Merge branch 'SP3-1-Rendering' of into SP3-1-Rendering

This commit is contained in:
Kah Wei 2022-09-26 17:18:55 +08:00
commit 927944d55a
15 changed files with 863 additions and 664 deletions

View File

@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ namespace SHADE
std::vector<vk::DescriptorPoolSize> Limits =
{ vk::DescriptorType::eCombinedImageSampler, 100 },
{ vk::DescriptorType::eUniformBuffer, 100 },
{ vk::DescriptorType::eUniformBufferDynamic, 100 }
{ vk::DescriptorType::eUniformBuffer, 100 },
{ vk::DescriptorType::eUniformBufferDynamic, 100 },
{ vk::DescriptorType::eStorageImage, 100}
/// <summary>
/// Maximum number of descriptor sets allowed

View File

@ -216,10 +216,13 @@ namespace SHADE
void SHVkPipelineLayout::PrepareVkDescriptorSetLayouts(void) noexcept
descriptorSetLayoutsPipeline.reserve(descriptorSetLayoutsAllocate.size() + descriptorSetLayoutsGlobal.size());
// Settle allocate layouts first
for (auto const& layout : descriptorSetLayoutsAllocate)
@ -228,7 +231,10 @@ namespace SHADE
// First we insert the global layouts
for (auto const& layout : descriptorSetLayoutsGlobal)
// Then we append layouts for allocation at the back of the vector
std::copy(vkDescriptorSetLayoutsAllocate.begin(), vkDescriptorSetLayoutsAllocate.end(), std::back_inserter(vkDescriptorSetLayoutsPipeline));
@ -435,6 +441,16 @@ namespace SHADE
return {};
std::vector<Handle<SHVkDescriptorSetLayout>> SHVkPipelineLayout::GetDescriptorSetLayoutsPipeline(void) const noexcept
return descriptorSetLayoutsPipeline;
std::vector<Handle<SHVkDescriptorSetLayout>> SHVkPipelineLayout::GetDescriptorSetLayoutsAllocate(void) const noexcept
return descriptorSetLayoutsAllocate;
SHVkPipelineLayout& SHVkPipelineLayout::operator=(SHVkPipelineLayout&& rhs) noexcept
if (&rhs == this)

View File

@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ namespace SHADE
//! We want to store this also because we need to allocate later
std::vector<vk::DescriptorSetLayout> vkDescriptorSetLayoutsAllocate;
//! Store for descriptor set group creation
std::vector<Handle<SHVkDescriptorSetLayout>> descriptorSetLayoutsPipeline;
//! Store for pipeline layout recreation
std::vector<vk::DescriptorSetLayout> vkDescriptorSetLayoutsPipeline;
@ -71,10 +74,12 @@ namespace SHADE
std::vector<Handle<SHVkShaderModule>> const& GetShaderModules (void) const noexcept;
vk::PipelineLayout GetVkPipelineLayout (void) const noexcept;
SHPushConstantInterface const& GetPushConstantInterface (void) const noexcept;
Handle<SHShaderBlockInterface> GetShaderBlockInterface (uint32_t set, uint32_t binding, vk::ShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage) const noexcept;
std::vector<Handle<SHVkShaderModule>> const& GetShaderModules (void) const noexcept;
vk::PipelineLayout GetVkPipelineLayout (void) const noexcept;
SHPushConstantInterface const& GetPushConstantInterface (void) const noexcept;
Handle<SHShaderBlockInterface> GetShaderBlockInterface (uint32_t set, uint32_t binding, vk::ShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage) const noexcept;
std::vector<Handle<SHVkDescriptorSetLayout>> GetDescriptorSetLayoutsPipeline(void) const noexcept;
std::vector<Handle<SHVkDescriptorSetLayout>> GetDescriptorSetLayoutsAllocate(void) const noexcept;

