Implemented backbone for collision detection with broadphase

This commit is contained in:
Diren D Bharwani 2022-12-19 16:56:34 +08:00
parent d55a965e32
commit cf9d4ef04b
22 changed files with 2064 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
NumberOfChildren: 0 NumberOfChildren: 0
Components: Components:
Transform Component: Transform Component:
Translate: {x: 0, y: 1.77475965, z: 0} Translate: {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0}
Rotate: {x: 0, y: 0, z: -0} Rotate: {x: 0, y: 0, z: -0}
Scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} Scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
IsActive: true IsActive: true
@ -59,3 +59,43 @@
Perspective: true Perspective: true
IsActive: true IsActive: true
Scripts: ~ Scripts: ~
- EID: 2
Name: Default
IsActive: true
NumberOfChildren: 0
Transform Component:
Translate: {x: 0, y: 1, z: 0}
Rotate: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
Scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
IsActive: true
RigidBody Component:
Type: Static
Auto Mass: false
Mass: .inf
Drag: 0.00999999978
Angular Drag: 0.00999999978
Use Gravity: true
Gravity Scale: 1
Interpolate: true
Sleeping Enabled: true
Freeze Position X: false
Freeze Position Y: false
Freeze Position Z: false
Freeze Rotation X: false
Freeze Rotation Y: false
Freeze Rotation Z: false
IsActive: true
Collider Component:
DrawColliders: true
- Is Trigger: false
Type: Sphere
Radius: 1
Friction: 0.400000006
Bounciness: 0
Density: 1
Position Offset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
Rotation Offset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
IsActive: true
Scripts: ~

View File

@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
* \file SHDynamicAABBTree.cpp
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Implementation for a Dynamic AABB Tree for broadphase collision detection.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include <SHpch.h>
#include <stack>
// Primary Header
#include "SHDynamicAABBTree.h"
// Project Headers
#include "Math/SHMathHelpers.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Constructors & Destructor Definitions */
SHAABBTree::SHAABBTree() noexcept
: root { NULL_NODE }
, nodes { nullptr }
, nodeCount { 0 }
, capacity { 1024 }
, freeList { NULL_NODE }
// Build initial tree
nodes = new Node[1024];
SHAABBTree::~SHAABBTree() noexcept
delete[] nodes;
SHAABBTree::Node::Node() noexcept
: id { MAX_EID, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() }
, parent { NULL_NODE }
, left { NULL_NODE }
, right { NULL_NODE }
, height { NULL_NODE }
SHAABBTree::Node::Node(const Node& rhs) noexcept
: AABB { rhs.AABB }
, id { }
, next { }
, left { rhs.left }
, right { rhs.right }
, height { rhs.height }
SHAABBTree::Node::Node(Node&& rhs) noexcept
: AABB { rhs.AABB }
, id { }
, next { }
, left { rhs.left }
, right { rhs.right }
, height { rhs.height }
/* Operator Overload Definitions */
SHAABBTree::Node& SHAABBTree::Node::operator=(const Node& rhs) noexcept
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
AABB = rhs.AABB;
id =;
parent = rhs.parent;
next =;
left = rhs.left;
right = rhs.right;
height = rhs.height;
return *this;
SHAABBTree::Node& SHAABBTree::Node::operator=(Node&& rhs) noexcept
AABB = std::move(rhs.AABB);
id = std::move(;
parent = rhs.parent;
next =;
left = rhs.left;
right = rhs.right;
height = rhs.height;
return *this;
/* Getter Functions Definitions */
const std::vector<SHBox>& SHAABBTree::GetAABBs() const noexcept
static std::vector<SHBox> aabbs;
static std::stack<int32_t> nodeIndices;
while (!nodeIndices.empty())
// Pop the top node
const int INDEX =;
// Skip null nodes
const Node& CURRENT_NODE = nodes[INDEX];
if (!isLeaf(INDEX))
return aabbs;
/* Public Member Functions Definitions */
void SHAABBTree::Insert(SHCollisionShapeID id, const SHBox& AABB)
const int32_t NEW_INDEX = allocateNode();
if (!nodeMap.emplace(id, NEW_INDEX).second)
// Attempted to add a duplicate node
Node& newNode = nodes[NEW_INDEX];
newNode.AABB = AABB; = id;
newNode.height = 0;
// Fatten the AABB
const SHVec3 newMin = newNode.AABB.GetMin() - EXTENSION;
const SHVec3 newMax = newNode.AABB.GetMax() + EXTENSION;
void SHAABBTree::Update(SHCollisionShapeID id, const SHBox& AABB)
// Get node index
const int32_t INDEX_TO_UPDATE = nodeMap[id];
Node& nodeToUpdate = nodes[INDEX_TO_UPDATE];
// If new AABB has not moved enough, skip.
if (nodeToUpdate.AABB.Contains(AABB))
nodeToUpdate.AABB = AABB;
// Fatten the AABB
const SHVec3 newMin = nodeToUpdate.AABB.GetMin() - EXTENSION;
const SHVec3 newMax = nodeToUpdate.AABB.GetMax() + EXTENSION;
void SHAABBTree::Remove(SHCollisionShapeID id) noexcept
// Get node index
const int32_t INDEX_TO_REMOVE = nodeMap[id];
const std::vector<SHCollisionShapeID>& SHAABBTree::Query(SHCollisionShapeID id, const SHBox& AABB) const noexcept
static std::vector<SHCollisionShapeID> potentialCollisions;
static std::stack<int32_t> nodeIndices;
// We use this to ignore shapes on the same entity
const EntityID EID = id.GetEntityID();
while (!nodeIndices.empty())
const int32_t INDEX =;
const Node& NODE = nodes[INDEX];
if (!SHBox::Intersect(AABB, NODE.AABB))
// Avoid checking against shapes of the same composite collider (and itself)
if (isLeaf(INDEX) && != EID)
return potentialCollisions;
const std::vector<SHCollisionShapeID>& SHAABBTree::Query(const SHRay& ray, float distance) const noexcept
static std::vector<SHCollisionShapeID> potentialHits;
return potentialHits;
/* Private Member Functions Definitions */
bool SHAABBTree::isLeaf(int32_t index) const noexcept
const Node& NODE = nodes[index];
return NODE.left == NULL_NODE && NODE.right == NULL_NODE;
int32_t SHAABBTree::allocateNode()
if (freeList == NULL_NODE)
// No more free nodes available, so we need to resize the tree for more nodes
capacity *= 2;
Node* newNodes = new Node[capacity];
// Copy all the nodes manually. I do this instead of memcpy to guarantee it copies properly.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i)
newNodes[i].AABB = nodes[i].AABB;
newNodes[i].id = nodes[i].id;
newNodes[i].parent = nodes[i].parent;
newNodes[i].left = nodes[i].left;
newNodes[i].right = nodes[i].right;
newNodes[i].height = nodes[i].height;
delete[] nodes;
nodes = newNodes;
const int32_t FREE_NODE = freeList;
freeList = nodes[FREE_NODE].next;
// Set node to default
Node& newNode = nodes[FREE_NODE];
newNode.parent = NULL_NODE;
newNode.left = NULL_NODE;
newNode.right = NULL_NODE;
newNode.height = NULL_NODE;
return FREE_NODE;
void SHAABBTree::freeNode(int32_t index) noexcept
SHASSERT(index >= 0 && index < capacity, "Trying to free an invalid AABB Tree node!")
