* Get the dense array of the specified SparseSet
* @tparam Derived
* The type of the SparseSet
* \return
* Returns a reference to the dense array of the specified SparseSet
template<typename Derived>
inline std::enable_if_t < std::is_base_of_v<Base, Derived>, std::vector<Derived>& > GetDense() noexcept
return GetSparseSet<Derived>()->GetDense();
* \brief
* Remove all elements with the specified hash from all the SparseSets in
* the container.
* \param hash
* The hash of the elements to remove.
void RemoveElements(EntityIndex hash) noexcept
for (std::vector<SHSparseBase*>::iterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
if (*it)
* \brief
* Clear all SparseSets in the container.
void ClearAllElements() noexcept
for (std::vector<SHSparseBase*>::iterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
* \brief
* Sets the isActive variable in the elements with the specified hash
* in all the SparseSets in the container.
* This assuumes that the element types has a isActive boolean.
* \param hash
* hash of the elements
* \param active
* The active state to set to.
void SetElementActive(EntityIndex hash, bool active) noexcept
for (std::vector<SHSparseBase*>::iterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
if (*it)
SHComponent* comp = static_cast<SHComponent*>((*it)->Get(hash));
if (comp)
comp->isActive = active;
* \brief
* Get the element of a specified hash from the Sparse set of indicated index.
* \param typeIndex
* The index of the sparse set which we are trying to get from
* \param hash
* The hash that the element belongs to.
* \return
* The address of the element casted to a void*
void* GetElement(uint32_t typeIndex, EntityIndex hash) noexcept
if (typeIndex >= container.size())
return nullptr;
return container[typeIndex]->Get(hash);
* \brief
* Get the size of the SparseSetContainer.
* \return
* The number of sparse sets in this container.
size_t Size() noexcept
return container.size();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#ifndef SH_MACROS_H
#define SH_MACROS_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <type_traits>
typedef uint32_t EntityID;
typedef uint16_t EntityIndex;
typedef uint32_t ComponentTypeID;
const EntityIndex MAX_EID = 51000;
typename std::enable_if<(std::is_integral<_TYPE>::value && !std::is_signed<_TYPE>::value),_RETURN>::type

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
* \file SHComponentManager.cpp
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Definition of functions for the SHComponentManager class.
* This is the interface that the systems are going to use to interacte with
* the components. The SparseSetContainer of components is stored and managed
* here.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
//#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHComponentManager.h"
#include "SHEntityManager.h"
#include "SHSystemManager.h"
namespace SHADE
SHSparseSetContainer<SHComponent> SHComponentManager::componentSet;
std::vector<SHComponentGroup> SHComponentManager::componentGroups;
void SHComponentManager::Exit() noexcept
void SHComponentManager::RemoveComponentsOfEntity(EntityID entityID) noexcept
if (!SHEntityManager::IsValidEID(entityID))
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < componentSet.Size(); ++i)
SHComponent* comp = (SHComponent*) componentSet.GetElement(i, EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID));
if (comp)
for (auto & grp : componentGroups)
bool SHComponentManager::HasComponent_ID(EntityID entityID, uint32_t componentTypeID) noexcept
return componentSet.GetSparseSet_ID(componentTypeID)->Has(EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID));
void SHComponentManager::SetActive(EntityID entityID, bool active) noexcept
componentSet.SetElementActive(EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID), active);
void SHComponentManager::SwapInDenseByIndexHash_ID(EntityIndex index, EntityID hash, uint32_t componentTypeID) noexcept
componentSet.GetSparseSet_ID(componentTypeID)->SwapIndexHash(index, EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(hash));
void SHComponentManager::ChangeParent(EntityID entity, EntityID newParent)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (uint32_t)componentSet.Size(); ++i)
SHComponent* component = (SHComponent*)componentSet.GetElement(i, EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entity));
if (component == nullptr)
void SHComponentManager::ChangeParent(EntityID entity)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (uint32_t)componentSet.Size(); ++i)
SHComponent* component = (SHComponent*)componentSet.GetElement(i, EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entity));
if (component == nullptr)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
* \file SHComponentManager.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for the SHComponentManager class.
* This is the interface that the systems are going to use to interacte with
* the components.