View File

@ -11,655 +11,7 @@
namespace SHADE
Non-default ctor for the resource. Using the type of the resource, we
decide whether or not we create a resource or link with a swapchain
resource (image).
\param logicalDevice
Logical device required to create an image resource if the type is NOT
\param swapchain
Swapchain required to get swapchain image if the type IS
\param type
Type of the image resource.
\param format
Format of the image resource.
\param w
Width of the image resource.
\param h
Height of the image resource.
\param levels
Number of mipmap levels of the image resource.
\param createFlags
Create flags used when an image resource needs to be created.
SHRenderGraphResource::SHRenderGraphResource(Handle<SHVkLogicalDevice> const& logicalDevice, Handle<SHVkSwapchain> const& swapchain, std::string const& name, SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE type, vk::Format format, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint8_t levels, vk::ImageCreateFlagBits createFlags) noexcept
: resourceType{ type }
, resourceFormat{ format }
, images{}
, imageViews{}
, width{ w }
, height{ h }
, mipLevels{ levels }
, resourceName{ name }
// If the resource type is an arbitrary image and not swapchain image
vk::ImageAspectFlags imageAspectFlags;
vk::ImageUsageFlags usage = {};
// Check the resource type and set image usage flags and image aspect flags accordingly
switch (resourceType)
usage |= vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eColorAttachment;
imageAspectFlags |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor;
usage |= vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachment;
imageAspectFlags |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eDepth;
usage |= vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachment;
imageAspectFlags |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eStencil;
usage |= vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachment;
imageAspectFlags |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eStencil | vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eDepth;
// The resource is not a swapchain image, just use the first slot of the vector
images.push_back(logicalDevice->CreateImage(width, height, mipLevels, resourceFormat, usage, createFlags));
// prepare image view details
SHImageViewDetails viewDetails
.viewType = vk::ImageViewType::e2D,
.format = images[0]->GetImageFormat(),
.imageAspectFlags = imageAspectFlags,
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.mipLevelCount = mipLevels,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
// just 1 image view created
imageViews.push_back(images[0]->CreateImageView(logicalDevice, images[0], viewDetails));
else // if swapchain image resource
// Prepare image view details
SHImageViewDetails viewDetails
.viewType = vk::ImageViewType::e2D,
.format = swapchain->GetSurfaceFormatKHR().format,
.imageAspectFlags = vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor,
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.mipLevelCount = 1,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
// We want an image handle for every swapchain image
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < swapchain->GetNumImages(); ++i)
images[i] = swapchain->GetSwapchainImage(i);
imageViews[i] = images[i]->CreateImageView(logicalDevice, images[i], viewDetails);
Move ctor for resource.
\param rhs
The other resource.
SHRenderGraphResource::SHRenderGraphResource(SHRenderGraphResource&& rhs) noexcept
: resourceName{ std::move(rhs.resourceName) }
, resourceType{ std::move(rhs.resourceType) }
, images{ std::move(rhs.images) }
, imageViews{ std::move(rhs.imageViews) }
, resourceFormat{ std::move(rhs.resourceFormat) }
, width{ rhs.width }
, height{ rhs.height }
, mipLevels{ rhs.mipLevels }
Move assignment operator.
\param rhs
The other resource.
SHRenderGraphResource& SHRenderGraphResource::operator=(SHRenderGraphResource&& rhs) noexcept
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
resourceName = std::move(rhs.resourceName);
resourceType = std::move(rhs.resourceType);
images = std::move(rhs.images);
imageViews = std::move(rhs.imageViews);
resourceFormat = std::move(rhs.resourceFormat);
width = rhs.width;
height = rhs.height;
mipLevels = rhs.mipLevels;
return *this;
Destructor for resource.
SHRenderGraphResource::~SHRenderGraphResource(void) noexcept
Subpass non-default constructor. Simply initializes variables.
\param mapping
Mapping from a resource handle to an attachment reference referencing
the resource.
\param resources
A mapping from string to render graph resource.
SHSubpass::SHSubpass(ResourceManager& rm, Handle<SHRenderGraphNode> const& parent, uint32_t index, std::unordered_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> const* mapping, std::unordered_map<std::string, Handle<SHRenderGraphResource>> const* resources) noexcept
: resourceAttachmentMapping{ mapping }
, ptrToResources{ resources }
, parentNode{ parent }
, subpassIndex{ index }
, superBatch{}
, colorReferences{}
, depthReferences{}
, inputReferences{}
Move constructor for subpass.
\param rhs
The subpass the move from.
SHSubpass::SHSubpass(SHSubpass&& rhs) noexcept
: subpassIndex{ std::move(rhs.subpassIndex) }
, parentNode{ std::move(rhs.parentNode) }
, superBatch{ std::move(rhs.superBatch) }
, colorReferences{ std::move(rhs.colorReferences) }
, depthReferences{ std::move(rhs.depthReferences) }
, inputReferences{ std::move(rhs.inputReferences) }