nodes[index].next = NULL_NODE;
nodes[index].height = NULL_NODE;
// Put it back on the free list
freeList = index;
void SHAABBTree::insertLeaf(int32_t index)
// If there is no root, the first insert must make the root
if (root == NULL_NODE)
root = index;
nodes[root].parent = NULL_NODE;
// Find best sibling for new leaf
// Utilise Surface Area Heuristic
const SHBox& LEAF_AABB = nodes[index].AABB;
uint32_t searchIndex = root;
while (!isLeaf(searchIndex))
const SHBox COMBINED_AABB = SHBox::Combine(LEAF_AABB, nodes[searchIndex].AABB);
const float COMBINED_AREA = COMBINED_AABB.SurfaceArea();
const float INHERITED_COST = 2.0f * (COMBINED_AREA - nodes[searchIndex].AABB.SurfaceArea());
const int32_t LEFT_INDEX = nodes[searchIndex].left;
const int32_t RIGHT_INDEX = nodes[searchIndex].right;
float leftCost = 0.0f;
float rightCost = 0.0f;
const float LEFT_COMBINED_AREA = SHBox::Combine(LEAF_AABB, nodes[LEFT_INDEX].AABB).SurfaceArea();
const float RIGHT_COMBINED_AREA = SHBox::Combine(LEAF_AABB, nodes[RIGHT_INDEX].AABB).SurfaceArea();
// Compute cost for descending into the left
if (isLeaf(LEFT_INDEX))
// Compute cost for descending into the right
if (isLeaf(RIGHT_INDEX))
// Early out
const float BRANCH_COST = 2.0f * COMBINED_AREA;
if (BRANCH_COST < leftCost && BRANCH_COST < rightCost)
// Traverse
searchIndex = leftCost < rightCost ? LEFT_INDEX : RIGHT_INDEX;
const int32_t BEST_SIBLING = searchIndex;
// Create a new parent for the leaf
const int32_t OLD_PARENT = nodes[BEST_SIBLING].parent;
const int32_t NEW_PARENT = allocateNode();
Node& newParent = nodes[NEW_PARENT];
newParent.parent = OLD_PARENT; = SHCollisionShapeID{ MAX_EID, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() };
newParent.AABB = SHBox::Combine(LEAF_AABB, nodes[BEST_SIBLING].AABB);
newParent.height = nodes[BEST_SIBLING].height + 1;
newParent.left = BEST_SIBLING;
newParent.right = index;
nodes[BEST_SIBLING].parent = NEW_PARENT;
nodes[index].parent = NEW_PARENT;
// If sibling was the root
root = NEW_PARENT;
(nodes[OLD_PARENT].left == BEST_SIBLING ? nodes[OLD_PARENT].left : nodes[OLD_PARENT].right) = NEW_PARENT;
void SHAABBTree::removeLeaf(int32_t index)
if (index == root)
root = NULL_NODE;
const int32_t PARENT = nodes[index].parent;
const int32_t GRANDPARENT = nodes[PARENT].parent;
const int32_t SIBLING = nodes[PARENT].left == index ? nodes[PARENT].right : nodes[PARENT].left;
// Replace parent with sibling
(nodes[GRANDPARENT].left == PARENT ? nodes[GRANDPARENT].left : nodes[GRANDPARENT].right) = SIBLING;
nodes[SIBLING].parent = GRANDPARENT;
// Parent was root
root = SIBLING;
nodes[SIBLING].parent = NULL_NODE;
void SHAABBTree::syncHierarchy(int32_t index)
while (index != NULL_NODE)
index = balance(index);
const int32_t LEFT_INDEX = nodes[index].left;
const Node& LEFT_NODE = nodes[LEFT_INDEX];
const int32_t RIGHT_INDEX = nodes[index].right;
const Node& RIGHT_NODE = nodes[RIGHT_INDEX];
nodes[index].height = 1 + SHMath::Max(LEFT_NODE.height, RIGHT_NODE.height);
nodes[index].AABB = SHBox::Combine(LEFT_NODE.AABB, RIGHT_NODE.AABB);
// Sync up to the root
index = nodes[index].parent;
int32_t SHAABBTree::balance(int32_t index)
if (isLeaf(index) || nodes[index].height == 1)
return index;
Node& nodeA = nodes[index];
const int32_t LEFT = nodeA.left;
const int32_t RIGHT = nodeA.right;
const int32_t DIFF = nodes[RIGHT].height - nodes[LEFT].height;
if (DIFF > 1)
return rotateLeft(index);
if (DIFF < -1)
return rotateRight(index);
return index;
int32_t SHAABBTree::rotateLeft(int32_t index)
/ \ / \
B C --> A F/G
/ \ / \
// Promote C
Node& nodeA = nodes[index];
const int32_t B = nodeA.left;
const int32_t C = nodeA.right;
Node& nodeB = nodes[B];
Node& nodeC = nodes[C];
const int32_t F = nodeC.left;
const int32_t G = nodeC.right;
Node& nodeF = nodes[F];
Node& nodeG = nodes[G];
if (nodeA.parent != NULL_NODE)
(nodes[nodeA.parent].left == index ? nodes[nodeA.parent].left : nodes[nodeA.parent].right) = C;
root = C;
nodeC.left = index;
nodeC.parent = nodeA.parent;
nodeA.parent = C;
if (nodeF.height > nodeG.height)
nodeC.right = F;
nodeA.right = G;
nodeG.parent = index;
nodeA.AABB = SHBox::Combine(nodeB.AABB, nodeG.AABB);
nodeC.AABB = SHBox::Combine(nodeA.AABB, nodeF.AABB);
nodeA.height = 1 + SHMath::Max(nodeB.height, nodeG.height);
nodeC.height = 1 + SHMath::Max(nodeA.height, nodeF.height);
nodeC.right = G;
nodeA.right = F;
nodeF.parent = index;
nodeA.AABB = SHBox::Combine(nodeB.AABB, nodeF.AABB);
nodeC.AABB = SHBox::Combine(nodeA.AABB, nodeG.AABB);
nodeA.height = 1 + SHMath::Max(nodeB.height, nodeF.height);
nodeC.height = 1 + SHMath::Max(nodeA.height, nodeG.height);
return C;
int32_t SHAABBTree::rotateRight(int32_t index)
/ \ / \
B C --> D/E A
/ \ / \
// Promote B
Node& nodeA = nodes[index];
const int32_t B = nodeA.left;
const int32_t C = nodeA.right;
Node& nodeB = nodes[B];
Node& nodeC = nodes[C];
const int32_t D = nodeB.left;
const int32_t E = nodeB.right;
Node& nodeD = nodes[D];
Node& nodeE = nodes[E];
if (nodeA.parent != NULL_NODE)
(nodes[nodeA.parent].left == index ? nodes[nodeA.parent].left : nodes[nodeA.parent].right) = B;
root = B;
nodeB.right = index;
nodeB.parent = nodeA.parent;
nodeA.parent = B;
if (nodeD.height > nodeE.height)
nodeB.left = D;
nodeA.left = E;
nodeE.parent = index;
nodeA.AABB = SHBox::Combine(nodeC.AABB, nodeE.AABB);
nodeB.AABB = SHBox::Combine(nodeA.AABB, nodeD.AABB);
nodeA.height = 1 + SHMath::Max(nodeC.height, nodeE.height);
nodeB.height = 1 + SHMath::Max(nodeA.height, nodeD.height);
nodeB.left = E;
nodeA.left = D;
nodeD.parent = index;
nodeA.AABB = SHBox::Combine(nodeC.AABB, nodeD.AABB);
nodeB.AABB = SHBox::Combine(nodeA.AABB, nodeE.AABB);
nodeA.height = 1 + SHMath::Max(nodeC.height, nodeD.height);
nodeB.height = 1 + SHMath::Max(nodeA.height, nodeE.height);
return B;
void SHAABBTree::addToFreeList(int32_t index) noexcept
for (int32_t i = index; i < capacity; ++i)
nodes[i].next = i + 1;
nodes[i].height = NULL_NODE;
nodes[capacity - 1].next = NULL_NODE;
nodes[capacity - 1].height = NULL_NODE;
freeList = index;
} // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
* \file SHDynamicAABBTree.h
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Interface for a Dynamic AABB Tree for broadphase collision detection.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
// Project Headers
#include "Physics/Collision/CollisionShapes/SHCollisionShape.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Type Definitions */
* @brief
* Encapsulates a dynamic AABB Tree for collision detection.