* The SparseSetContainer of components is stored and managed
* here.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#ifndef SH_ENGINE_H
#define SH_ENGINE_H
#include "../General/SHSparseSetContainer.h"
#include "../Components/SHComponent.h"
#include "../Components/SHComponentGroup.h"
//#include "Scene/SHSceneNode.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace SHADE
class SHComponentManager
//The SparseSetContainer of components.
static SHSparseSetContainer<SHComponent> componentSet;
//The Container of all Componentgroups
static std::vector<SHComponentGroup> componentGroups;
friend class SHSceneNode;
* \brief
* This is called by the SHSceneNode friend class to change the parent
* of an entity.
* This function is privated as it is not for general use.
* \param entity
* The entityID of the entity which to change the parent of.
* \param newParent
* The entityID of the new parent.
static void ChangeParent(EntityID entity, EntityID newParent);
* \brief
* Overloaded function of Change parent to change the parent of an entity to
* the root node.
* This is called by the SHSceneNode friend class to change the parent
* of an entity.
* This function is privated as it is not for general use.
* \param entity
* The entityID of the entity which to change the parent of.
static void ChangeParent(EntityID entity);
* This class is used as a static class.
* No objects of this type should be created
SHComponentManager() = delete;
~SHComponentManager() = delete;
* \brief
* Cleans up the memory used in the Engine.
static void Exit() noexcept;
* \brief
* Creates the SparseSet for the specified Component type
* @tparam T
* Component Type to create.
template<typename T>
static void CreateComponentSparseSet() noexcept
* \brief
* Getter for the dense array of a specified Component Type.
* @tparam T
* Component Type
* \return std::vector<T>&
* reference to the dense array from the SparseSet of the Component Type T.
template<typename T>
static std::vector<T>& GetDense() noexcept
return componentSet.GetDense<T>();
* \brief
* Gets the Component of the entity with the specified entityID
* This is the safe version of GetComponent_s which does a HasComponent to make
* sure that the entity has such a component and returns nullptr if it doesn't
* This safe version also checks if the sparse set of this component type
* has been created in SHComponentManager and creates one if it doesn't
* @tparam T
* Type of Component to get.
* \param entityID
* EntityID of the entity that we are trying to get the component of.
* \return
* A pointer to the component of the entity.
* Returns nullptr if the entity does not contain such a component.
template<typename T>
static ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(T*, SHComponent, T) GetComponent_s(EntityID entityID) noexcept
EntityID typeID = SHFamilyID<SHComponent>::template GetID<T>();
if (componentSet.container.size() <= typeID)
return nullptr;
return (componentSet.GetSparseSet<T>()->GetElement_s(EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID)));
* \brief
* Gets the Component of the entity with the specified entityID
* This is the faster unsafe version.
* Use only when sure that the entity has such a Component type. This could
* give garbage value or the component of a different entity if the entity
* does not have the specified component type. This is usually used with
* ComponentGroups
* This unsafe version bypass the HasComponent check.
* This unsafe version bypass the check for sparseSet creation.
* @tparam T
* Type of Component to get.
* \param entityID
* EntityID of the entity that we are trying to get the component of.
* \return
* A pointer to the component of the entity.
template<typename T>
static ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(T*,SHComponent, T) GetComponent(EntityID entityID) noexcept
//EntityID typeID = SHFamilyID<SHComponent>::template GetID<T>();
return (componentSet.GetSparseSet<T>()->GetElement(EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID)));
* \brief
* Add a component to the specified entityID
* Nothing is added if the entityID already have a component of the same type.
* @tparam T
* Type of Component to be added.
* @tparam Args
* The args types to pass to the constructor of the Component
* \param entityID
* EntityID to add this component to.
* \param args
* The args to pass to the constructor of the Component
* \return
* None.
template<typename T >
static ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(void,SHComponent,T) AddComponent(EntityID entityID) noexcept
T element{};
SHComponent* comp = (SHComponent*)componentSet.GetElement(SHFamilyID<SHComponent>::GetID<T>(), EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID));
comp->entityID = entityID;
for (auto& grp : componentGroups)
grp.AddComponentCheck(entityID, SHFamilyID<SHComponent>::GetID<T>());
if (comp)
* \brief
* Add Component using a component type ID. This assumes that the sparse
* set is already created for the component type ID.
* \param entityID
* The entity ID of the entity
* \param componentTypeID
* The Type ID of the Component Type.
* \return
* none
static void AddComponent(EntityID entityID, uint32_t componentTypeID) noexcept
SHComponent* comp = (SHComponent*)componentSet.GetElement(componentTypeID, EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID));
comp->entityID = entityID;
for (auto& grp : componentGroups)
if (comp)
* \brief
* Checks if the specified entityID has a component of specified type.