, resourceAttachmentMapping{ rhs.resourceAttachmentMapping }
, ptrToResources{ rhs.ptrToResources }
Move assignment operator for subpass.
\param rhs
subpass to move from.
SHSubpass& SHSubpass::operator=(SHSubpass&& rhs) noexcept
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
subpassIndex = std::move(rhs.subpassIndex);
parentNode = std::move(rhs.parentNode);
superBatch = std::move(rhs.superBatch);
colorReferences = std::move(rhs.colorReferences);
depthReferences = std::move(rhs.depthReferences);
inputReferences = std::move(rhs.inputReferences);
resourceAttachmentMapping = rhs.resourceAttachmentMapping;
ptrToResources = rhs.ptrToResources;
return *this;
Adds a color output to a subpass. Takes in a string and finds the
attachment index to create the vk::SubpassReference.
\param resourceToReference
Resource name to find resource to attach.
void SHSubpass::AddColorOutput(std::string resourceToReference) noexcept
colorReferences.push_back({ resourceAttachmentMapping->at(ptrToResources->at(resourceToReference).GetId().Raw), vk::ImageLayout::eColorAttachmentOptimal });
Adds a depth output to a subpass. Takes in a string and finds the
attachment index to create the vk::SubpassReference.
\param resourceToReference
Resource name to find resource to attach.
\param attachmentDescriptionType
Depending on the type of the resource, initialize the image layout
void SHSubpass::AddDepthOutput(std::string resourceToReference, SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE attachmentDescriptionType) noexcept
vk::ImageLayout imageLayout;
switch (attachmentDescriptionType)
imageLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eDepthAttachmentOptimal;
imageLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eStencilAttachmentOptimal;
imageLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eDepthStencilAttachmentOptimal;
depthReferences.push_back({ resourceAttachmentMapping->at(ptrToResources->at(resourceToReference).GetId().Raw), imageLayout });
Adds a input output to a subpass. Takes in a string and finds the
attachment index to create the vk::SubpassReference.
\param resourceToReference
Resource name to find resource to attach.
void SHSubpass::AddInput(std::string resourceToReference) noexcept
inputReferences.push_back({ resourceAttachmentMapping->at(ptrToResources->at(resourceToReference).GetId().Raw), vk::ImageLayout::eShaderReadOnlyOptimal });
void SHSubpass::Execute(Handle<SHVkCommandBuffer>& commandBuffer, uint32_t frameIndex) noexcept
// Ensure correct transforms are provided
// Draw all the batches
superBatch->Draw(commandBuffer, frameIndex);
// Draw all the exterior draw calls
for (auto& drawCall : exteriorDrawCalls)
void SHSubpass::AddExteriorDrawCalls(std::function<void(Handle<SHVkCommandBuffer>&)> const& newDrawCall) noexcept
void SHSubpass::Init(ResourceManager& resourceManager) noexcept
superBatch = resourceManager.Create<SHSuperBatch>(GetHandle());
Getter for parent renderpass.
Returns the parent renderpass the subpass belongs to.
Handle<SHRenderGraphNode> const& SHSubpass::GetParentNode(void) const noexcept
return parentNode;
SHADE::SHSubPassIndex SHSubpass::GetIndex() const noexcept
return subpassIndex;
Handle<SHSuperBatch> SHSubpass::GetSuperBatch(void) const noexcept
return superBatch;
Creates a renderpass for the node. Uses subpass and attachment
descriptions already configured beforehand in the render graph.
void SHRenderGraphNode::CreateRenderpass(void) noexcept
renderpass = logicalDeviceHdl->CreateRenderpass(attachmentDescriptions, spDescs, spDeps);
Creates a framebuffer from the images used in the renderpass.
void SHRenderGraphNode::CreateFramebuffer(void) noexcept
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < framebuffers.size(); ++i)
std::vector<Handle<SHVkImageView>> imageViews(attResources.size());
uint32_t fbWidth = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t fbHeight = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < attResources.size(); ++j)
uint32_t imageViewIndex = (attResources[j]->resourceType == SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE::COLOR_PRESENT) ? i : 0;
imageViews[j] = attResources[j]->imageViews[imageViewIndex];
// We want the minimum dimensions for the framebuffer because the image attachments referenced cannot have dimensions smaller than the framebuffer's
if (fbWidth > attResources[j]->width)
fbWidth = attResources[j]->width;
if (fbHeight > attResources[j]->height)
fbHeight = attResources[j]->height;
framebuffers[i] = logicalDeviceHdl->CreateFramebuffer(renderpass, imageViews, fbWidth, fbHeight);
Render Graph node constructor. Note that we do not create the renderpass
yet. This is because layouts of attachment descriptions facilitate image
transitions and we cannot know guarantee layouts until we've seen all
renderpasses and their subpasses in the graph.
\param swapchain
Swapchain required to query number of images as parameters for number
of framebuffers to create.
\param attachmentDescriptionTypes
SHRenderGraphNode::SHRenderGraphNode(ResourceManager& rm, Handle<SHVkLogicalDevice> const& logicalDevice, Handle<SHVkSwapchain> const& swapchain, std::vector<Handle<SHRenderGraphResource>> attRes, std::vector<Handle<SHRenderGraphNode>> predecessors, std::unordered_map<std::string, Handle<SHRenderGraphResource>> const* resources, Handle<SHGraphicsGlobalData> globalData) noexcept
: logicalDeviceHdl{ logicalDevice }
, renderpass{}
, framebuffers{}