/* Data Members */
static constexpr int NULL_NODE = -1;
/* Constructors & Destructor */
SHAABBTree () noexcept;
~SHAABBTree () noexcept;
SHAABBTree(const SHAABBTree& other) = delete;
SHAABBTree(SHAABBTree&& other) noexcept = delete;
/* Operator Overloads */
SHAABBTree& operator=(const SHAABBTree& other) = delete;
SHAABBTree& operator=(SHAABBTree&& other) noexcept = delete;
/* Getter Functions */
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<SHBox>& GetAABBs () const noexcept;
/* Member Functions */
void Insert (SHCollisionShapeID id, const SHBox& AABB);
void Update (SHCollisionShapeID id, const SHBox& AABB);
void Remove (SHCollisionShapeID id) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<SHCollisionShapeID>& Query(SHCollisionShapeID id, const SHBox& AABB) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<SHCollisionShapeID>& Query(const SHRay& ray, float distance) const noexcept;
/* Type Definitions */
struct Node
/* Constructors & Destructor */
Node () noexcept;
Node (const Node& rhs) noexcept;
Node (Node&& rhs) noexcept;
~Node () noexcept = default;
/* Operator Overloads */
Node& operator=(const Node& rhs) noexcept;
Node& operator=(Node&& rhs) noexcept;
/* Data Members */
SHCollisionShapeID id; // Used to lookup the collision shape & entity for culling against itself
int32_t parent;
int32_t next;
int32_t left;
int32_t right;
int32_t height; // Leaves have a height of 0. Free nodes have a height of -1
/* Data Members */
static constexpr float AABB_EXTENSION = 0.2f;
// For quick access
std::unordered_map<SHCollisionShapeID, int32_t, SHCollisionShapeIDHash> nodeMap;
int32_t root;
Node* nodes; // Dynamically allocated array of nodes. I use dynamic allocation as in the past, using a vector causes weird issues.
int32_t nodeCount;
int32_t capacity; // Used for resizing the tree.
int32_t freeList; // Stores the next available node on the free list.
/* Member Functions */
bool isLeaf (int32_t index) const noexcept;
int32_t allocateNode ();
void freeNode (int32_t index) noexcept;
void insertLeaf (int32_t index);
void removeLeaf (int32_t index);
void syncHierarchy (int32_t index);
int32_t balance (int32_t index);
int32_t rotateLeft (int32_t index);
int32_t rotateRight (int32_t index);
void addToFreeList (int32_t index) noexcept;

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "Physics/Collision/CollisionTags/SHCollisionTags.h" #include "Physics/Collision/CollisionTags/SHCollisionTags.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/SHPhysicsMaterial.h" #include "Physics/Collision/SHPhysicsMaterial.h"
#include "SHCollisionShapeID.h" #include "SHCollisionShapeID.h"
#include "Math/Geometry/SHBox.h"
#include "Math/Transform/SHTransform.h" #include "Math/Transform/SHTransform.h"
namespace SHADE namespace SHADE
@ -33,8 +34,10 @@ namespace SHADE
/* Friends */ /* Friends */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
friend class SHCollider;
friend class SHColliderComponent; friend class SHColliderComponent;
friend class SHCollisionShapeFactory; friend class SHCollisionShapeFactory;
friend class SHPhysicsWorld;
public: public:
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@ -120,6 +123,7 @@ namespace SHADE
virtual void ComputeTransforms () noexcept = 0; virtual void ComputeTransforms () noexcept = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual SHMatrix GetInertiaTensor (float mass) const noexcept = 0; [[nodiscard]] virtual SHMatrix GetInertiaTensor (float mass) const noexcept = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual SHMatrix ComputeWorldTransform () const noexcept = 0; [[nodiscard]] virtual SHMatrix ComputeWorldTransform () const noexcept = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual SHBox ComputeAABB () const noexcept = 0;
protected: protected:
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@ -136,7 +140,7 @@ namespace SHADE
// Needed for conversion to euler angles // Needed for conversion to euler angles
SHVec3 rotationOffset; SHVec3 rotationOffset;
uint8_t flags; // 0 0 wasColliding isColliding trigger capsule sphere box uint8_t flags; // 0 0 0 isColliding trigger capsule sphere box
SHCollisionTag* collisionTag; SHCollisionTag* collisionTag;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
// Project Headers
#include "ECS_Base/Entity/SHEntity.h" #include "ECS_Base/Entity/SHEntity.h"
namespace SHADE namespace SHADE
@ -55,11 +56,14 @@ namespace SHADE
SHCollisionShapeID& operator=(const SHCollisionShapeID& rhs) noexcept; SHCollisionShapeID& operator=(const SHCollisionShapeID& rhs) noexcept;
SHCollisionShapeID& operator=(SHCollisionShapeID&& rhs) noexcept; SHCollisionShapeID& operator=(SHCollisionShapeID&& rhs) noexcept;
bool operator==(const SHCollisionShapeID& rhs) const;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Member Functions */ /* Getter Functions */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
bool operator==(const SHCollisionShapeID& rhs) const; [[nodiscard]] EntityID GetEntityID () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t GetShapeIndex () const noexcept;
private: private:
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ namespace SHADE
{ {
public: public:
EntityID entityID = MAX_EID; EntityID entityID = MAX_EID;
uint32_t shapeID = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(); uint32_t shapeIndex = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
}; };
@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ namespace SHADE
/** /**
* @brief * @brief
* Encapsulates a functor to hash a CollisionShapeKey * Encapsulates a functor to hash a CollisionShapeID
*/ */
struct SHCollisionShapeIDHash struct SHCollisionShapeIDHash
{ {

View File

@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ namespace SHADE
{} {}
inline SHCollisionShapeID::SHCollisionShapeID(const SHCollisionShapeID& rhs) noexcept inline SHCollisionShapeID::SHCollisionShapeID(const SHCollisionShapeID& rhs) noexcept
: ids { rhs.ids.entityID, rhs.ids.shapeID } : ids { rhs.ids.entityID, rhs.ids.shapeIndex }
{} {}
inline SHCollisionShapeID::SHCollisionShapeID(SHCollisionShapeID&& rhs) noexcept inline SHCollisionShapeID::SHCollisionShapeID(SHCollisionShapeID&& rhs) noexcept
: ids { rhs.ids.entityID, rhs.ids.shapeID } : ids { rhs.ids.entityID, rhs.ids.shapeIndex }
{} {}
@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ namespace SHADE
inline std::size_t SHCollisionShapeIDHash::operator()(const SHCollisionShapeID& id) const inline std::size_t SHCollisionShapeIDHash::operator()(const SHCollisionShapeID& id) const
{ {
return std::hash<uint64_t>()(id.value); return std::hash<uint64_t>{}(id.value);
/* Getter Function Definitions */
inline EntityID SHCollisionShapeID::GetEntityID() const noexcept
return ids.entityID;
inline uint32_t SHCollisionShapeID::GetShapeIndex() const noexcept
return ids.shapeIndex;
} }
} }

View File

@ -223,5 +223,10 @@ namespace SHADE
); );
} }
SHBox SHSphereCollisionShape::ComputeAABB() const noexcept
return SHBox{ Center, SHVec3{ Radius } };
} // namespace SHADE } // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ namespace SHADE
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
friend class SHCollider; friend class SHCollider;
friend class SHCollision;
friend class SHCompositeCollider; friend class SHCompositeCollider;
friend class SHCollisionShapeFactory; friend class SHCollisionShapeFactory;
@ -127,6 +128,8 @@ namespace SHADE
[[nodiscard]] SHMatrix ComputeWorldTransform () const noexcept override; [[nodiscard]] SHMatrix ComputeWorldTransform () const noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] SHBox ComputeAABB () const noexcept override;
private: private:
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Data Members */ /* Data Members */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* \file SHCollisionID.h
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Interface for Collision Information for Collision & Triggers.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
// Project Headers
#include "SHCollisionID.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Type Definitions */
enum class SHCollisionState
, INVALID = -1
* @brief
* Encapsulates the event for an intersection between two collision shapes that do not
* have physical resolution.
struct SH_API SHTriggerEvent
SHCollisionID info;
SHCollisionState state;
* @brief
* Encapsulates the event for an intersection between two collision shapes that do
* have physical resolution.
struct SH_API SHCollisionEvent
static constexpr int MAX_NUM_CONTACTS = 4;
SHCollisionID info;
SHCollisionState state;
SHVec3 normal;
SHVec3 contactPoints[MAX_NUM_CONTACTS];
} // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
* \file SHCollisionInfo.cpp
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Implementation for Collision Info.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include <SHpch.h>
// Primary Header
#include "SHCollisionID.h"
// Project Headers
#include "Physics/Collision/SHCollider.h"
#include "Physics/Interface/SHColliderComponent.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Constructors & Destructor Definitions */
SHCollisionID::SHCollisionID() noexcept
ids[SHAPE_INDEX_A] = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
ids[SHAPE_INDEX_B] = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
SHCollisionID::SHCollisionID(const SHCollisionID& rhs) noexcept
value[0] = rhs.value[0];
value[1] = rhs.value[1];
SHCollisionID::SHCollisionID(SHCollisionID&& rhs) noexcept
value[0] = rhs.value[0];
value[1] = rhs.value[1];
/* Operator Overload Definitions */
SHCollisionID& SHCollisionID::operator=(const SHCollisionID& rhs) noexcept
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
value[0] = rhs.value[0];
value[1] = rhs.value[1];
return *this;
SHCollisionID& SHCollisionID::operator=(SHCollisionID&& rhs) noexcept
value[0] = rhs.value[0];
value[1] = rhs.value[1];
return *this;
bool SHCollisionID::operator==(const SHCollisionID& rhs) const
// When checking for equal, check both ways.
