Added Collision Tags #233

direnbharwani merged 10 commits from SP3-2-Physics into main 2022-11-20 22:40:53 +08:00
11 changed files with 605 additions and 20 deletions

View File

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All collision tags should follow the above format "index<space>tag name".
If it fails to follow this, the default tag names will be used.

View File

@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ namespace Sandbox
// TODO: Move into an Editor menu
static bool drawColliders = false;
if (SHInputManager::GetKeyDown(SHInputManager::SH_KEYCODE::F10))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
* \file SHCollisionTagMatrix.cpp
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Implementation for Collision Tag Matrix for handling sets of Collision Tags.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include <SHpch.h>
#include <fstream>
// Primary Header
#include "SHCollisionTagMatrix.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Static Data Member Definitions */
SHCollisionTag SHCollisionTagMatrix::collisionTags[SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS];
/* Getter Function Definitions */
const std::string& SHCollisionTagMatrix::GetTagName(int tagIndex)
if (tagIndex < 0 || tagIndex > SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS)
throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range!");
return collisionTags[tagIndex].GetName();
int SHCollisionTagMatrix::GetTagIndex(const std::string& tagName) noexcept
for (int i = 0; i < SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS; ++i)
if (collisionTags[i].GetName() == tagName)
return i;
SHLOGV_WARNING("Collision Tag {} cannot be found!", tagName)
return -1;
SHCollisionTag* SHCollisionTagMatrix::GetTag(int tagIndex)
if (tagIndex < 0 || tagIndex > SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS)
throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range!");
return &collisionTags[tagIndex];
SHCollisionTag* SHCollisionTagMatrix::GetTag(const std::string& tagName) noexcept
for (int i = 0; i < SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS; ++i)
if (collisionTags[i].GetName() == tagName)
return &collisionTags[i];
SHLOGV_WARNING("Collision Tag {} cannot be found!", tagName)
return nullptr;
/* Setter Function Definitions */
void SHCollisionTagMatrix::SetTagName(const std::string& oldTagName, const std::string& newTagName) noexcept
for (auto& collisionTag : collisionTags)
if (collisionTag.GetName() != oldTagName)
SHLOGV_WARNING("Collision tag {} cannot be found!", oldTagName)
void SHCollisionTagMatrix::SetTag(const std::string& tagName, const SHCollisionTag& newTag) noexcept
for (auto& collisionTag : collisionTags)
if (collisionTag.GetName() != tagName)
collisionTag = newTag;
SHLOGV_WARNING("Collision tag {} cannot be found!", tagName)
void SHCollisionTagMatrix::SetTag(const std::string& tagName, uint16_t mask) noexcept
for (auto& collisionTag : collisionTags)
if (collisionTag.GetName() != tagName)
SHLOGV_WARNING("Collision tag {} cannot be found!", tagName)
void SHCollisionTagMatrix::SetTagName(int tagIndex, const std::string& newTagName)
if (tagIndex < 0 || tagIndex > SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS)
throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range!");
void SHCollisionTagMatrix::SetTag(int tagIndex, const SHCollisionTag& newTag)
if (tagIndex < 0 || tagIndex > SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS)
throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range!");
collisionTags[tagIndex] = newTag;
void SHCollisionTagMatrix::SetTag(int tagIndex, uint16_t mask)
if (tagIndex < 0 || tagIndex > SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS)
throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range!");
/* Public Function Member Definitions */
void SHCollisionTagMatrix::Init(const std::filesystem::path& tagNameFilePath) noexcept
* Each line in the file should be "index<space>tag name".
* If the line fails to follow this format, use the default tag name (index + 1)
// Populate tag names with default
for (int i = 0; i < SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS; ++i)
collisionTags[i].SetName(std::to_string(i + 1));
std::ifstream collisionTagNamesFile { tagNameFilePath };
if (!collisionTagNamesFile.is_open())
SHLOG_ERROR("Failed to open file for Collision Tag Names! Default tag names used!")
std::stringstream ss;
std::string line;
int linesRead = 0;
while (std::getline(collisionTagNamesFile, line))
// Do not read anything beyond the first 16 lines
if (linesRead >= 16)
ss << line;
// First element is index.
int tagIndex;
ss >> tagIndex;
// Next element is name of the tag
std::string tagName;
ss >> tagName;
// If no tag name read, use default.
if (tagName.empty())
"Collision tag file line {} does not match the required format of 'index<space>tag name'. Default tag used for index {}"
, linesRead + 1
, tagIndex
// Use default
collisionTags[tagIndex].SetName(std::to_string(tagIndex + 1));
void SHCollisionTagMatrix::Exit(const std::filesystem::path& tagNameFilePath) noexcept
std::ofstream collisionTagNamesFile { tagNameFilePath };
if (!collisionTagNamesFile.is_open())
SHLOG_ERROR("Failed to open file for Collision Tag Names! Tag names not saved!")
for (int i = 0; i < SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS; ++i)
collisionTagNamesFile << i << " " << collisionTags[i].GetName() << std::endl;
} // namespace SHADE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* \file SHCollisionTagMatrix.h
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Interface for Collision Tag Matrix for handling sets of Collision Tags.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
#include <filesystem>
// Project Includes
#include "SH_API.h"
#include "SHCollisionTags.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Type Definitions */
class SH_API SHCollisionTagMatrix