, prereqNodes{ std::move(predecessors) }
, attachmentDescriptions{}
, resourceAttachmentMapping{}
, attResources{ std::move(attRes) }
, subpasses{}
, executed{ false }
, configured{ false }
, resourceManager{ rm }
, ptrToResources{ resources }
// pipeline library initialization
pipelineLibrary.Init(logicalDeviceHdl, globalData);
bool containsSwapchainImage = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attResources.size(); ++i)
// As mentioned above we don't initialize much here because it's dependent on how other renderpasses are configured.
vk::AttachmentDescription& newDesc = attachmentDescriptions[i];
newDesc.samples = vk::SampleCountFlagBits::e1;
// We set this to clear first. If later we find out that some predecessor is writing to the same attachment,
// we set the pred's storeOp to eStore and "this" loadOp to eLoad.
newDesc.loadOp = vk::AttachmentLoadOp::eClear;
newDesc.storeOp = vk::AttachmentStoreOp::eStore;
newDesc.stencilLoadOp = vk::AttachmentLoadOp::eClear;
newDesc.stencilStoreOp = vk::AttachmentStoreOp::eStore;
newDesc.format = attResources[i]->resourceFormat;
if (attResources[i]->resourceType == SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE::COLOR_PRESENT)
containsSwapchainImage = true;
resourceAttachmentMapping.try_emplace(attResources[i].GetId().Raw, i);
if (!containsSwapchainImage)
// At this point, we could configure framebuffers if we had the renderpass object but we don't so their creation has to be
// deferred to when renderpasses are also created.
SHRenderGraphNode::SHRenderGraphNode(SHRenderGraphNode&& rhs) noexcept
: resourceManager{ rhs.resourceManager }
, logicalDeviceHdl{ rhs.logicalDeviceHdl }
, renderpass{ rhs.renderpass }
, framebuffers{ std::move(rhs.framebuffers) }
, prereqNodes{ std::move(rhs.prereqNodes) }
, attachmentDescriptions{ std::move(rhs.attachmentDescriptions) }
, attResources{ std::move(rhs.attResources) }
, subpasses{ std::move(rhs.subpasses) }
, resourceAttachmentMapping{ std::move(rhs.resourceAttachmentMapping) }
, subpassIndexing{ std::move(rhs.subpassIndexing) }
, configured{ rhs.configured }
, executed{ rhs.executed }
, ptrToResources{ rhs.ptrToResources }
, pipelineLibrary{ std::move(rhs.pipelineLibrary) }
, batcher { std::move(rhs.batcher) }
rhs.renderpass = {};
SHRenderGraphNode& SHRenderGraphNode::operator=(SHRenderGraphNode&& rhs) noexcept
if (&rhs == this)
return *this;
resourceManager = rhs.resourceManager;
logicalDeviceHdl = rhs.logicalDeviceHdl;
renderpass = rhs.renderpass;
framebuffers = std::move(rhs.framebuffers);
prereqNodes = std::move(rhs.prereqNodes);
attachmentDescriptions = std::move(rhs.attachmentDescriptions);
attResources = std::move(rhs.attResources);
subpasses = std::move(rhs.subpasses);
resourceAttachmentMapping = std::move(rhs.resourceAttachmentMapping);
subpassIndexing = std::move(rhs.subpassIndexing);
ptrToResources = std::move(rhs.ptrToResources);
pipelineLibrary = std::move(rhs.pipelineLibrary);
batcher = std::move(rhs.batcher);
rhs.renderpass = {};
return *this;
Add subpasses to the renderpass and returns a reference to it.
\param subpassName
Name of the subpass.
Handle to the new subpass.
Handle<SHSubpass> SHRenderGraphNode::AddSubpass(std::string subpassName) noexcept
// if subpass already exists, don't add.
if (subpassIndexing.contains(subpassName))
SHLOG_ERROR("Subpass already exists.");
// Add subpass to container and create mapping for it
subpasses.emplace_back(resourceManager.Create<SHSubpass>(resourceManager, GetHandle(), subpasses.size(), &resourceAttachmentMapping, ptrToResources));
subpassIndexing.try_emplace(subpassName, static_cast<uint32_t>(subpasses.size()) - 1u);
Handle<SHSubpass> subpass = subpasses.back();
// Register the SuperBatch
return subpass;
void SHRenderGraphNode::Execute(Handle<SHVkCommandBuffer>& commandBuffer, uint32_t frameIndex) noexcept
frameIndex = (framebuffers.size() > 1) ? frameIndex : 0;
commandBuffer->BeginRenderpass(renderpass, framebuffers[frameIndex]);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subpasses.size(); ++i)
subpasses[i]->Execute(commandBuffer, frameIndex);
// Go to next subpass if not last subpass
if (i != subpasses.size() - 1)
Handle<SHVkPipeline> SHRenderGraphNode::GetOrCreatePipeline(std::pair<Handle<SHVkShaderModule>, Handle<SHVkShaderModule>> const& vsFsPair, Handle<SHSubpass> subpass) noexcept
// verify subpass exists
if (subpass->GetIndex() >= subpasses.size())
SHLOG_ERROR("Subpass index passed in is not valid. RenderGraphNode does not have that many passes. ");
return {};
Handle<SHVkPipeline> pipeline = pipelineLibrary.GetDrawPipline(vsFsPair);
if (!pipeline)
pipeline = pipelineLibrary.CreateDrawPipeline
return pipeline;
void SHRenderGraphNode::FinaliseBatch(uint32_t frameIndex)
batcher.FinaliseBatches(logicalDeviceHdl, frameIndex);
Get the renderpass from the node.
Handle to the renderpass.
Handle<SHVkRenderpass> SHRenderGraphNode::GetRenderpass(void) const noexcept
return renderpass;
Handle<SHSubpass> SHRenderGraphNode::GetSubpass(std::string_view subpassName) const noexcept
return subpasses[];
@ -779,7 +131,7 @@ namespace SHADE
attDesc.loadOp = vk::AttachmentLoadOp::eLoad;
predAttDesc.storeOp = vk::AttachmentStoreOp::eStore;
// TODO: Stecil load and store
// TODO: Stencil load and store
// When an image is done being used in a renderpass, the image layout will end up being the finalLayout
// value of the attachment description. We want this to carry over to the next renderpass; specifically