// Exact Match (A, idxA, B, idxB)
const bool EXACT_MATCH = value[0] == rhs.value[0] && value[1] == rhs.value[1];
// Flipped Match: (B, idxB, A, idxA)
const bool FLIPPED_MATCH = value[0] == rhs.value[1] && value[1] == rhs.value[0];
/* Getter Function Definitions */
EntityID SHCollisionID::GetEntityA() const noexcept
return ids[ENTITY_A];
EntityID SHCollisionID::GetEntityB() const noexcept
return ids[ENTITY_B];
uint32_t SHCollisionID::GetShapeIndexA() const noexcept
return ids[SHAPE_INDEX_A];
uint32_t SHCollisionID::GetShapeIndexB() const noexcept
return ids[SHAPE_INDEX_B];
const SHRigidBodyComponent* SHCollisionID::GetRigidBodyA() const noexcept
return SHComponentManager::GetComponent_s<SHRigidBodyComponent>(ids[ENTITY_A]);
const SHRigidBodyComponent* SHCollisionID::GetRigidBodyB() const noexcept
return SHComponentManager::GetComponent_s<SHRigidBodyComponent>(ids[ENTITY_B]);
const SHCollisionShape* SHCollisionID::GetCollisionShapeA() const noexcept
const auto* COLLIDER_COMPONENT = SHComponentManager::GetComponent<SHColliderComponent>(ids[ENTITY_A]);
return COLLIDER_COMPONENT->GetCollider()->GetCollisionShape(ids[SHAPE_INDEX_A]);
const SHCollisionShape* SHCollisionID::GetCollisionShapeB() const noexcept
const auto* COLLIDER_COMPONENT = SHComponentManager::GetComponent<SHColliderComponent>(ids[ENTITY_B]);
return COLLIDER_COMPONENT->GetCollider()->GetCollisionShape(ids[SHAPE_INDEX_B]);
/* Setter Function Definitions */
void SHCollisionID::SetEntityA(EntityID entityID) noexcept
ids[ENTITY_A] = entityID;
void SHCollisionID::SetEntityB(EntityID entityID) noexcept
ids[ENTITY_B] = entityID;
void SHCollisionID::SetCollisionShapeA(uint32_t shapeIndexA) noexcept
ids[SHAPE_INDEX_A] = shapeIndexA;
void SHCollisionID::SetCollisionShapeB(uint32_t shapeIndexB) noexcept
ids[SHAPE_INDEX_B] = shapeIndexB;
} // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
* \file SHCollisionID.h
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Interface for Collision Information for Collision & Triggers.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
// Project Headers
#include "Physics/Interface/SHColliderComponent.h"
#include "Physics/Interface/SHRigidBodyComponent.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Forward Declarations */
struct SHCollisionIDHash;
/* Type Definitions */
* @brief
* Encapsulates the information when two colliders intersect and do not have physical
* resolution.
class SH_API SHCollisionID
/* Friends */
friend struct SHCollisionIDHash;
/* Constructors & Destructor */
SHCollisionID () noexcept;
SHCollisionID (const SHCollisionID& rhs) noexcept;
SHCollisionID (SHCollisionID&& rhs) noexcept;
~SHCollisionID () noexcept = default;
/* Operator Overloads */
SHCollisionID& operator= (const SHCollisionID& rhs) noexcept;
SHCollisionID& operator= (SHCollisionID&& rhs) noexcept;
bool operator==(const SHCollisionID& rhs) const;
/* Getter Functions */
[[nodiscard]] EntityID GetEntityA () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] EntityID GetEntityB () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t GetShapeIndexA () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t GetShapeIndexB () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] const SHRigidBodyComponent* GetRigidBodyA () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] const SHRigidBodyComponent* GetRigidBodyB () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] const SHCollisionShape* GetCollisionShapeA () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] const SHCollisionShape* GetCollisionShapeB () const noexcept;
/* Setter Functions */
void SetEntityA (EntityID entityID) noexcept;
void SetEntityB (EntityID entityID) noexcept;
void SetCollisionShapeA (uint32_t shapeIndexA) noexcept;
void SetCollisionShapeB (uint32_t shapeIndexB) noexcept;
static constexpr uint32_t ENTITY_A = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t SHAPE_INDEX_A = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t ENTITY_B = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t SHAPE_INDEX_B = 3;
/* Data Members */
uint64_t value[2]; // EntityValue, ShapeIndexValue
uint32_t ids [4]; // EntityA, EntityB, ShapeIndexA, ShapeIndexB
* @brief
* Encapsulates a functor to hash a CollisionID
struct SHCollisionIDHash
/* Member Functions */
inline std::size_t operator()(const SHCollisionID& id) const
return std::hash<std::u32string_view>{}(std::u32string_view(reinterpret_cast<std::basic_string_view<char32_t>::const_pointer>(id.ids), 4));
} // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* \file SHManifold.h
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Interface for a Collision Manifold
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
// Primary Header
#include "Physics/Dynamics/SHRigidBody.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/CollisionShapes/SHCollisionShape.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Type Definitions */
* @brief
* Encapsulates a value that represents the touching features of a contact.
union SHContactFeatures
/* Data Members */
uint8_t incomingIncident;
uint8_t outgoingIncident;
uint8_t incomingReference;
uint8_t outgoingReference;
uint32_t key = 0;
* @brief
* Encapsulates a physical collision contact.
struct SH_API SHContact
/* Data Members */
static constexpr int NUM_TANGENTS = 2;
float penetration = 0.0f;
float bias = 0.0f;
float normalImpulse = 0.0f;
float normalMass = 0.0f;
float tangentImpulse[NUM_TANGENTS] = { 0.0f };
float tangentMass[NUM_TANGENTS] = { 0.0f };
SHVec3 position;
SHContactFeatures featurePair;
#pragma once

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* \file SHManifold.h
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Interface for a Collision Manifold
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
// Primary Header
#include "Physics/Dynamics/SHRigidBody.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/CollisionShapes/SHCollisionShape.h"
#include "SHContact.h"
#include "SHCollisionEvents.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Type Definitions */
struct SH_API SHManifold
/* Data Members */
// We only need 4 contact points to build a stable manifold.
static constexpr int MAX_NUM_CONTACTS = 4;
SHCollisionShape* A = nullptr;
SHCollisionShape* B = nullptr;
SHVec3 normal;
SHVec3 tangents[SHContact::NUM_TANGENTS];
SHContact contacts[MAX_NUM_CONTACTS];
uint32_t numContacts = 0;
SHCollisionState state;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* \file SHCollision.h
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Interface for the Detecting Collisions between two shapes
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
// Project Headers
#include "Physics/Collision/CollisionShapes/SHCollisionShape.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/Contacts/SHManifold.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/Contacts/SHCollisionID.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Type Definitions */
* @brief
* Encapsulates static methods for testing for collision between two shapes.