/* Getter Functions */
[[nodiscard]] static const std::string& GetTagName (int tagIndex);
[[nodiscard]] static int GetTagIndex (const std::string& tagName) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] static SHCollisionTag* GetTag (int tagIndex);
[[nodiscard]] static SHCollisionTag* GetTag (const std::string& tagName) noexcept;
/* Setter Functions */
static void SetTagName (const std::string& oldTagName, const std::string& newTagName) noexcept;
static void SetTag (const std::string& tagName, const SHCollisionTag& newTag) noexcept;
static void SetTag (const std::string& tagName, uint16_t mask) noexcept;
// Unsafe Setters: Can throw exceptions
static void SetTagName (int tagIndex, const std::string& newTagName);
static void SetTag (int tagIndex, const SHCollisionTag& newTag);
static void SetTag (int tagIndex, uint16_t mask);
/* Function Members */
static void Init (const std::filesystem::path& tagNameFilePath) noexcept;
static void Exit (const std::filesystem::path& tagNameFilePath) noexcept;
/* Data Members */
static SHCollisionTag collisionTags[SHCollisionTag::NUM_LAYERS];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
* \file SHCollisionTags.cpp
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Implementation for Collision Tags for filtering collisions.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#include <SHpch.h>
#include <fstream>
// Primary Header
#include "SHCollisionTags.h"
// Project Headers
#include "Tools/Utilities/SHUtilities.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Constructors & Destructor Definitions */
SHCollisionTag::SHCollisionTag() noexcept
: mask { SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(Layer::ALL) }
SHCollisionTag::SHCollisionTag(uint16_t _mask) noexcept
: mask { _mask }
SHCollisionTag::SHCollisionTag(Layer layer) noexcept
: mask { SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(layer) }
/* Operator Overload Definitions */
bool SHCollisionTag::operator==(const SHCollisionTag& rhs) const noexcept
return mask == rhs.mask;
bool SHCollisionTag::operator!=(const SHCollisionTag& rhs) const noexcept
return mask != rhs.mask;
SHCollisionTag::operator uint16_t() const noexcept
return mask;
/* Getter Function Definitions */
uint16_t SHCollisionTag::GetMask() const noexcept
return mask;
const std::string& SHCollisionTag::GetName() const noexcept
return name;
bool SHCollisionTag::GetLayerState(Layer layer) const noexcept
return (mask & SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(layer)) > 0;
bool SHCollisionTag::GetLayerState(int layerIndex) const
if (layerIndex < 0 || layerIndex > NUM_LAYERS)
throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range!");
return (mask & (1U << layerIndex)) > 0;
/* Setter Function Definitions */
void SHCollisionTag::SetMask(uint16_t newMask) noexcept
mask = newMask;
void SHCollisionTag::SetName(const std::string_view& newName) noexcept
name = newName;
void SHCollisionTag::SetLayerState(Layer layer, bool state) noexcept
const auto VALUE = SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(layer);
state ? mask |= VALUE : mask &= ~(VALUE);
void SHCollisionTag::SetLayerState(int layerIndex, bool state)
if (layerIndex < 0 || layerIndex > NUM_LAYERS)
throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range!");
const auto VALUE = 1U << layerIndex;
state ? mask |= (VALUE) : mask &= ~(VALUE);
} // namespace SHADE
SHADE::SHCollisionTag::Layer operator|(SHADE::SHCollisionTag::Layer lhs, SHADE::SHCollisionTag::Layer rhs) noexcept
return static_cast<SHADE::SHCollisionTag::Layer>(SHADE::SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(lhs) | SHADE::SHUtilities::ConvertEnum(rhs));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
* \file SHCollisionTags.h
* \author Diren D Bharwani, diren.dbharwani, 390002520
* \brief Interface for Collision Tags for filtering collisions.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or
* disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent
* of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
#pragma once
#include <string>
// Project Headers
#include "SH_API.h"
namespace SHADE
/* Type Definitions */
class SH_API SHCollisionTag
/* Type Definitions */
enum class Layer : uint16_t
_1 = 0x0001
, _2 = 0x0002
, _3 = 0x0004
, _4 = 0x0008
, _5 = 0x0010
, _6 = 0x0020
, _7 = 0x0040
, _8 = 0x0080
, _9 = 0x0100
, _10 = 0x0200
, _11 = 0x0400
, _12 = 0x0800
, _13 = 0x1000
, _14 = 0x2000
, _15 = 0x4000
, _16 = 0x8000
, ALL = 0xFFFF
/* Data Members */
static constexpr int NUM_LAYERS = 16;
/* Constructors & Destructor */
SHCollisionTag () noexcept;
SHCollisionTag (uint16_t mask) noexcept;
SHCollisionTag (Layer layer) noexcept;
SHCollisionTag (const SHCollisionTag&) noexcept = default;
SHCollisionTag (SHCollisionTag&&) noexcept = default;
~SHCollisionTag () = default;
/* Operator Overloads */
SHCollisionTag& operator=(const SHCollisionTag&) noexcept = default;
SHCollisionTag& operator=(SHCollisionTag&&) noexcept = default;
[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const SHCollisionTag& rhs) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const SHCollisionTag& rhs) const noexcept;
operator uint16_t() const noexcept;
/* Getter Functions */
[[nodiscard]] uint16_t GetMask () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& GetName () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] bool GetLayerState (Layer layer) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] bool GetLayerState (int layerIndex) const;
/* Setter Functions */
void SetMask (uint16_t newMask) noexcept;
void SetName (const std::string_view& newName) noexcept;
void SetLayerState (Layer layer, bool state) noexcept;
void SetLayerState (int layerIndex, bool state);
/* Data Members */
uint16_t mask;
std::string name;
} // namespace SHADE
SHADE::SHCollisionTag::Layer SH_API operator|(SHADE::SHCollisionTag::Layer lhs, SHADE::SHCollisionTag::Layer rhs) noexcept;