* @tparam T
* Type of Component to check for.
* \param entityID
* EntityID to check for.
* \return bool
* True if the entity has a component of specified type.
template<typename T>
static ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(bool, SHComponent, T) HasComponent(EntityID entityID) noexcept
return componentSet.GetSparseSet<T>()->Has(EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID));
* \brief
* Checks if the specified entityID has a component of specified type.
* The component type is specified by a component type ID
* @tparam T
* Type of Component to check for.
* \param entityID
* EntityID to check for.
* \param componentTypeID
* The component type ID to look for
* \return bool
* True if the entity has a component of specified type.
static bool HasComponent_ID(EntityID entityID, uint32_t componentTypeID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Remove the Component of specified type from the entity.
* @tparam T
* Component type to be removed
* \param entityID
* EntityID of the object to remove the component from.
template<typename T>
static ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(void, SHComponent, T) RemoveComponent(EntityID entityID) noexcept
if (!HasComponent<T>(entityID))
SHComponent* comp = (SHComponent*)componentSet.GetElement(SHFamilyID<SHComponent>::GetID<T>(), EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID));
if (comp)
for (auto& grp : componentGroups)
* \brief
* Swaps to positioning of two components in their dense array.
* This does not swap the entity that the components belong to
* @tparam T
* Type of the Component to swap.
* \param entityID1
* entityID of the first entity.
* \param entityID2
* entityID of the second entity.
* \return
* None.
template<typename T>
static ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(void, SHComponent, T) SwapInDense(EntityID entityID1, EntityID entityID2) noexcept
componentSet.GetSparseSet<T>()->Swap(EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID1), EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(entityID2));
* \brief
* Swaps to positioning of two components in their dense array.
* This does not swap the entity that the components belong to.
* This is the overloaded function that takes 2 Entity Index
* \param index
* The entity Index of the first entity.
* \param hash
* The entity Index of the second entity.
* \return
* none
template<typename T>
static ENABLE_IF_DERIVED(void, SHComponent, T) SwapInDenseByIndex(EntityIndex index, EntityIndex hash) noexcept
componentSet.GetSparseSet<T>()->SwapIndexHash(index, EntityHandleGenerator::GetIndex(hash));
* \brief
* Swaps to positioning of two components in their dense array.
* This does not swap the entity that the components belong to.
* This swap using a component type ID
* \param index
* The entity Index of the first entity
* \param hash
* The entity ID of the second entity
* \param componentTypeID
* The Type ID of the component type ID
* \return
static void SwapInDenseByIndexHash_ID(EntityIndex index, EntityID hash, uint32_t componentTypeID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Removes and destroy all components tied to an entity.
* entityID
* \param entityID
* entityID of the entity to be removed.
static void RemoveComponentsOfEntity(EntityID entityID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Get the number of components in a component sparse set.
* \param componentTypeID
* The type ID of the Component Type.
* \return
* The number of components in the component sparse set.
static EntityIndex ComponentCount_ID(uint32_t componentTypeID)
return componentSet.GetSparseSet_ID(componentTypeID)->Count();
* \brief
* Set the isActive boolean of all Components that the entity has
* \param entityID
* The entityID of the entity
* \param active
* The active state to set to
static void SetActive(EntityID entityID, bool active) noexcept;
template<typename... T>
static std::enable_if_t<(... && std::is_base_of_v<SHComponent, T>), uint32_t> CreateComponentGroup(uint32_t numOwningComponents)
std::vector<uint32_t> templateIDs{ (SHFamilyID<SHComponent>::GetID<T>())... };
for (auto& g : componentGroups)
for (auto const& oID : g.ownedComponentTypes)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numOwningComponents; ++i)
if ((templateIDs[i] == oID))
assert("This Component is owned by another group");
SHComponentGroup grp;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numOwningComponents; ++i)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < templateIDs.size(); ++i)
if (grp.ownedComponentTypes.size() != grp.componentTypeIDs.size())
if (grp.ownedComponentTypes.empty())
return (uint32_t)componentGroups.size() - 1;
* \brief
* Get a reference to the component group.
* \param index
* The index of the component group
* \return
* A reference to the component group.
static SHComponentGroup& GetComponentGroup(uint16_t index) noexcept
return componentGroups[index];
static void AddScriptComponent(EntityID eid, std::string const& scriptClassName) noexcept;
static void RemoveScriptComponent(EntityID eid, std::string const& scriptClassName) noexcept;
};// end SHComponentManager

View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
* \file SHEntityManager.cpp
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Implementation for the SHEntityManager class.