class SH_API SHCollision
/* Member Functions */
/* Spheres VS X */
[[nodiscard]] static bool SphereVsSphere (const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] static bool SphereVsSphere (SHManifold& manifold, const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept;
/* Capsule VS X */
/* Polygon VS X */
/* Member Functions */
} // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* \file SHCollisionDispatch.cpp
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Implementation for the static Collision Dispatcher
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include <SHpch.h>
// Primary Header
#include "SHCollisionDispatch.h"
// Project Header
#include "SHCollision.h"
#include "Tools/Utilities/SHUtilities.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Static Data Member Definitions */
const SHCollisionDispatcher::ManifoldCollide SHCollisionDispatcher::manifoldCollide[NUM_SHAPES][NUM_SHAPES]
// <SHAPE> vs Sphere / Box / Capsule
{ SHCollision::SphereVsSphere, nullptr, nullptr } // Sphere
, { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr } // Box
, { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr } // Capsule
const SHCollisionDispatcher::TriggerCollide SHCollisionDispatcher::triggerCollide[NUM_SHAPES][NUM_SHAPES]
// <SHAPE> vs Sphere / Box / Capsule
{ SHCollision::SphereVsSphere, nullptr, nullptr } // Sphere
, { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr } // Box
, { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr } // Capsule
const bool SHCollisionDispatcher::collisionTable[NUM_TYPES][NUM_TYPES]
/* S ST K KT D DT */
/* S */ { false, false, false, true, true, true }
, /* ST */ { false, false, true, true, true, true }
, /* K */ { false, true, false, true, true, true }
, /* KT */ { true, true, true, true, true, true }
, /* D */ { true, true, true, true, true, true }
, /* DT */ { true, true, true, true, true, true }
/* Public Member Functions Definitions */
bool SHCollisionDispatcher::ShouldCollide(const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept
// Filter through collision table
const int TYPE_A = SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(A.GetType()) + A.IsTrigger() ? TYPE_OFFSET : 0;
const int TYPE_B = SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(B.GetType()) + B.IsTrigger() ? TYPE_OFFSET : 0;
if (!collisionTable[TYPE_A][TYPE_B])
return false;
// Filter through tags
const uint16_t TAG_A = A.GetCollisionTag().GetMask();
const uint16_t TAG_B = B.GetCollisionTag().GetMask();
const uint16_t MATCH = TAG_A & TAG_B;
return MATCH > 0;
bool SHCollisionDispatcher::Collide(SHManifold& manifold, const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept
const int TYPE_A = SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(A.GetType());
const int TYPE_B = SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(B.GetType());
return manifoldCollide[TYPE_A][TYPE_B](manifold, A, B);
bool SHCollisionDispatcher::Collide(const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept
const int TYPE_A = SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(A.GetType());
const int TYPE_B = SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(B.GetType());
return triggerCollide[TYPE_A][TYPE_B](A, B);
} // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* \file SHCollisionDispatch.h
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Interface for the static Collision Dispatcher
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
// Project Headers
#include "Physics/Collision/Contacts/SHManifold.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/Contacts/SHCollisionID.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Type Definitions */
* @brief
* Encapsulates static methods for running narrow-phase collision detection.
class SH_API SHCollisionDispatcher
/* Member Functions */
* @brief
* Filters the collision through the collision table and layer matching.
* @param A
* A Collision Shape.
* @param B
* A Collision Shape.
* @return
* True if both shapes should be tested for collision.
static bool ShouldCollide (const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept;
static bool Collide (SHManifold& manifold, const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept;
static bool Collide (const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept;
/* Type Definitions */
using ManifoldCollide = bool(*)(SHManifold&, const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B);
using TriggerCollide = bool(*)(const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B);
enum class Types
/* Data Members */
// Read the Types enum class, then see where it's used and it'll make sense
static constexpr int TYPE_OFFSET = 3;
static constexpr int NUM_SHAPES = static_cast<int>(SHCollisionShape::Type::COUNT);
static constexpr int NUM_TYPES = static_cast<int>(Types::COUNT);
static const ManifoldCollide manifoldCollide [NUM_SHAPES][NUM_SHAPES];
static const TriggerCollide triggerCollide [NUM_SHAPES][NUM_SHAPES];
static const bool collisionTable [NUM_TYPES][NUM_TYPES];
} // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* \file SHSphereVsSphere.cpp
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Implementation for the Detecting Collisions between two spheres
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include <SHpch.h>
// Primary Header
#include "SHCollision.h"
// Project Headers
#include "Math/SHMathHelpers.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/CollisionShapes/SHSphereCollisionShape.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Public Member Functions Definitions */
bool SHCollision::SphereVsSphere(const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept
const SHSphereCollisionShape& SPHERE_A = dynamic_cast<const SHSphereCollisionShape&>(A);
const SHSphereCollisionShape& SPHERE_B = dynamic_cast<const SHSphereCollisionShape&>(B);
return SHSphere::Intersect(SPHERE_A, SPHERE_B);
bool SHCollision::SphereVsSphere(SHManifold& manifold, const SHCollisionShape& A, const SHCollisionShape& B) noexcept
// Convert to spheres
const SHSphereCollisionShape& SPHERE_A = dynamic_cast<const SHSphereCollisionShape&>(A);
const SHSphereCollisionShape& SPHERE_B = dynamic_cast<const SHSphereCollisionShape&>(B);
const SHVec3 A_TO_B = SPHERE_B.GetCenter() - SPHERE_A.GetCenter();
const float DISTANCE_BETWEEN_CENTERS_SQUARED = A_TO_B.LengthSquared();
const float COMBINED_RADIUS = (SPHERE_A.GetWorldRadius() + SPHERE_B.GetWorldRadius());
return false;
// Only populate the manifold if there is a collision
uint32_t numContacts = 0;
SHContact contact;
contact.featurePair.key = 0;
manifold.normal = SHVec3::UnitY;
contact.position = SPHERE_A.GetCenter();
contact.penetration = SPHERE_B.GetWorldRadius();
manifold.contacts[numContacts++] = contact;
manifold.normal = SHVec3::Normalise(A_TO_B);
contact.position = SPHERE_B.GetCenter() - (manifold.normal * SPHERE_B.GetWorldRadius());
contact.penetration = COMBINED_RADIUS - A_TO_B.Length();
manifold.contacts[numContacts++] = contact;
manifold.numContacts = numContacts;
return true;
} // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "SHCollider.h" #include "SHCollider.h"
// Project Headers // Project Headers
#include "Broadphase/SHDynamicAABBTree.h"
#include "Events/SHEvent.h" #include "Events/SHEvent.h"
#include "Math/SHMathHelpers.h" #include "Math/SHMathHelpers.h"
#include "Physics/SHPhysicsEvents.h" #include "Physics/SHPhysicsEvents.h"
@ -28,19 +29,21 @@ namespace SHADE
SHCollider::SHCollider(EntityID eid, const SHTransform& worldTransform) noexcept SHCollider::SHCollider(EntityID eid, const SHTransform& worldTransform) noexcept
: entityID { eid } : entityID { eid }
, shapeIDCounter { 0 }
, debugDraw { false } , debugDraw { false }