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "Math/Geometry/SHBox.h"
#include "Math/Geometry/SHSphere.h"
#include "Math/SHMathHelpers.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/SHCollisionTagMatrix.h"
#include "Reflection/SHReflectionMetadata.h"
#include "SHColliderComponent.h"
@ -26,12 +27,13 @@ namespace SHADE
SHCollisionShape::SHCollisionShape(EntityID eid, Type colliderType, const SHPhysicsMaterial& physicsMaterial)
: type { colliderType }
, entityID { eid }
, isTrigger { false }
, dirty { true }
, shape { nullptr }
, material { physicsMaterial }
: type { colliderType }
, entityID { eid }
, isTrigger { false }
, dirty { true }
, shape { nullptr }
, material { physicsMaterial }
, collisionTag { SHCollisionTagMatrix::GetTag(0) }
switch (type)
@ -57,6 +59,8 @@ namespace SHADE
, shape { nullptr }
, material { rhs.material }
, positionOffset { rhs.positionOffset }
, rotationOffset { rhs.rotationOffset }
, collisionTag { rhs.collisionTag }
@ -69,6 +73,8 @@ namespace SHADE
, shape { nullptr }
, material { rhs.material }
, positionOffset { rhs.positionOffset }
, rotationOffset { rhs.rotationOffset }
, collisionTag { rhs.collisionTag }
@ -93,6 +99,8 @@ namespace SHADE
dirty = true;
material = rhs.material;
positionOffset = rhs.positionOffset;
rotationOffset = rhs.rotationOffset;
collisionTag = rhs.collisionTag;
delete shape;
@ -108,6 +116,8 @@ namespace SHADE
dirty = true;
material = rhs.material;
positionOffset = rhs.positionOffset;
rotationOffset = rhs.rotationOffset;
collisionTag = rhs.collisionTag;
delete shape;
@ -134,6 +144,11 @@ namespace SHADE
return type;
const SHCollisionTag& SHCollisionShape::GetCollisionTag() const noexcept
return *collisionTag;
float SHCollisionShape::GetFriction() const noexcept
return material.GetFriction();
@ -240,6 +255,12 @@ namespace SHADE
isTrigger = trigger;
void SHCollisionShape::SetCollisionTag(SHCollisionTag* newCollisionTag) noexcept
dirty = true;
collisionTag = newCollisionTag;
void SHCollisionShape::SetFriction(float friction) noexcept
dirty = true;