* Entity Manager is the interface class where users of the engine
* and its systems interact with entity data in the engine. This
* includes Creation and Destruction of entities and getting Entity by
* an ID. This manager also ensures that each entity have a unique
* handle using SHHandleGenerator.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
//#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHEntityManager.h"
//#include "Scene/SHSceneGraph.h"
//#include "Serialization/SHSerialization.h"
namespace SHADE
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SHEntity>> SHEntityManager::entityVec;
EntityHandleGenerator SHEntityManager::entityHandle;
SHEntity* SHEntityManager::GetEntityByID(EntityID entityID) noexcept
if (!IsValidEID(entityID))
return nullptr;
EntityIndex eIndex = entityHandle.GetIndex(entityID);
return entityVec[eIndex].get();
bool SHEntityManager::IsValidEID(EntityID entityID) noexcept
if (!entityHandle.IsValid(entityID))
return false;
EntityIndex eIndex = entityHandle.GetIndex(entityID);
if (entityVec.size() <= eIndex || !entityVec[eIndex])
return false;
return true;
EntityIndex SHEntityManager::GetEntityIndex(EntityID entityID) noexcept
return entityHandle.GetIndex(entityID);
EntityID SHEntityManager::CreateEntity(std::vector<uint32_t>const& componentTypeIDs, std::string const& name,EntityID parentEID)
EntityID eID = entityHandle.GetNewHandle();
EntityIndex eIndex = entityHandle.GetIndex(eID);
if (eIndex > entityVec.size())
assert("FATAL ERROR: EntityIndex out of range in Entity Creation");
else if (eIndex == entityVec.size())
if (!entityVec[eIndex])
//There is still an entity stored there.Something went wrong
assert("FATAL ERROR: Entity Creation error. Entity Index Conflict");
//Reset it to a newly constructed entity
entityVec[eIndex].reset(new SHEntity());
entityVec[eIndex]->entityID = eID;
entityVec[eIndex]->name = name;
for (auto& id : componentTypeIDs)
SHComponentManager::AddComponent(eID, id);
//(SHComponentManager::AddComponent<ComponentTypes>(eID), ...);
/*if (entityHandle.IsValid(parentEID) == false)
//TODO Link to Scene graph.
return eID;
EntityID SHEntityManager::CreateEntity(std::vector<uint32_t>const& componentTypeIDs, EntityID desiredEID, std::string const& name, EntityID parentEID)
EntityID eID ;
if (entityHandle.ClaimHandle(desiredEID) == true)
eID = desiredEID;
eID = entityHandle.GetNewHandle();
EntityIndex eIndex = entityHandle.GetIndex(eID);
if (eIndex > entityVec.size())
EntityIndex size = (EntityIndex)entityVec.size();
for (EntityIndex i = 0; i <= eIndex - size; ++i)
entityVec[eIndex].reset(new SHEntity());
else if (eIndex == entityVec.size())
if (!entityVec[eIndex])
//There is still an entity stored there.Something went wrong
assert("FATAL ERROR: Entity Creation error. Entity Index Conflict");
//Reset it to a newly constructed entity
entityVec[eIndex].reset(new SHEntity());
entityVec[eIndex]->entityID = eID;
entityVec[eIndex]->name = name;
for (auto& id : componentTypeIDs)
SHComponentManager::AddComponent(eID, id);
//(SHComponentManager::AddComponent<ComponentTypes>(eID), ...);
//if (entityHandle.IsValid(parentEID) == false)
// entityVec[eIndex]->sceneNode.ConnectToRoot();
// entityVec[eIndex]->SetParent(parentEID);
//TODO Link to scene graph.
return eID;
void SHEntityManager::DestroyEntity(EntityID eID) noexcept
if (!IsValidEID(eID))
//Entity does not exist or already destroyed.
EntityIndex eIndex = entityHandle.GetIndex(eID);
//Call all the children to Destroy themselves first before the parent is destroyed.
if (entityVec[eIndex])
//auto& children = entityVec[eIndex]->GetChildrenID();
// DestroyEntity(children[0]);
//SHSceneNode* parentNode = entityVec[eIndex]->GetSceneNode()->GetParent();
//TODO remove from parent and recursively delete child.
void SHEntityManager::DestroyAllEntity() noexcept
for (auto& entity : entityVec)
if (entity)
EntityIndex SHEntityManager::GetEntityCount() noexcept
return entityHandle.GetActiveHandleCount();
/*EntityID SHEntityManager::DuplicateEntity(EntityID eid) noexcept
if (entityHandle.IsValid(eid) == false)
return MAX_EID;
std::string data = SHSerialization::SerializeEntityToString(eid);
return SHSerialization::DeserializeEntityToSceneFromString(data);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
* \file SHEntityManger.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Definition for the SHEntityManager class.