View File

@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
#include "../MiddleEnd/Batching/SHBatcher.h"
#include "SHRenderGraphNode.h"
#include "SHSubpass.h"
#include "SHRenderGraphResource.h"
#include "SHRenderGraphNode.h"
#include "SHSubpass.h"
#include "SHAttachmentDescriptionType.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,276 @@
#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHRenderGraphNode.h"
#include "Graphics/Devices/SHVkLogicalDevice.h"
#include "Graphics/Images/SHVkImageView.h"
#include "Graphics/Swapchain/SHVkSwapchain.h"
#include "SHRenderGraphResource.h"
#include "SHSubpass.h"
namespace SHADE
Creates a renderpass for the node. Uses subpass and attachment
descriptions already configured beforehand in the render graph.
void SHRenderGraphNode::CreateRenderpass(void) noexcept
renderpass = logicalDeviceHdl->CreateRenderpass(attachmentDescriptions, spDescs, spDeps);
Creates a framebuffer from the images used in the renderpass.
void SHRenderGraphNode::CreateFramebuffer(void) noexcept
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < framebuffers.size(); ++i)
std::vector<Handle<SHVkImageView>> imageViews(attResources.size());
uint32_t fbWidth = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t fbHeight = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < attResources.size(); ++j)
uint32_t imageViewIndex = (attResources[j]->resourceType == SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE::COLOR_PRESENT) ? i : 0;
imageViews[j] = attResources[j]->imageViews[imageViewIndex];
// We want the minimum dimensions for the framebuffer because the image attachments referenced cannot have dimensions smaller than the framebuffer's
if (fbWidth > attResources[j]->width)
fbWidth = attResources[j]->width;
if (fbHeight > attResources[j]->height)
fbHeight = attResources[j]->height;
framebuffers[i] = logicalDeviceHdl->CreateFramebuffer(renderpass, imageViews, fbWidth, fbHeight);
Render Graph node constructor. Note that we do not create the renderpass
yet. This is because layouts of attachment descriptions facilitate image
transitions and we cannot know guarantee layouts until we've seen all
renderpasses and their subpasses in the graph.
\param swapchain
Swapchain required to query number of images as parameters for number
of framebuffers to create.
\param attachmentDescriptionTypes
SHRenderGraphNode::SHRenderGraphNode(ResourceManager& rm, Handle<SHVkLogicalDevice> const& logicalDevice, Handle<SHVkSwapchain> const& swapchain, std::vector<Handle<SHRenderGraphResource>> attRes, std::vector<Handle<SHRenderGraphNode>> predecessors, std::unordered_map<std::string, Handle<SHRenderGraphResource>> const* resources, Handle<SHGraphicsGlobalData> globalData) noexcept
: logicalDeviceHdl{ logicalDevice }
, renderpass{}
, framebuffers{}
, prereqNodes{ std::move(predecessors) }
, attachmentDescriptions{}
, resourceAttachmentMapping{}
, attResources{ std::move(attRes) }
, subpasses{}
, executed{ false }
, configured{ false }
, resourceManager{ rm }
, ptrToResources{ resources }
// pipeline library initialization
pipelineLibrary.Init(logicalDeviceHdl, globalData);
bool containsSwapchainImage = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attResources.size(); ++i)
// As mentioned above we don't initialize much here because it's dependent on how other renderpasses are configured.
vk::AttachmentDescription& newDesc = attachmentDescriptions[i];
newDesc.samples = vk::SampleCountFlagBits::e1;
// We set this to clear first. If later we find out that some predecessor is writing to the same attachment,
// we set the pred's storeOp to eStore and "this" loadOp to eLoad.
newDesc.loadOp = vk::AttachmentLoadOp::eClear;
newDesc.storeOp = vk::AttachmentStoreOp::eStore;
newDesc.stencilLoadOp = vk::AttachmentLoadOp::eClear;
newDesc.stencilStoreOp = vk::AttachmentStoreOp::eStore;
newDesc.format = attResources[i]->resourceFormat;
if (attResources[i]->resourceType == SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE::COLOR_PRESENT)
containsSwapchainImage = true;
resourceAttachmentMapping.try_emplace(attResources[i].GetId().Raw, i);
if (!containsSwapchainImage)
// At this point, we could configure framebuffers if we had the renderpass object but we don't so their creation has to be
// deferred to when renderpasses are also created.
SHRenderGraphNode::SHRenderGraphNode(SHRenderGraphNode&& rhs) noexcept
: resourceManager{ rhs.resourceManager }
, logicalDeviceHdl{ rhs.logicalDeviceHdl }
, renderpass{ rhs.renderpass }
, framebuffers{ std::move(rhs.framebuffers) }
, prereqNodes{ std::move(rhs.prereqNodes) }
, attachmentDescriptions{ std::move(rhs.attachmentDescriptions) }
, attResources{ std::move(rhs.attResources) }
, subpasses{ std::move(rhs.subpasses) }
, resourceAttachmentMapping{ std::move(rhs.resourceAttachmentMapping) }
, subpassIndexing{ std::move(rhs.subpassIndexing) }
, configured{ rhs.configured }
, executed{ rhs.executed }
, ptrToResources{ rhs.ptrToResources }
, pipelineLibrary{ std::move(rhs.pipelineLibrary) }
, batcher{ std::move(rhs.batcher) }
rhs.renderpass = {};
SHRenderGraphNode& SHRenderGraphNode::operator=(SHRenderGraphNode&& rhs) noexcept
if (&rhs == this)
return *this;
resourceManager = rhs.resourceManager;
logicalDeviceHdl = rhs.logicalDeviceHdl;
renderpass = rhs.renderpass;
framebuffers = std::move(rhs.framebuffers);
prereqNodes = std::move(rhs.prereqNodes);
attachmentDescriptions = std::move(rhs.attachmentDescriptions);
attResources = std::move(rhs.attResources);
subpasses = std::move(rhs.subpasses);
resourceAttachmentMapping = std::move(rhs.resourceAttachmentMapping);
subpassIndexing = std::move(rhs.subpassIndexing);
ptrToResources = std::move(rhs.ptrToResources);
pipelineLibrary = std::move(rhs.pipelineLibrary);
batcher = std::move(rhs.batcher);
rhs.renderpass = {};
return *this;
Add subpasses to the renderpass and returns a reference to it.
\param subpassName
Name of the subpass.
Handle to the new subpass.
Handle<SHSubpass> SHRenderGraphNode::AddSubpass(std::string subpassName) noexcept
// if subpass already exists, don't add.
if (subpassIndexing.contains(subpassName))
SHLOG_ERROR("Subpass already exists.");
// Add subpass to container and create mapping for it
subpasses.emplace_back(resourceManager.Create<SHSubpass>(resourceManager, GetHandle(), subpasses.size(), &resourceAttachmentMapping, ptrToResources));
subpassIndexing.try_emplace(subpassName, static_cast<uint32_t>(subpasses.size()) - 1u);
Handle<SHSubpass> subpass = subpasses.back();
// Register the SuperBatch
return subpass;
void SHRenderGraphNode::Execute(Handle<SHVkCommandBuffer>& commandBuffer, uint32_t frameIndex) noexcept
frameIndex = (framebuffers.size() > 1) ? frameIndex : 0;
commandBuffer->BeginRenderpass(renderpass, framebuffers[frameIndex]);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subpasses.size(); ++i)
subpasses[i]->Execute(commandBuffer, frameIndex);
// Go to next subpass if not last subpass
if (i != subpasses.size() - 1)
Handle<SHVkPipeline> SHRenderGraphNode::GetOrCreatePipeline(std::pair<Handle<SHVkShaderModule>, Handle<SHVkShaderModule>> const& vsFsPair, Handle<SHSubpass> subpass) noexcept
// verify subpass exists
if (subpass->GetIndex() >= subpasses.size())
SHLOG_ERROR("Subpass index passed in is not valid. RenderGraphNode does not have that many passes. ");
return {};
Handle<SHVkPipeline> pipeline = pipelineLibrary.GetDrawPipline(vsFsPair);
if (!pipeline)
pipeline = pipelineLibrary.CreateDrawPipeline
return pipeline;
void SHRenderGraphNode::FinaliseBatch(uint32_t frameIndex)
batcher.FinaliseBatches(logicalDeviceHdl, frameIndex);
Get the renderpass from the node.
Handle to the renderpass.
Handle<SHVkRenderpass> SHRenderGraphNode::GetRenderpass(void) const noexcept
return renderpass;
Handle<SHSubpass> SHRenderGraphNode::GetSubpass(std::string_view subpassName) const noexcept
return subpasses[];