, hasMoved { true }
, rigidBody { nullptr } , rigidBody { nullptr }
, shapeFactory { nullptr } , shapeFactory { nullptr }
, broadphase { nullptr }
, transform { worldTransform } , transform { worldTransform }
{} {}
SHCollider::SHCollider(const SHCollider& rhs) noexcept SHCollider::SHCollider(const SHCollider& rhs) noexcept
: entityID { rhs.entityID } : entityID { rhs.entityID }
, shapeIDCounter { rhs.shapeIDCounter }
, debugDraw { rhs.debugDraw } , debugDraw { rhs.debugDraw }
, hasMoved { rhs.hasMoved }
, rigidBody { rhs.rigidBody } , rigidBody { rhs.rigidBody }
, shapeFactory { rhs.shapeFactory } , shapeFactory { rhs.shapeFactory }
, broadphase { rhs.broadphase }
, transform { rhs.transform } , transform { rhs.transform }
{ {
if (!shapeFactory) if (!shapeFactory)
@ -54,10 +57,11 @@ namespace SHADE
SHCollider::SHCollider(SHCollider&& rhs) noexcept SHCollider::SHCollider(SHCollider&& rhs) noexcept
: entityID { rhs.entityID } : entityID { rhs.entityID }
, shapeIDCounter { rhs.shapeIDCounter }
, debugDraw { rhs.debugDraw } , debugDraw { rhs.debugDraw }
, hasMoved { rhs.hasMoved }
, rigidBody { rhs.rigidBody } , rigidBody { rhs.rigidBody }
, shapeFactory { rhs.shapeFactory } , shapeFactory { rhs.shapeFactory }
, broadphase { rhs.broadphase }
, transform { rhs.transform } , transform { rhs.transform }
{ {
if (!shapeFactory) if (!shapeFactory)
@ -98,8 +102,10 @@ namespace SHADE
entityID = rhs.entityID; entityID = rhs.entityID;
debugDraw = rhs.debugDraw; debugDraw = rhs.debugDraw;
hasMoved = rhs.hasMoved;
rigidBody = rhs.rigidBody; rigidBody = rhs.rigidBody;
shapeFactory = rhs.shapeFactory; shapeFactory = rhs.shapeFactory;
broadphase = rhs.broadphase;
transform = rhs.transform; transform = rhs.transform;
copyShapes(rhs); copyShapes(rhs);
@ -117,8 +123,10 @@ namespace SHADE
entityID = rhs.entityID; entityID = rhs.entityID;
debugDraw = rhs.debugDraw; debugDraw = rhs.debugDraw;
hasMoved = rhs.hasMoved;
rigidBody = rhs.rigidBody; rigidBody = rhs.rigidBody;
shapeFactory = rhs.shapeFactory; shapeFactory = rhs.shapeFactory;
broadphase = rhs.broadphase;
transform = rhs.transform; transform = rhs.transform;
copyShapes(rhs); copyShapes(rhs);
@ -199,21 +207,25 @@ namespace SHADE
void SHCollider::SetTransform(const SHTransform& newTransform) noexcept void SHCollider::SetTransform(const SHTransform& newTransform) noexcept
{ {
hasMoved = true;
transform = newTransform; transform = newTransform;
} }
void SHCollider::SetPosition(const SHVec3& newPosition) noexcept void SHCollider::SetPosition(const SHVec3& newPosition) noexcept
{ {
hasMoved = true;
transform.position = newPosition; transform.position = newPosition;
} }
void SHCollider::SetOrientation(const SHQuaternion& newOrientation) noexcept void SHCollider::SetOrientation(const SHQuaternion& newOrientation) noexcept
{ {
hasMoved = true;
transform.orientation = newOrientation; transform.orientation = newOrientation;
} }
void SHCollider::SetScale(const SHVec3& newScale) noexcept void SHCollider::SetScale(const SHVec3& newScale) noexcept
{ {
hasMoved = true;
transform.scale = newScale; transform.scale = newScale;
} }
@ -255,10 +267,10 @@ namespace SHADE
}; };
const SHCollisionShapeID NEW_SHAPE_ID{ entityID, shapeIDCounter }; const uint32_t NEW_INDEX = static_cast<uint32_t>(shapes.size());
const SHCollisionShapeID NEW_SHAPE_ID{ entityID, NEW_INDEX };
SHSphereCollisionShape* sphere = shapeFactory->CreateSphere(NEW_SHAPE_ID, SPHERE_CREATE_INFO); SHSphereCollisionShape* sphere = shapeFactory->CreateSphere(NEW_SHAPE_ID, SPHERE_CREATE_INFO);
// Set offsets // Set offsets
sphere->SetParentTransform(transform); sphere->SetParentTransform(transform);
@ -267,12 +279,15 @@ namespace SHADE
shapes.emplace_back(sphere); shapes.emplace_back(sphere);
if (broadphase)
broadphase->Insert(NEW_SHAPE_ID, sphere->ComputeAABB());
// Broadcast Event for adding a shape // Broadcast Event for adding a shape
const SHPhysicsColliderAddedEvent EVENT_DATA const SHPhysicsColliderAddedEvent EVENT_DATA
{ {
.entityID = entityID .entityID = entityID
, .colliderType = SHCollisionShape::Type::SPHERE , .colliderType = SHCollisionShape::Type::SPHERE
, .colliderIndex = static_cast<int>(shapes.size()) , .colliderIndex = static_cast<int>(NEW_INDEX)
}; };
SHEventManager::BroadcastEvent<SHPhysicsColliderAddedEvent>(EVENT_DATA, SH_PHYSICS_COLLIDER_ADDED_EVENT); SHEventManager::BroadcastEvent<SHPhysicsColliderAddedEvent>(EVENT_DATA, SH_PHYSICS_COLLIDER_ADDED_EVENT);
@ -280,7 +295,7 @@ namespace SHADE
if (rigidBody) if (rigidBody)
rigidBody->ComputeMassData(); rigidBody->ComputeMassData();
return static_cast<int>(shapes.size()); return static_cast<int>(NEW_INDEX);
} }
void SHCollider::RemoveCollisionShape(int index) void SHCollider::RemoveCollisionShape(int index)
@ -296,8 +311,8 @@ namespace SHADE
if (index < 0 || index >= NUM_SHAPES) if (index < 0 || index >= NUM_SHAPES)
throw std::invalid_argument("Out-of-range index!"); throw std::invalid_argument("Out-of-range index!");
auto shapeIter = shapes.begin(); auto shape = shapes.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SHAPES; ++i, ++shapeIter) for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SHAPES; ++i, ++shape)
{ {
if (i == index) if (i == index)
break; break;
@ -306,15 +321,21 @@ namespace SHADE
const SHPhysicsColliderRemovedEvent EVENT_DATA const SHPhysicsColliderRemovedEvent EVENT_DATA
{ {
.entityID = entityID .entityID = entityID
, .colliderType = (*shapeIter)->GetType() , .colliderType = (*shape)->GetType()
, .colliderIndex = index , .colliderIndex = index
}; };
shapeFactory->DestroyShape(*shapeIter); // Remove from broadphase
*shapeIter = nullptr; if (broadphase)
*shape = nullptr;
// Remove the shape from the container to prevent accessing a nullptr // Remove the shape from the container to prevent accessing a nullptr
shapeIter = shapes.erase(shapeIter); shape = shapes.erase(shape);
// Broadcast Event for removing a shape // Broadcast Event for removing a shape
SHEventManager::BroadcastEvent<SHPhysicsColliderRemovedEvent>(EVENT_DATA, SH_PHYSICS_COLLIDER_REMOVED_EVENT); SHEventManager::BroadcastEvent<SHPhysicsColliderRemovedEvent>(EVENT_DATA, SH_PHYSICS_COLLIDER_REMOVED_EVENT);
@ -337,12 +358,8 @@ namespace SHADE
void SHCollider::copyShapes(const SHCollider& rhsCollider) void SHCollider::copyShapes(const SHCollider& rhsCollider)
{ {
shapeIDCounter = 0;
for (const auto* shape : rhsCollider.shapes) for (const auto* shape : rhsCollider.shapes)
copyShape(shape); copyShape(shape);
} }
void SHCollider::copyShape(const SHCollisionShape* rhsShape) void SHCollider::copyShape(const SHCollisionShape* rhsShape)
@ -365,7 +382,8 @@ namespace SHADE
, .Scale = RHS_SPHERE->scale , .Scale = RHS_SPHERE->scale
}; };
const SHCollisionShapeID NEW_SHAPE_ID{ entityID, shapeIDCounter }; const uint32_t NEW_INDEX = static_cast<uint32_t>(shapes.size());
const SHCollisionShapeID NEW_SHAPE_ID{ entityID, NEW_INDEX };
SHSphereCollisionShape* sphere = shapeFactory->CreateSphere(NEW_SHAPE_ID, SPHERE_CREATE_INFO); SHSphereCollisionShape* sphere = shapeFactory->CreateSphere(NEW_SHAPE_ID, SPHERE_CREATE_INFO);
*sphere = *RHS_SPHERE; *sphere = *RHS_SPHERE;
@ -380,8 +398,6 @@ namespace SHADE
} }
default: break; default: break;
} }
} }
} // namespace SHADE } // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ namespace SHADE
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class SHRigidBody; class SHRigidBody;
class SHAABBTree;
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Type Definitions */ /* Type Definitions */
@ -155,12 +156,13 @@ namespace SHADE
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
EntityID entityID; EntityID entityID;
uint32_t shapeIDCounter; // This increments everytime a shape is added to differentiate shapes.