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "Math/Geometry/SHShape.h"
#include "Math/SHQuaternion.h"
#include "SHPhysicsMaterial.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/SHCollisionTags.h"
namespace SHADE
@ -74,6 +75,8 @@ namespace SHADE
[[nodiscard]] Type GetType () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] const SHCollisionTag& GetCollisionTag () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] float GetFriction () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] float GetBounciness () const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] float GetDensity () const noexcept;
@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ namespace SHADE
void SetBoundingSphere (float radius);
void SetIsTrigger (bool isTrigger) noexcept;
void SetCollisionTag (SHCollisionTag* newCollisionTag) noexcept;
void SetFriction (float friction) noexcept;
void SetBounciness (float bounciness) noexcept;
void SetDensity (float density) noexcept;
@ -109,11 +113,15 @@ namespace SHADE
EntityID entityID; // The entity this collider belongs to
bool isTrigger;
bool dirty;
SHShape* shape;
SHPhysicsMaterial material;
SHVec3 positionOffset;
SHVec3 rotationOffset;
SHCollisionTag* collisionTag;
/* Function Members */

View File

@ -254,6 +254,10 @@ namespace SHADE
case 9: // Mass
//if (component.GetAutoMass())
// rp3dBody->updateMassPropertiesFromColliders();
@ -261,9 +265,9 @@ namespace SHADE
// rp3dBody->setMass(component.mass);
// rp3dBody->updateLocalCenterOfMassFromColliders();
// rp3dBody->updateLocalInertiaTensorFromColliders();
@ -309,7 +313,18 @@ namespace SHADE
default: break;
syncMaterial(i, collisionShape);
// Sync material
auto* rp3dCollider = rp3dBody->getCollider(i);
auto& rp3dMaterial = rp3dCollider->getMaterial();
// Sync tags
const unsigned short MASK_BITS = collisionShape.GetCollisionTag();
collisionShape.dirty = false;
@ -319,14 +334,6 @@ namespace SHADE
/* Private Function Member Definitions */
void SHPhysicsObject::syncMaterial(int colliderIndex, SHCollisionShape& collisionShape) const noexcept
auto& rp3dMaterial = rp3dBody->getCollider(colliderIndex)->getMaterial();
void SHPhysicsObject::addBoxShape(SHCollisionShape& boxShape) const noexcept
const rp3d::Transform OFFSETS

View File

@ -96,8 +96,6 @@ namespace SHADE
/* Function Members */
void syncMaterial (int colliderIndex, SHCollisionShape& collisionShape) const noexcept;
// Box Shapes
void addBoxShape (SHCollisionShape& boxShape) const noexcept;

View File

@ -14,10 +14,12 @@
#include "SHPhysicsSystem.h"
// Project Headers
#include "Assets/SHAssetMacros.h"
#include "ECS_Base/Managers/SHComponentManager.h"
#include "ECS_Base/Managers/SHEntityManager.h"
#include "ECS_Base/Managers/SHSystemManager.h"
#include "Editor/SHEditor.h"
#include "Physics/Collision/SHCollisionTagMatrix.h"
#include "Physics/SHPhysicsEvents.h"
#include "Scene/SHSceneManager.h"
#include "Scripting/SHScriptEngine.h"
@ -90,6 +92,11 @@ namespace SHADE
void SHPhysicsSystem::Init()
// Initialise collision tags
std::filesystem::path defaultCollisionTagNameFilePath { ASSET_ROOT };
// Subscribe to component events
const std::shared_ptr ADD_COMPONENT_RECEIVER { std::make_shared<SHEventReceiverSpec<SHPhysicsSystem>>(this, &SHPhysicsSystem::addPhysicsComponent) };
const ReceiverPtr ADD_COMPONENT_RECEIVER_PTR = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SHEventReceiver>(ADD_COMPONENT_RECEIVER);
@ -122,6 +129,11 @@ namespace SHADE
void SHPhysicsSystem::Exit()
// Write collision tag names to file
std::filesystem::path defaultCollisionTagNameFilePath { ASSET_ROOT };
void SHPhysicsSystem::ForceUpdate()