View File

@ -1,8 +1,22 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "SHAttachmentDescriptionType.h"
#include "Graphics/SHVulkanIncludes.h"
#include "SH_API.h"
#include "Graphics/MiddleEnd/Pipeline/SHPipelineLibrary.h"
#include "Graphics/MiddleEnd/Batching/SHBatcher.h"
namespace SHADE
class ResourceManager;
class SHVkFramebuffer;
class SHRenderGraphResource;
class SHVkLogicalDevice;
class SHVkRenderpass;
class SH_API SHRenderGraphNode : public ISelfHandle<SHRenderGraphNode>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,192 @@
#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHRenderGraphResource.h"
#include "Graphics/Devices/SHVkLogicalDevice.h"
#include "Graphics/Swapchain/SHVkSwapchain.h"
namespace SHADE
Non-default ctor for the resource. Using the type of the resource, we
decide whether or not we create a resource or link with a swapchain
resource (image).
\param logicalDevice
Logical device required to create an image resource if the type is NOT
\param swapchain
Swapchain required to get swapchain image if the type IS
\param type
Type of the image resource.
\param format
Format of the image resource.
\param w
Width of the image resource.
\param h
Height of the image resource.
\param levels
Number of mipmap levels of the image resource.
\param createFlags
Create flags used when an image resource needs to be created.
SHRenderGraphResource::SHRenderGraphResource(Handle<SHVkLogicalDevice> const& logicalDevice, Handle<SHVkSwapchain> const& swapchain, std::string const& name, SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE type, vk::Format format, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint8_t levels, vk::ImageCreateFlagBits createFlags) noexcept
: resourceType{ type }
, resourceFormat{ format }
, images{}
, imageViews{}
, width{ w }
, height{ h }
, mipLevels{ levels }
, resourceName{ name }
// If the resource type is an arbitrary image and not swapchain image
vk::ImageAspectFlags imageAspectFlags;
vk::ImageUsageFlags usage = {};
// Check the resource type and set image usage flags and image aspect flags accordingly
switch (resourceType)
usage |= vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eColorAttachment;
imageAspectFlags |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor;
usage |= vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachment;
imageAspectFlags |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eDepth;
usage |= vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachment;
imageAspectFlags |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eStencil;
usage |= vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eDepthStencilAttachment;
imageAspectFlags |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eStencil | vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eDepth;
// The resource is not a swapchain image, just use the first slot of the vector
images.push_back(logicalDevice->CreateImage(width, height, mipLevels, resourceFormat, usage, createFlags));
// prepare image view details
SHImageViewDetails viewDetails
.viewType = vk::ImageViewType::e2D,
.format = images[0]->GetImageFormat(),
.imageAspectFlags = imageAspectFlags,
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.mipLevelCount = mipLevels,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
// just 1 image view created
imageViews.push_back(images[0]->CreateImageView(logicalDevice, images[0], viewDetails));
else // if swapchain image resource
// Prepare image view details
SHImageViewDetails viewDetails
.viewType = vk::ImageViewType::e2D,
.format = swapchain->GetSurfaceFormatKHR().format,
.imageAspectFlags = vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor,
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.mipLevelCount = 1,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
// We want an image handle for every swapchain image
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < swapchain->GetNumImages(); ++i)
images[i] = swapchain->GetSwapchainImage(i);
imageViews[i] = images[i]->CreateImageView(logicalDevice, images[i], viewDetails);
Move ctor for resource.
\param rhs
The other resource.
SHRenderGraphResource::SHRenderGraphResource(SHRenderGraphResource&& rhs) noexcept
: resourceName{ std::move(rhs.resourceName) }
, resourceType{ std::move(rhs.resourceType) }
, images{ std::move(rhs.images) }
, imageViews{ std::move(rhs.imageViews) }
, resourceFormat{ std::move(rhs.resourceFormat) }
, width{ rhs.width }
, height{ rhs.height }
, mipLevels{ rhs.mipLevels }
Move assignment operator.
\param rhs
The other resource.
SHRenderGraphResource& SHRenderGraphResource::operator=(SHRenderGraphResource&& rhs) noexcept
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
resourceName = std::move(rhs.resourceName);
resourceType = std::move(rhs.resourceType);
images = std::move(rhs.images);
imageViews = std::move(rhs.imageViews);
resourceFormat = std::move(rhs.resourceFormat);
width = rhs.width;
height = rhs.height;
mipLevels = rhs.mipLevels;
return *this;
Destructor for resource.
SHRenderGraphResource::~SHRenderGraphResource(void) noexcept