bool debugDraw; bool debugDraw;
bool hasMoved;
SHRigidBody* rigidBody; SHRigidBody* rigidBody;
SHCollisionShapeFactory* shapeFactory; SHCollisionShapeFactory* shapeFactory;
SHAABBTree* broadphase;
SHTransform transform; SHTransform transform;

View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include "SHPhysicsWorld.h" #include "SHPhysicsWorld.h"
// Project Headers // Project Headers
#include "Physics/Collision/Narrowphase/SHCollision.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/Narrowphase/SHCollisionDispatch.h"
namespace SHADE namespace SHADE
@ -25,13 +27,52 @@ namespace SHADE
SHPhysicsWorld::SHPhysicsWorld(const WorldSettings& worldSettings) noexcept SHPhysicsWorld::SHPhysicsWorld(const WorldSettings& worldSettings) noexcept
: settings { worldSettings } : settings { worldSettings }
{ {
SHLOG_INFO_D("Creating Physics World") SHLOG_INFO_D("Creating Physics World")
} }
SHPhysicsWorld::~SHPhysicsWorld() noexcept SHPhysicsWorld::~SHPhysicsWorld() noexcept
{ {
/* Getter Functions Definitions */
const SHPhysicsWorld::TriggerEvents& SHPhysicsWorld::GetTriggerEvents() const noexcept
static TriggerEvents triggerEvents;
for (auto& [id, state] : triggers)
triggerEvents.emplace_back(SHTriggerEvent{ id, state });
return triggerEvents;
const SHPhysicsWorld::CollisionEvents& SHPhysicsWorld::GetCollisionEvents() const noexcept
static CollisionEvents collisionEvents;
for (auto& [id, manifold] : manifolds)
SHCollisionEvent collisionEvent
.info = id
, .state = manifold.state
, .normal = manifold.normal
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < manifold.numContacts; ++i)
collisionEvent.contactPoints[i] = manifold.contacts[i].position;
return collisionEvents;
} }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@ -40,7 +81,7 @@ namespace SHADE
void SHPhysicsWorld::AddRigidBody(SHRigidBody* rigidBody) noexcept void SHPhysicsWorld::AddRigidBody(SHRigidBody* rigidBody) noexcept
{ {
const bool INSERTED = rigidBodies.emplace(rigidBody).second; const bool INSERTED = rigidBodies.emplace(rigidBody->entityID, rigidBody).second;
{ {
SHLOG_WARNING_D("Attempting to add duplicate rigid body {} to the Physics World!", rigidBody->entityID) SHLOG_WARNING_D("Attempting to add duplicate rigid body {} to the Physics World!", rigidBody->entityID)
@ -49,37 +90,89 @@ namespace SHADE
void SHPhysicsWorld::RemoveRigidBody(SHRigidBody* rigidBody) noexcept void SHPhysicsWorld::RemoveRigidBody(SHRigidBody* rigidBody) noexcept
{ {
rigidBodies.erase(rigidBody); rigidBodies.erase(rigidBody->entityID);
// Run through the rigid body's contact graph and wake all of its non-static bodies that are asleep // Attempt to remove any invalidated manifolds
if (manifolds.empty())
for (auto manifoldPair = manifolds.begin(); manifoldPair != manifolds.end();)
const auto& ID = manifoldPair->first;
const bool MATCHES_A = ID.GetEntityA() == rigidBody->entityID;
const bool MATCHES_B = ID.GetEntityB() == rigidBody->entityID;
manifoldPair = manifolds.erase(manifoldPair);
// TODO: Run through the rigid body's contact graph and wake all of its non-static bodies that are asleep
} }
void SHPhysicsWorld::AddCollider(SHCollider* collider) noexcept void SHPhysicsWorld::AddCollider(SHCollider* collider) noexcept
{ {
const bool INSERTED = colliders.emplace(collider).second; const bool INSERTED = colliders.emplace(collider->entityID, collider).second;
{ {
SHLOG_WARNING_D("Attempting to add duplicate collider {} to the Physics World!", collider->entityID) SHLOG_WARNING_D("Attempting to add duplicate collider {} to the Physics World!", collider->entityID)
} }
collider->broadphase = &broadphase;
// Add all existing shapes to the broadphase
for (const auto* shape : collider->shapes)
broadphase.Insert(shape->id, shape->ComputeAABB());
} }
void SHPhysicsWorld::RemoveCollider(SHCollider* collider) noexcept void SHPhysicsWorld::RemoveCollider(SHCollider* collider) noexcept
{ {
colliders.erase(collider); colliders.erase(collider->entityID);
const uint32_t NUM_SHAPES = static_cast<uint32_t>(collider->shapes.size());
if (NUM_SHAPES == 0)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_SHAPES; ++i)
const SHCollisionShape* SHAPE = collider->shapes[i];
if (SHAPE->IsTrigger())
removeInvalidatedTrigger(collider->entityID, i);
removeInvalidatedManifold(collider->entityID, i);
* Get collider's rigid body
* Run through the rigid body's contact graph and wake all of its non-static bodies that are asleep
// Get collider's rigid body
// Run through the rigid body's contact graph and wake all of its non-static bodies that are asleep
} }
void SHPhysicsWorld::Step(float dt) void SHPhysicsWorld::Step(float dt)
{ {
for (auto* rigidBody : rigidBodies) // Clear containers of exit state collisions
// TODO: Profile each of these
runBroadphase ();
for (auto* rigidBody : rigidBodies | std::views::values)
{ {
rigidBody->ComputeWorldData(); rigidBody->ComputeWorldData();
integrateForces(*rigidBody, dt); integrateForces(*rigidBody, dt);
} }
for (auto* rigidBody : rigidBodies) for (auto* rigidBody : rigidBodies | std::views::values)
integrateVelocities(*rigidBody, dt); integrateVelocities(*rigidBody, dt);
} }
@ -158,4 +251,262 @@ namespace SHADE
// We clear forces for static bodies as well for redundancy // We clear forces for static bodies as well for redundancy
rigidBody.ClearForces(); rigidBody.ClearForces();
} }
void SHPhysicsWorld::runBroadphase() noexcept
// Update any colliders that have moved
for (auto& collider : colliders | std::views::values)
if (!collider->hasMoved)
// Clear hasMoved flag here
collider->hasMoved = false;
// Update moved shapes in broadphase
for (auto* shape : collider->shapes)
broadphase.Update(shape->id, shape->ComputeAABB());
// Query: Kinematic Triggers, Awake Dynamic Bodies & Dynamic Triggers
for (auto& collider : colliders | std::views::values)
// Default static bodies
if (!collider->rigidBody)
// Explicit static bodies
const bool IS_STATIC = collider->rigidBody->GetType() == SHRigidBody::Type::STATIC;
// All remaining are kinematic or dynamic
// Iterate through shapes: if kinematic / dynamic trigger, else if dynamic & awake
if (collider->rigidBody->GetType() == SHRigidBody::Type::KINEMATIC)
if (collider->rigidBody->GetType() == SHRigidBody::Type::DYNAMIC)
void SHPhysicsWorld::queryKinematic(SHCollider* collider) noexcept
for (auto* shape : collider->shapes)
// For kinematic shapes, we only query triggers against everything else
if (!shape->IsTrigger())
auto& potentialCollisions = broadphase.Query(shape->id, shape->ComputeAABB());
// Build narrow-phase pairs
auto* shapeA = shape;
const EntityID ID_A = shape->id.GetEntityID();
const uint32_t INDEX_A = shape->id.GetShapeIndex();
for (auto& id : potentialCollisions)
// Get corresponding shape
const EntityID ID_B = id.GetEntityID();
const uint32_t INDEX_B = id.GetShapeIndex();
auto* shapeB = colliders[ID_B]->GetCollisionShape(INDEX_B);
// Build collision ID
SHCollisionID collisionKey;
// Check if it already exists. If it doesn't, put into batch.
auto narrowphasePair = narrowphaseBatch.find(collisionKey);
if (narrowphasePair == narrowphaseBatch.end())
narrowphaseBatch.emplace(collisionKey, NarrowphasePair{ shapeA, shapeB });
void SHPhysicsWorld::queryDynamic(SHCollider* collider) noexcept
for (auto* shape : collider->shapes)
auto& potentialCollisions = broadphase.Query(shape->id, shape->ComputeAABB());
// Build narrow-phase pairs
auto* shapeA = shape;
const EntityID ID_A = shape->id.GetEntityID();
const uint32_t INDEX_A = shape->id.GetShapeIndex();
for (auto& id : potentialCollisions)
// Get corresponding shape
const EntityID ID_B = id.GetEntityID();
const uint32_t INDEX_B = id.GetShapeIndex();
auto* shapeB = colliders[ID_B]->GetCollisionShape(INDEX_B);
// Build collision ID
SHCollisionID collisionKey;
// Check if it already exists. If it doesn't, put into batch.
auto narrowphasePair = narrowphaseBatch.find(collisionKey);
if (narrowphasePair == narrowphaseBatch.end())
narrowphaseBatch.emplace(collisionKey, NarrowphasePair{ shapeA, shapeB });
void SHPhysicsWorld::runNarrowphase() noexcept
for (auto& [id, narrowphasePair] : narrowphaseBatch)
const bool IS_A_TRIGGER = narrowphasePair.A->IsTrigger();
const bool IS_B_TRIGGER = narrowphasePair.B->IsTrigger();
// Check if ID exists in trigger
collideTriggers(id, narrowphasePair);
collideManifolds(id, narrowphasePair);
void SHPhysicsWorld::collideTriggers(const SHCollisionID& id, NarrowphasePair& narrowphasePair) noexcept
const auto* A = narrowphasePair.A;
const auto* B = narrowphasePair.B;
const bool COLLIDING = SHCollisionDispatcher::Collide(*A, *B);
auto trigger = triggers.find(id);
// If id not found, emplace new object.