* Entity Manager is the interface class where users of the engine
* and its systems interact with entity data in the engine. This
* includes Creation and Destruction of entities and getting Entity by
* an ID. This manager also ensures that each entity have a unique
* handle using SHHandleGenerator.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "../Entity/SHEntity.h"
#include "../Components/SHComponent.h"
#include "../General/SHHandleGenerator.h"
#include "../SHECSMacros.h"
namespace SHADE
class SHEntityManager
static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SHEntity>> entityVec;
//The handle generator to generate entityIDs.
static EntityHandleGenerator entityHandle;
SHEntityManager() = delete;
~SHEntityManager() = delete;
* \brief
* Get a pointer to the entity using the entityID.
* \param entityID
* The entity ID of the entity
* \return
* A pointer to the entity.
* A nullptr is returned if there is no such entity or if it is destroyed.
static SHEntity* GetEntityByID(EntityID entityID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Checks if the current Entity ID is in use and alive.
* \param entityID
* The entity ID of the entity
* \return
* true if the entity ID is in use and alive.
static bool IsValidEID(EntityID entityID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Get the index portion of the Entity ID.
* \param entityID
* The entity ID of the entity
* \return
* The index of the entity
static EntityIndex GetEntityIndex(EntityID entityID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Template function to Create a new Entity with Components specified
* by the template arguements.
* \param name
* Name of the entity (This is not unique)
* \param parentEID
* The entity ID of the parent. This does not call UpdateHierarchy hence
* the parent of the entity is not updated until UpdateHierarchy is called.
* \return
* EntityID of the new Entity
template<typename ...ComponentTypes>
static std::enable_if_t<(... && std::is_base_of_v<SHComponent, ComponentTypes>), EntityID> CreateEntity(std::string const& name = "Default", EntityID parentEID = MAX_EID)
EntityID eID = entityHandle.GetNewHandle();
EntityIndex eIndex = entityHandle.GetIndex(eID);
if (eIndex > entityVec.size())
assert("FATAL ERROR: EntityIndex out of range in Entity Creation");
else if (eIndex == entityVec.size())
if (!entityVec[eIndex])
//There is still an entity stored there.Something went wrong
assert("FATAL ERROR: Entity Creation error. Entity Index Conflict");
//Reset it to a newly constructed entity
entityVec[eIndex].reset(new SHEntity());
entityVec[eIndex]->entityID = eID;
entityVec[eIndex]->name = name;
/*if (entityHandle.IsValid(parentEID) == false)
//TODO Link up with Scene graph
return eID;
template<typename ...ComponentTypes>
static std::enable_if_t<(... && std::is_base_of_v<SHComponent, ComponentTypes>), EntityID> CreateEntity(EntityID desiredEID, std::string const& name = "Default", EntityID parentEID = MAX_EID)
EntityID eID;
if (entityHandle.ClaimHandle(desiredEID) == true)
eID = desiredEID;
eID = entityHandle.GetNewHandle();
EntityIndex eIndex = entityHandle.GetIndex(eID);
if (eIndex > entityVec.size())
EntityIndex size = (EntityIndex)entityVec.size();
for (EntityIndex i = 0; i <= eIndex - size; ++i)
entityVec[eIndex].reset(new SHEntity());
else if (eIndex == entityVec.size())
if (!entityVec[eIndex])
//There is still an entity stored there.Something went wrong
assert("FATAL ERROR: Entity Creation error. Entity Index Conflict");
//Reset it to a newly constructed entity
entityVec[eIndex].reset(new SHEntity());
entityVec[eIndex]->entityID = eID;
entityVec[eIndex]->name = name;
(SHComponentManager::AddComponent<ComponentTypes>(eID), ...);
/*if (entityHandle.IsValid(parentEID) == false)
//Link up with scene graph.
return eID;
* \brief
* Create Entity using a vector of ComponentTypeIDs.
* \param componentTypeIDs
* Vector of ComponentTypeIDs. This assumes that CreateSparseSet is called
* for these ComponentTypes.