View File

@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "SHAttachmentDescriptionType.h"
#include <vector>
#include "Resource/Handle.h"
#include "Graphics/SHVulkanIncludes.h"
#include "SH_API.h"
namespace SHADE
class SHVkImage;
class SHVkImageView;
class SHVkLogicalDevice;
class SHVkSwapchain;
class SH_API SHRenderGraphResource

View File

@ -1,6 +1,210 @@
#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHSubpass.h"
#include "Graphics/MiddleEnd/Batching/SHSuperBatch.h"
#include "Graphics/Devices/SHVkLogicalDevice.h"
namespace SHADE
Subpass non-default constructor. Simply initializes variables.
\param mapping
Mapping from a resource handle to an attachment reference referencing
the resource.
\param resources
A mapping from string to render graph resource.
SHSubpass::SHSubpass(ResourceManager& rm, Handle<SHRenderGraphNode> const& parent, uint32_t index, std::unordered_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> const* mapping, std::unordered_map<std::string, Handle<SHRenderGraphResource>> const* resources) noexcept
: resourceAttachmentMapping{ mapping }
, ptrToResources{ resources }
, parentNode{ parent }
, subpassIndex{ index }
, superBatch{}
, colorReferences{}
, depthReferences{}
, inputReferences{}
Move constructor for subpass.
\param rhs
The subpass the move from.
SHSubpass::SHSubpass(SHSubpass&& rhs) noexcept
: subpassIndex{ std::move(rhs.subpassIndex) }
, parentNode{ std::move(rhs.parentNode) }
, superBatch{ std::move(rhs.superBatch) }
, colorReferences{ std::move(rhs.colorReferences) }
, depthReferences{ std::move(rhs.depthReferences) }
, inputReferences{ std::move(rhs.inputReferences) }
, resourceAttachmentMapping{ rhs.resourceAttachmentMapping }
, ptrToResources{ rhs.ptrToResources }
Move assignment operator for subpass.
\param rhs
subpass to move from.
SHSubpass& SHSubpass::operator=(SHSubpass&& rhs) noexcept
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
subpassIndex = std::move(rhs.subpassIndex);
parentNode = std::move(rhs.parentNode);
superBatch = std::move(rhs.superBatch);
colorReferences = std::move(rhs.colorReferences);
depthReferences = std::move(rhs.depthReferences);
inputReferences = std::move(rhs.inputReferences);
resourceAttachmentMapping = rhs.resourceAttachmentMapping;
ptrToResources = rhs.ptrToResources;
return *this;
Adds a color output to a subpass. Takes in a string and finds the
attachment index to create the vk::SubpassReference.
\param resourceToReference
Resource name to find resource to attach.
void SHSubpass::AddColorOutput(std::string resourceToReference) noexcept
colorReferences.push_back({ resourceAttachmentMapping->at(ptrToResources->at(resourceToReference).GetId().Raw), vk::ImageLayout::eColorAttachmentOptimal });
Adds a depth output to a subpass. Takes in a string and finds the
attachment index to create the vk::SubpassReference.
\param resourceToReference
Resource name to find resource to attach.
\param attachmentDescriptionType
Depending on the type of the resource, initialize the image layout
void SHSubpass::AddDepthOutput(std::string resourceToReference, SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE attachmentDescriptionType) noexcept
vk::ImageLayout imageLayout;
switch (attachmentDescriptionType)
imageLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eDepthAttachmentOptimal;
imageLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eStencilAttachmentOptimal;
imageLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eDepthStencilAttachmentOptimal;
depthReferences.push_back({ resourceAttachmentMapping->at(ptrToResources->at(resourceToReference).GetId().Raw), imageLayout });
Adds a input output to a subpass. Takes in a string and finds the
attachment index to create the vk::SubpassReference.
\param resourceToReference
Resource name to find resource to attach.
void SHSubpass::AddInput(std::string resourceToReference) noexcept
inputReferences.push_back({ resourceAttachmentMapping->at(ptrToResources->at(resourceToReference).GetId().Raw), vk::ImageLayout::eShaderReadOnlyOptimal });
void SHSubpass::Execute(Handle<SHVkCommandBuffer>& commandBuffer, uint32_t frameIndex) noexcept
// Ensure correct transforms are provided
// Draw all the batches
superBatch->Draw(commandBuffer, frameIndex);
// Draw all the exterior draw calls
for (auto& drawCall : exteriorDrawCalls)
void SHSubpass::AddExteriorDrawCalls(std::function<void(Handle<SHVkCommandBuffer>&)> const& newDrawCall) noexcept
void SHSubpass::Init(ResourceManager& resourceManager) noexcept
superBatch = resourceManager.Create<SHSuperBatch>(GetHandle());
Getter for parent renderpass.
Returns the parent renderpass the subpass belongs to.
Handle<SHRenderGraphNode> const& SHSubpass::GetParentNode(void) const noexcept
return parentNode;
SHADE::SHSubPassIndex SHSubpass::GetIndex() const noexcept
return subpassIndex;
Handle<SHSuperBatch> SHSubpass::GetSuperBatch(void) const noexcept
return superBatch;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,93 @@
#pragma once
#include "SHAttachmentDescriptionType.h"
#include <string>
#include "SH_API.h"
#include "Resource/Handle.h"
#include "Graphics/SHVulkanIncludes.h"
namespace SHADE
class SHRenderGraphNode;
class SHSuperBatch;
class SHRenderGraphResource;
class SHVkCommandBuffer;
class SHVkDescriptorSetLayout;
class SH_API SHSubpass : public ISelfHandle<SHSubpass>
//! The index of the subpass in the render graph
uint32_t subpassIndex;
//! The parent renderpass that this subpass belongs to
Handle<SHRenderGraphNode> parentNode;
Handle<SHSuperBatch> superBatch;
//! Descriptor set layout to hold attachments
Handle<SHVkDescriptorSetLayout> descriptorSetLayout;
//! Color attachments
std::vector<vk::AttachmentReference> colorReferences;
//! Depth attachments
std::vector<vk::AttachmentReference> depthReferences;
//! Input attachments
std::vector<vk::AttachmentReference> inputReferences;
//! For getting attachment reference indices using handles
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> const* resourceAttachmentMapping;
//! Pointer to resources in the render graph (for getting handle IDs)
std::unordered_map<std::string, Handle<SHRenderGraphResource>> const* ptrToResources;
//! Sometimes there exists entities that we want to render onto a render target
//! but don't want it to come from the batching system. An example would be ImGUI.
//! For these entities we want to link a function from the outside and draw them
//! after we draw everything from the batch. Because of this, these draw calls
//! are always the last things drawn, so DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTIONALITY FOR ANYTHING
std::vector<std::function<void(Handle<SHVkCommandBuffer>&)>> exteriorDrawCalls;
SHSubpass(ResourceManager& rm, Handle<SHRenderGraphNode> const& parent, uint32_t index, std::unordered_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> const* mapping, std::unordered_map<std::string, Handle<SHRenderGraphResource>> const* ptrToResources) noexcept;
SHSubpass(SHSubpass&& rhs) noexcept;
SHSubpass& operator=(SHSubpass&& rhs) noexcept;
// Preparation functions
void AddColorOutput(std::string resourceToReference) noexcept;
void AddDepthOutput(std::string resourceToReference, SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE attachmentDescriptionType = SH_ATT_DESC_TYPE::DEPTH_STENCIL) noexcept;
void AddInput(std::string resourceToReference) noexcept;
// Runtime functions
void Execute(Handle<SHVkCommandBuffer>& commandBuffer, uint32_t frameIndex) noexcept;
void AddExteriorDrawCalls(std::function<void(Handle<SHVkCommandBuffer>&)> const& newDrawCall) noexcept;
void Init(ResourceManager& resourceManager) noexcept;
Handle<SHRenderGraphNode> const& GetParentNode(void) const noexcept;
SHSubPassIndex GetIndex() const noexcept;
Handle<SHSuperBatch> GetSuperBatch(void) const noexcept;
friend class SHRenderGraphNode;
friend class SHRenderGraph;

