Completed initial implementation of SHResourceManager

This commit is contained in:
Kah Wei 2022-10-21 13:58:27 +08:00
parent 2cf9c87509
commit 7e15edb052
8 changed files with 319 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace Sandbox
std::vector<Handle<SHTexture>> texHandles;
for (const auto& tex : textures)
auto texture = graphicsSystem->Add(tex);
auto texture = graphicsSystem->AddTexture(tex);

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@ -62,7 +62,12 @@ namespace SHADE
AssetPath SHAssetManager::GenerateLocalPath(AssetPath path) noexcept
void SHAssetManager::Unload(AssetID assetId) noexcept
AssetPath SHAssetManager::GenerateLocalPath(AssetPath path) noexcept
if (!IsRecognised(path.extension().string().c_str()))

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ namespace SHADE
* \brief Deallocate all memory used by resource data
static void Unload() noexcept;
static void Unload(AssetID assetId) noexcept;
* \brief Load all resources that are in the folder

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@ -585,19 +585,19 @@ namespace SHADE
/* Texture Registration Functions */
Handle<SHTexture> SHGraphicsSystem::Add(const SHTextureAsset& texAsset)
Handle<SHTexture> SHGraphicsSystem::AddTexture(const SHTextureAsset& texAsset)
auto sampler = samplerCache.GetSampler(device, SHVkSamplerParams { .maxLod = static_cast<float>(texAsset.mipOffsets.size()) });
return texLibrary.Add(texAsset, sampler);
SHADE::Handle<SHADE::SHTexture> SHGraphicsSystem::Add(uint32_t pixelCount, const SHTexture::PixelChannel* const pixelData, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, SHTexture::TextureFormat format, std::vector<uint32_t> mipOffsets)
SHADE::Handle<SHADE::SHTexture> SHGraphicsSystem::AddTexture(uint32_t pixelCount, const SHTexture::PixelChannel* const pixelData, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, SHTexture::TextureFormat format, std::vector<uint32_t> mipOffsets)
auto sampler = samplerCache.GetSampler(device, SHVkSamplerParams{ .maxLod = static_cast<float>(mipOffsets.size()) });
return texLibrary.Add(pixelCount, pixelData, width, height, format, mipOffsets, sampler);
void SHGraphicsSystem::Remove(Handle<SHTexture> tex)
void SHGraphicsSystem::RemoveTexture(Handle<SHTexture> tex)

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@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ namespace SHADE
Handle<SHTexture> Add(const SHTextureAsset& texAsset);
Handle<SHTexture> Add(uint32_t pixelCount, const SHTexture::PixelChannel* const pixelData, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, SHTexture::TextureFormat format, std::vector<uint32_t> mipOffsets);
Handle<SHTexture> AddTexture(const SHTextureAsset& texAsset);
Handle<SHTexture> AddTexture(uint32_t pixelCount, const SHTexture::PixelChannel* const pixelData, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, SHTexture::TextureFormat format, std::vector<uint32_t> mipOffsets);
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ namespace SHADE
void Remove(Handle<SHTexture> tex);
void RemoveTexture(Handle<SHTexture> tex);

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
\file SHResourceManager.cpp
\author Tng Kah Wei, kahwei.tng, 390009620
\par email: kahwei.tng\
\date Oct 21, 2022
\brief Contains the definition of the functions of the SHResourceManager static
Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Reproduction or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include "SHpch.h"
// Primary Include
#include "SHResourceManager.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Static Data Member Definitions */
SHResourceHub SHResourceManager::resourceHub;
std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::unordered_map<AssetID, SHADE::HandleBase>> SHResourceManager::handlesMap;
std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::function<void(AssetID)>> SHResourceManager::typedFreeFuncMap;
std::vector<AssetID> SHResourceManager::loadedAssetData;
/* Function Definitions */
void SHResourceManager::Unload(AssetID assetId)
// Search each library for the asset ID and try to free it
for (auto& typedHandleMap : handlesMap)
if (typedHandleMap.second.contains(assetId))
// Dispose
void SHResourceManager::FinaliseChanges()
SHGraphicsSystem* gfxSystem = SHSystemManager::GetSystem<SHGraphicsSystem>();
if (gfxSystem == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("[SHResourceManager] Attempted to load graphics resource without a SHGraphicsSystem installed.");
// Free CPU Resources
for (auto assetId : loadedAssetData)