// New object is in the invalid state
if (trigger == triggers.end())
trigger = triggers.emplace(id, SHCollisionState::INVALID).first;
SHCollisionState& state = trigger->second;
updateCollisionState(COLLIDING, state);
// If it was a false positive, remove the manifold immediately.
// Remove using iterator as it is on average faster.
if (state == SHCollisionState::INVALID)
trigger = triggers.erase(trigger);
void SHPhysicsWorld::collideManifolds(const SHCollisionID& id, NarrowphasePair& narrowphasePair) noexcept
auto* A = narrowphasePair.A;
auto* B = narrowphasePair.B;
SHManifold newManifold { .A = A, .B = B };
const bool COLLIDING = SHCollisionDispatcher::Collide(newManifold, *A, *B);
auto manifold = manifolds.find(id);
// If id not found, emplace new manifold
if (manifold == manifolds.end())
manifold = manifolds.emplace(id, newManifold).first;
// TODO: Update existing manifolds with new data
SHCollisionState& state = manifold->second.state;
updateCollisionState(COLLIDING, state);
// If it was a false positive, remove the manifold immediately.
// Remove using iterator as it is on average faster.
if (state == SHCollisionState::INVALID)
manifold = manifolds.erase(manifold);
void SHPhysicsWorld::updateCollisionState(bool isColliding, SHCollisionState& state) noexcept
if (isColliding)
state = state == SHCollisionState::INVALID ? SHCollisionState::ENTER : SHCollisionState::STAY;
state = SHCollisionState::EXIT;
void SHPhysicsWorld::updateEvents() noexcept
// Clear expired or invalid collisions
for (auto manifold = manifolds.begin(); manifold != manifolds.end();)
const auto COLLISION_STATE = manifold->second.state;
const bool IS_EXIT = COLLISION_STATE == SHCollisionState::EXIT;
const bool IS_INVALID = COLLISION_STATE == SHCollisionState::INVALID;
manifold = manifolds.erase(manifold);
// Clear expired or invalid triggers
for (auto trigger = triggers.begin(); trigger != triggers.end();)
const auto COLLISION_STATE = trigger->second;
const bool IS_EXIT = COLLISION_STATE == SHCollisionState::EXIT;
const bool IS_INVALID = COLLISION_STATE == SHCollisionState::INVALID;
trigger = triggers.erase(trigger);
void SHPhysicsWorld::removeInvalidatedTrigger(EntityID eid, uint32_t shapeIndex)
if (triggers.empty())
for (auto invalidatedTrigger = triggers.begin(); invalidatedTrigger != triggers.end();)
const auto& ID = invalidatedTrigger->first;
const bool MATCHES_A = ID.GetEntityA() == eid && ID.GetShapeIndexA() == shapeIndex;
const bool MATCHES_B = ID.GetEntityB() == eid && ID.GetShapeIndexB() == shapeIndex;
invalidatedTrigger = triggers.erase(invalidatedTrigger);
void SHPhysicsWorld::removeInvalidatedManifold(EntityID eid, uint32_t shapeIndex)
if (manifolds.empty())
for (auto invalidatedManifold = manifolds.begin(); invalidatedManifold != manifolds.end();)
const auto& ID = invalidatedManifold->first;
const bool MATCHES_A = ID.GetEntityA() == eid && ID.GetShapeIndexA() == shapeIndex;
const bool MATCHES_B = ID.GetEntityB() == eid && ID.GetShapeIndexB() == shapeIndex;
invalidatedManifold = manifolds.erase(invalidatedManifold);
} // namespace SHADE } // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -10,9 +10,12 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <unordered_set> #include <unordered_map>
// Project Headers // Project Headers
#include "Physics/Collision/Broadphase/SHDynamicAABBTree.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/Contacts/SHCollisionEvents.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/Contacts/SHManifold.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/SHCollider.h" #include "Physics/Collision/SHCollider.h"
#include "SHRigidBody.h" #include "SHRigidBody.h"
@ -44,6 +47,9 @@ namespace SHADE
bool sleepingEnabled = true; bool sleepingEnabled = true;
}; };
using TriggerEvents = std::vector<SHTriggerEvent>;
using CollisionEvents = std::vector<SHCollisionEvent>;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Constructors & Destructor */ /* Constructors & Destructor */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@ -54,7 +60,6 @@ namespace SHADE
SHPhysicsWorld (const SHPhysicsWorld&) = delete; SHPhysicsWorld (const SHPhysicsWorld&) = delete;
SHPhysicsWorld (SHPhysicsWorld&&) = delete; SHPhysicsWorld (SHPhysicsWorld&&) = delete;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Operator Overloads */ /* Operator Overloads */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@ -63,7 +68,14 @@ namespace SHADE
SHPhysicsWorld& operator=(SHPhysicsWorld&&) = delete; SHPhysicsWorld& operator=(SHPhysicsWorld&&) = delete;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Function Members */ /* Getter Functions */
const TriggerEvents& GetTriggerEvents () const noexcept;
const CollisionEvents& GetCollisionEvents () const noexcept;
/* Member Functions */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void AddRigidBody (SHRigidBody* rigidBody) noexcept; void AddRigidBody (SHRigidBody* rigidBody) noexcept;
@ -79,10 +91,22 @@ namespace SHADE
/* Type Definitions */ /* Type Definitions */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
//! I realise using a set may be dangerous with pointers. An unordered_map may be better, but I don't need the entityIDs so... struct NarrowphasePair
SHCollisionShape* A = nullptr;
SHCollisionShape* B = nullptr;
// EntityIDs are used to map resolved contraints back to bodies
using RigidBodies = std::unordered_map<EntityID, SHRigidBody*>;
using Colliders = std::unordered_map<EntityID, SHCollider*>;
// Collisions
using NarrowphaseBatch = std::unordered_map<SHCollisionID, NarrowphasePair, SHCollisionIDHash>;
using Manifolds = std::unordered_map<SHCollisionID, SHManifold, SHCollisionIDHash>;
using Triggers = std::unordered_map<SHCollisionID, SHCollisionState, SHCollisionIDHash>;
using Colliders = std::unordered_set<SHCollider*>;
using RigidBodies = std::unordered_set<SHRigidBody*>;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@ -91,16 +115,44 @@ namespace SHADE
WorldSettings settings; WorldSettings settings;
Colliders colliders; // Containers
RigidBodies rigidBodies; RigidBodies rigidBodies;
Colliders colliders;
NarrowphaseBatch narrowphaseBatch;
Manifolds manifolds;
Triggers triggers;
// World components
SHAABBTree broadphase;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Function Members */ /* Function Members */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// TODO: Move to island when islands are set up
void integrateForces (SHRigidBody& rigidBody, float dt) const noexcept; void integrateForces (SHRigidBody& rigidBody, float dt) const noexcept;
void integrateVelocities (SHRigidBody& rigidBody, float dt) const noexcept; void integrateVelocities (SHRigidBody& rigidBody, float dt) const noexcept;
// Broadphase helpers
void runBroadphase () noexcept;
void queryKinematic (SHCollider* collider) noexcept;
void queryDynamic (SHCollider* collider) noexcept;
// Narrowphase helpers
void runNarrowphase () noexcept;
void collideTriggers (const SHCollisionID& id, NarrowphasePair& narrowphasePair) noexcept;
void collideManifolds (const SHCollisionID& id, NarrowphasePair& narrowphasePair) noexcept;
void updateCollisionState (bool isColliding, SHCollisionState& state) noexcept;
void updateEvents () noexcept;
void removeInvalidatedTrigger (EntityID eid, uint32_t shapeIndex);
void removeInvalidatedManifold (EntityID eid, uint32_t shapeIndex);
}; };