* \param name
* Name of the Entity (this is not unique)
* \param parentEID
* The entity ID of the parent. This does not call UpdateHierarchy hence
* the parent of the entity is not updated until UpdateHierarchy is called.
* \return
* EntityID of the new Entity
static EntityID CreateEntity(std::vector<ComponentTypeID>const& componentTypeIDs,std::string const& name = "Default", EntityID parentEID = MAX_EID);
* \brief
* Create Entity using a vector of ComponentTypeIDs.
* \param componentTypeIDs
* Vector of ComponentTypeIDs. This assumes that CreateSparseSet is called
* for these ComponentTypes.
* \param name
* Name of the Entity (this is not unique)
* \param parentEID
* The entity ID of the parent. This does not call UpdateHierarchy hence
* the parent of the entity is not updated until UpdateHierarchy is called.
* \return
* EntityID of the new Entity
static EntityID CreateEntity(std::vector<ComponentTypeID>const& componentTypeIDs, EntityID desiredEID, std::string const& name = "Default", EntityID parentEID = MAX_EID);
* \brief
* Destroy the entity and all components tied to this entity.
* This calls Destroy Entity for all of its children as well.
* \param eID
* The entity ID of the entity
* \return
* none
static void DestroyEntity(EntityID eID) noexcept;
* \brief
* Destroy all Entities.
* \return
* none
static void DestroyAllEntity() noexcept;
* \brief
* Get the current number of entities.
* \return
* Number of entities.
static EntityIndex GetEntityCount() noexcept;
//static EntityID DuplicateEntity(EntityID eid) noexcept;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* \file SHSystem.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for the SHSytem abstract base class
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#ifndef SH_SYSTEM_H
#define SH_SYSTEM_H
namespace SHADE
class SHSystem
* \brief
* Protected default constructor for SHSytem class
SHSystem()= default;
* \brief
* Destructor for SHSytem class
virtual ~SHSystem() = default;
* \brief
* Pure virtual Init function. Derived class must implement this
virtual void Init() = 0;
* \brief
* Pure virtual Run function. Derived class must implement this
* \param dt
* Delta time
virtual void Run(float dt) = 0;
* \brief
* Pure virtual Exit function. Derived class must implement this
virtual void Exit() = 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* \file SHSystemManager.cpp
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Implementation for the SHSystemManager class.
* SHSystemManager is the interface class where users of the engine create
* the systems that gives the components their functionality. This also
* ensures that the Init and Exit functions are ran at the appropriate time
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
//#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHSystemManager.h"
#include <iostream>
namespace SHADE
SHSystemManager::SystemContainer SHSystemManager::systemContainer;
SHSystem* SHSystemManager::GetSystem(std::string name)
if (systemContainer.find(name) == systemContainer.end())
assert("Get System Error: No system with such name exist.");
return nullptr;
return systemContainer.find(name)->second.get();
void SHSystemManager::Init() noexcept
for (auto& system : systemContainer)
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cout << system.first << " Init" << std::endl;
void SHSystemManager::Exit() noexcept
for (auto& system : systemContainer)
//delete system.second;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
* \file SHSystemManager.h
* \author Daniel Chua Yee Chen
* \brief Declaration for the SHSystemManager class.
* SHSystemManager is the interface class where users of the engine create
* the systems that gives the components their functionality. This also ensures that the Init and Exit functions are ran at the appropriate time
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2021 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include "../System/SHSystem.h"
namespace SHADE
class SHSystemManager
//type definition for the container we use to store our system
using SystemContainer = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<SHSystem>>;
static SystemContainer systemContainer;
* This class is used as a static class.
* No objects of this type should be created
SHSystemManager() = delete;
~SHSystemManager() = delete;
* \brief
* Create a system of type T and map it to a name.
* throws an error if a system with the same name already exists.
* \param name
* name of the system
* \return
* none
template<typename T>
static std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<SHSystem, T>, void> CreateSystem(std::string const& name)
if (systemContainer.find(name) != systemContainer.end())
assert("System Creation Error: System with the same name already exist.");
systemContainer.emplace(name, std::make_unique<T>());
* \brief
* Get a pointer to the System with a specified name.
* \param name
* Name of the system in the map
* \return
* Base System pointer.
static SHSystem* GetSystem(std::string name);
* \brief
* Call the Init function of all systems.
* \return
* none
static void Init() noexcept;
* \brief
* Call the Exit function of all systems.
* \return
static void Exit() noexcept;