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
\file SHResourceManager.h
\author Tng Kah Wei, kahwei.tng, 390009620
\par email: kahwei.tng\
\date Oct 21, 2022
\brief Contains the definition of the SHResourceManager static class.
Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Reproduction or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
// STL Includes
#include <unordered_map>
// Project Includes
#include "SH_API.h"
#include "SHResourceLibrary.h"
#include "Assets/SHAssetMacros.h"
namespace SHADE
/// <summary>
/// Static class responsible for loading and caching runtime resources from their
/// serialised Asset IDs.
/// </summary>
class SH_API SHResourceManager
/* Loading Functions */
/// <summary>
/// Loads or retrieves an existing loaded object of the specified type with the
/// specified asset ID.
/// Note that for specific types, the retrieved Handle may not be valid until after
/// FinaliseChanges() is called.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="ResourceType">
/// Type of resource to load.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="assetId">Asset ID of the resource to load.</param>
/// <returns>Handle to a loaded runtime asset.</returns>
template<typename ResourceType>
static Handle<ResourceType> LoadOrGet(AssetID assetId);
/// <summary>
/// Unloads an existing loaded asset. Attempting to unload an invalid Handle will
/// simply do nothing except emit a warning.
/// Faster than the untemplated version.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="ResourceType">Type of resource to unload.</typeparam>
/// <param name="assetId">Handle to the resource to unload.</param>
template<typename ResourceType>
static void Unload(Handle<ResourceType> assetId);
/// <summary>
/// Unloads an existing loaded asset. Attempting to unload an invalid Handle will
/// simply do nothing except emit a warning.
/// Compared to the templated version, this function is slower as it requires
/// searching through the storage of all resource types.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assetId">Handle to the resource to unload.</param>
static void Unload(AssetID assetId);
/// <summary>
/// Needs to be called to finalise all changes to loads.
/// </summary>
static void FinaliseChanges();
/* Type Definitions */
using AssetHandleMap = std::unordered_map<AssetID, HandleBase>;
/* Data Members */
// Handles
static SHResourceHub resourceHub;
static std::unordered_map<std::type_index, AssetHandleMap> handlesMap;
static std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::function<void(AssetID)>> typedFreeFuncMap;
// Pointers to temp CPU resources
static std::vector<AssetID> loadedAssetData;
/* Helper Functions */
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves or creates the AssetHandleMap for the specific type if it doesn't exist
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="ResourceType">
/// The type of AssetHandleMap to retrieve.
/// </typeparam>
/// <returns>Reference to the AssetHandleMap of the specified type.</returns>
template<typename ResourceType>
static AssetHandleMap& getAssetHandleMap();
#include "SHResourceManager.hpp"

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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
\file SHResourceManager.hpp
\author Tng Kah Wei, kahwei.tng, 390009620
\par email: kahwei.tng\
\date Oct 21, 2022
\brief Contains the definition of the function templates of the
SHResourceManager static class.
Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Reproduction or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
// Primary Include
#include "SHResourceManager.h"
// Project Includes
#include "Assets/SHAssetManager.h"
#include "Graphics/MiddleEnd/Interface/SHGraphicsSystem.h"
#include "ECS_Base/Managers/SHSystemManager.h"
#include "Tools/SHLog.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Loading Functions */
template<typename ResourceType>
Handle<ResourceType> SHResourceManager::LoadOrGet(AssetID assetId)
// Check if it is an unsupported type
if (!std::is_same_v<ResourceType, SHMesh> && !std::is_same_v<ResourceType, SHTexture>)
static_assert(true, "Unsupported Resource Type specified for SHResourceManager.");
/* Attempt to get existing loaded asset */
AssetHandleMap& typedHandleMap = getAssetHandleMap<ResourceType>();
if (typedHandleMap.contains(assetId))
return typedHandleMap[assetId];
/* Otherwise, we need to load it! */
// Meshes
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ResourceType, SHMesh>)
// Get system
SHGraphicsSystem* gfxSystem = SHSystemManager::GetSystem<SHGraphicsSystem>();
if (gfxSystem == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("[SHResourceManager] Attempted to load graphics resource without a SHGraphicsSystem installed.");
// Load
SHMeshAsset* assetData = SHAssetManager::GetMesh(assetId);
if (assetData == nullptr)
SHLog::Warning("[SHResourceManager] Attempted to load an asset with an invalid Asset ID.");
return {};
Handle<SHMesh> meshHandle = gfxSystem->AddMesh
typedHandleMap.insert(assetId, meshHandle);
return meshHandle;
// Textures
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ResourceType, SHTexture>)
// Get system
SHGraphicsSystem* gfxSystem = SHSystemManager::GetSystem<SHGraphicsSystem>();
if (gfxSystem == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("[SHResourceManager] Attempted to load graphics resource without a SHGraphicsSystem installed.");
// Load
SHTextureAsset* assetData = SHAssetManager::GetTexture(assetId);
if (assetData == nullptr)
SHLog::Warning("[SHResourceManager] Attempted to load an asset with an invalid Asset ID.");
return {};
Handle<SHTexture> texHandle = gfxSystem->AddTexture
typedHandleMap.insert(assetId, texHandle);
return texHandle;
template<typename ResourceType>
void SHResourceManager::Unload(Handle<ResourceType> assetId)
// Check if it is an usupported type
if (!std::is_same_v<ResourceType, SHMesh> && !std::is_same_v<ResourceType, SHTexture>)
static_assert(true, "Unsupported Resource Type specified for SHResourceManager.");
/* Attempt to get existing loaded asset */
AssetHandleMap& typedHandleMap = getAssetHandleMap<ResourceType>();
if (typedHandleMap.contains(assetId))
// Dispose
// There's nothing to remove
SHLog::Warning("[SHResourceManager] Attempted to unload an invalid resource. Ignoring.");
/* Helper Functions */
template<typename ResourceType>
SHResourceManager::AssetHandleMap& SHResourceManager::getAssetHandleMap()
if (!handlesMap.contains(typeid(ResourceType)))
[](AssetID assetId)
return handlesMap[typeid(ResourceType)];