
210 lines
7.8 KiB

* \file Homeowner1.cs
* \author Ryan Wang Nian Jing
* \brief The implemented behaviour tree for the homeowner
* A prototype to prove that behaviour trees can be worked and expanded
* on in the custom engine for GAM300 Milestone 3 and expanded over
* GAM350
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
using SHADE;
using SHADE_Scripting.AIBehaviour.BehaviourTree;
using SHADE_Scripting.Audio;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
//Variables required for the AI to function
//To be attached to the game object via the inspector
public partial class Homeowner1 : BehaviourTree
private BehaviourTreeEvents _events { get; set; }
public override BehaviourTreeEvents events { get => _events; }
//PATROL FIELDS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[Tooltip("The list of waypoints for the AI to cycle around")]
private GameObject waypointsPool;
private List<GameObject> waypoints;
private GameObject startWaypoint;
[Tooltip("The AI will patrol at this speed")]
private float patrolSpeed;
[Tooltip("The speed at which the AI will chase the player if sighted")]
private float chaseSpeed;
[Tooltip("Turning speed multiplier of the AI. 10 is good")]
private float turningSpeed;
//FIELD OF VISION/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[Tooltip("How far the AI can see up to")]
private float sightDistance;
[Tooltip("How far the eyes are offset from the AI's actual position")]
private Vector3 eyeOffset;
[Tooltip("How near the player mut be to the AI for capture")]
private float distanceToCapture;
[Tooltip("How long the player should be in the attack range for successful capture")]
private float captureTime;
//There's definitely a better way to do this
[Tooltip("TO BE REMOVED IN 350. Interval multiplier between footsteps")]
private float footstepSFXIntervalMultiplier;
private float footstepTimeRemaining;
//singleton for AI
public static Homeowner1 aiInstance { get; private set; }
//AI tree
public partial class Homeowner1 : BehaviourTree
//Called at the start
protected override void Initialise()
_events = new Homeowner1Events(this);
//(25 Nov) DO NOT Initialise the data here
/*if (waypointsPool)
waypoints = (List<GameObject>)waypointsPool.GetChildren();
SetData("waypoints", waypoints);
SetData("transform", GetComponent<Transform>());
SetData("rigidBody", GetComponent<RigidBody>());
SetData("eyeOffset", eyeOffset);
SetData("sightDistance", sightDistance);
SetData("patrolSpeed", patrolSpeed);
SetData("chaseSpeed", chaseSpeed);
SetData("turningSpeed", turningSpeed);
SetData("distanceToCapture", distanceToCapture);
SetData("baseCaptureTime", captureTime);*/
//These should be somewhere else
//AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["BGMUnalert"] = Audio.CreateAudioClip("event:/Music/player_undetected");
//AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["BGMAlert"] = Audio.CreateAudioClip("event:/Music/player_detected");
AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["BGMAdaptive"] = Audio.CreateAudioClip("event:/Music/bgm_adaptive");
AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["SFXFootstep"] = Audio.CreateAudioClip("event:/Homeowner/homeowner_footsteps");
Audio.AttachAudioClipToObject(AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["SFXFootstep"], GameObject.EntityId);
AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["SFXDetectAh"] = Audio.CreateAudioClip("event:/Homeowner/homeowner_detect_raccoon");
Audio.AttachAudioClipToObject(AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["SFXDetectAh"], GameObject.EntityId);
AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["SFXDetectSting"] = Audio.CreateAudioClip("event:/Music/stingers/player_detected");
AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["SFXHumming"] = Audio.CreateAudioClip("event:/Homeowner/homeowner_humming");
Audio.AttachAudioClipToObject(AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["SFXHumming"], GameObject.EntityId);
if (aiInstance != null && aiInstance != this)
aiInstance = this;
//Called every tick
protected override void Tick()
//Update data
if (GetData("waypoints") == null)
if (waypointsPool != GameObject.Null)
SetData("waypoints", (List<GameObject>)waypointsPool.GetChildren());
Debug.LogError("No waypoints, no AI");
if (GetData("transform") == null)
SetData("transform", GetComponent<Transform>());
if (GetData("rigidBody") == null)
SetData("rigidBody", GetComponent<RigidBody>());
if (GetData("eyeOffset") == null || (Vector3)GetData("eyeOffset") != eyeOffset)
SetData("eyeOffset", eyeOffset);
if (GetData("sightDistance") == null || (float)GetData("sightDistance") != sightDistance)
SetData("sightDistance", sightDistance);
if (GetData("patrolSpeed") == null || (float)GetData("patrolSpeed") != patrolSpeed)
SetData("patrolSpeed", patrolSpeed);
if (GetData("chaseSpeed") == null || (float)GetData("chaseSpeed") != chaseSpeed)
SetData("chaseSpeed", chaseSpeed);
if (GetData("turningSpeed") == null || (float)GetData("turningSpeed") != turningSpeed)
SetData("turningSpeed", turningSpeed);
if (GetData("distanceToCapture") == null || (float)GetData("distanceToCapture") != distanceToCapture)
SetData("distanceToCapture", distanceToCapture);
if (GetData("baseCaptureTime") == null || (float)GetData("baseCaptureTime") != captureTime)
SetData("baseCaptureTime", captureTime);
if (GetData("startWaypoint") == null || (GameObject)GetData("startWaypoint") != startWaypoint)
SetData("startWaypoint", startWaypoint);
//Footsteps SFX, move them somewhere else soon
float velocity = GetComponent<RigidBody>().LinearVelocity.GetMagnitude();
footstepTimeRemaining -= velocity * Time.DeltaTimeF;
if (footstepTimeRemaining < 0.0f)
footstepTimeRemaining = footstepSFXIntervalMultiplier;
//Define the behaviour tree here
//Order of which nodes are created affects order of execution
//The tree is called from the root every tick
protected override BehaviourTreeNode CreateTree()
//Debug.Log("Creating Tree");
//Start from the root, structure it like this to make it look like a tree
BehaviourTreeNode root = new BehaviourTreeSelector("Root", new List<BehaviourTreeNode>
new BehaviourTreeSequence("Alerted", new List<BehaviourTreeNode>
new LeafSearch("SearchFOV"),
new BehaviourTreeSequence("CatchPlayer", new List<BehaviourTreeNode>
new LeafChase("Chasing"),
new LeafAttack("Attacking")
new LeafPatrol("Patrol")
//Debug.Log("Tree Created");
return root;
protected override void onDestroy()
if (aiInstance == this)
aiInstance = null;