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include "SHpch.h"
#include "SHSubpassCompute.h"
#include "Graphics/Pipeline/SHVkPipeline.h"
#include "Graphics/Descriptors/SHVkDescriptorSetGroup.h"
#include "Graphics/Descriptors/SHVkDescriptorPool.h"
namespace SHADE
SHSubpassCompute::SHSubpassCompute(Handle<SHVkPipeline> inPipeline, Handle<SHVkDescriptorPool> descPool) noexcept
: pipeline {inPipeline}
// Get the descriptor set layouts required to allocate. we will bind a different pipeline layout, one that includes the layout for global.
auto const& layouts = pipeline->GetPipelineLayout()->GetDescriptorSetLayoutsAllocate();
// Variable counts for the descriptor sets (all should be 1).
std::vector<uint32_t> variableCounts{static_cast<uint32_t>(layouts.size())};
std::fill (variableCounts.begin(), variableCounts.end(), 0);
// Allocate descriptor sets to hold the images for reading (STORAGE_IMAGE)
descPool->Allocate(layouts, variableCounts);

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#pragma once
#include <Resource/Handle.h>
namespace SHADE
class SHVkPipeline;
class SHVkDescriptorSetGroup;
class SHVkDescriptorPool;
class SHSubpassCompute
//! To run the dispatch command
Handle<SHVkPipeline> pipeline;
//! Descriptor set group
Handle<SHVkDescriptorSetGroup> descSetGroup;
SHSubpassCompute (Handle<SHVkPipeline> inPipeline, Handle<SHVkDescriptorPool> descPool) noexcept;

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@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ namespace SHADE
class SHVkLogicalDevice;
class SHVkFramebuffer;
using SHSubPassIndex = uint32_t;
class SHVkRenderpass

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@ -5,9 +5,13 @@
namespace SHADE
using SHQueueFamilyIndex = uint32_t;
using BindingAndSetHash = uint64_t;
using SetIndex = uint32_t;
using SHSubPassIndex = uint32_t;