/********************************************************************* * \file LeafAttack.cs * \author Ryan Wang Nian Jing * \brief Leaf node implementation for AI attacking the player * when the AI is close enough after chasing * * * \copyright Copyright (c) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited. *********************************************************************/ using SHADE; using SHADE_Scripting.AIBehaviour.BehaviourTree; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; //VARIABLES public partial class LeafAttack : BehaviourTreeNode { //Holds the player game object private GameObject player; } //FUNCTIONS public partial class LeafAttack : BehaviourTreeNode { public LeafAttack(string name, GameObject p) : base (name) { player = p; } public override BehaviourTreeNodeStatus Evaluate() { //Debug.LogWarning("LeafAttack"); //Fail if no target in blackboard? onEnter(BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.RUNNING); //Succeed when stand in hurt box for long enough float captureTime = (float)GetNodeData("captureTimeLeft"); captureTime -= Time.DeltaTimeF; SetNodeData("captureTimeLeft", captureTime); //Debug.Log(captureTime.ToString()); if (captureTime <= 0.0f) { //Catch player when in range for long enough player.GetScript().currentState = PlayerController.RaccoonStates.CAUGHT; status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.SUCCESS; onExit(BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.SUCCESS); return status; } //Return running if not success //Debug.Log("Success: Caught"); status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.RUNNING; onExit(BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.RUNNING); return status; } }