
273 lines
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* \file LeafPatrol.cs
* \author Ryan Wang Nian Jing
* \brief Leaf node implementation for patrolling AI
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
using SHADE;
using SHADE_Scripting.AIBehaviour.BehaviourTree;
using SHADE_Scripting.Audio;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public partial class LeafPatrol : BehaviourTreeNode
//Waypoints and movement
private Transform transform;
private List<GameObject>? waypoints;
private RigidBody rb;
private float patrolSpeed;
private float chaseSpeed;
private float turningSpeed;
private float retreatTimer = 0.0f;
private int currentWaypointIndex = 0;
private bool retreatState = false;
private bool goingForwards = true;
//Small delays between waypoints
private bool isWaiting = false;
private const float waitDuration = 2.0f;
private float waitCounter = 0.0f;
public partial class LeafPatrol : BehaviourTreeNode
//Constructor, establish values here
//Despite inheriting from BehaviourTreeNode, we don't have children to this
//node, and hence we do not need to inherit its constructors
public LeafPatrol(string name) : base(name)
currentWaypointIndex = 0;
//When it comes to evaluating,
//le this node keep returning RUNNING as it is the last fallback node on tree
public override BehaviourTreeNodeStatus Evaluate()
//Get data
if (GetNodeData("transform") == null ||
GetNodeData("patrolSpeed") == null ||
GetNodeData("chaseSpeed") == null ||
GetNodeData("turningSpeed") == null ||
GetNodeData("rigidBody") == null)
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return status;
transform = (Transform)GetNodeData("transform");
patrolSpeed = (float)GetNodeData("patrolSpeed");
chaseSpeed = (float)GetNodeData("chaseSpeed");
turningSpeed = (float)GetNodeData("turningSpeed");
rb = (RigidBody)GetNodeData("rigidBody");
if (GetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex") == null)
SetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex", 0);
if (isWaiting) DelayAtWaypoint();
else MoveToWaypoint();
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.RUNNING;
return status;
//Move and cycle between waypoints
private void MoveToWaypoint()
//Waiting, do not move
if (GetNodeData("isWaiting") != null)
//Only wait to change waypoints if not alert
if (GetNodeData("isAlert") != null && !(bool)GetNodeData("isAlert"))
waitCounter = 0.0f;
isWaiting = true;
waypoints = (List<GameObject>)GetNodeData("waypoints");
if (waypoints == null)
Vector3 targetPosition = waypoints[currentWaypointIndex].GetComponent<Transform>().GlobalPosition;
//Reach waypoint by X and Z being near enough
//Do not consider Y of waypoints yet
Vector3 remainingDistance = targetPosition - transform.GlobalPosition;
remainingDistance.y = 0.0f;
//Reached waypoint, cycle
if (remainingDistance.GetSqrMagnitude() < 0.1f)
//If alert, may reverse
if (GetNodeData("isAlert") != null && (bool)GetNodeData("isAlert"))
//If alert, may reverse if it's closer to the player
if (GetNodeData("playerLastSightedWaypointIndex") != null)
int playerWaypoint = (int)GetNodeData("playerLastSightedWaypointIndex");
int forwardDistance = 0;
int backDistance = 0;
if (playerWaypoint < currentWaypointIndex)
//Player waypoint is behind current waypoint
forwardDistance = playerWaypoint + waypoints.Count() - currentWaypointIndex;
backDistance = currentWaypointIndex - playerWaypoint;
//Player waypoint is ahead of current waypoint (or same)
forwardDistance = playerWaypoint - currentWaypointIndex;
backDistance = currentWaypointIndex + waypoints.Count() - playerWaypoint;
if (backDistance < forwardDistance)
//Go backwards
goingForwards = false;
//Go forward
goingForwards = true;
//Fallback if no player waypoint data, go forward
goingForwards = true;
//Cycle waypoints
if (goingForwards)
if (currentWaypointIndex >= waypoints.Count())
currentWaypointIndex = 0;
if (currentWaypointIndex < 0)
currentWaypointIndex = waypoints.Count() - 1;
//Write to blackboard
SetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex", currentWaypointIndex);
//Only wait to change waypoints if not alert
if (GetNodeData("isAlert") != null && !(bool)GetNodeData("isAlert"))
waitCounter = 0.0f;
isWaiting = true;
else if (false /*Physics.OverlapSphere(_selfTransform.position, 0.3f, 1 << 8).Length > 0 && retreatState == false*/)
//This main segment is to check if the NPC is walking into a solid wall
//If they are, do a raycast to find the nearest unobstructed waypoint and head there instead
else //Proceed to waypoint as usual
//Get the difference vector to the waypoint
//Debug.Log("Current Waypoint " + waypoints[currentWaypointIndex].x.ToString() + " " + waypoints[currentWaypointIndex].y.ToString() + " " + waypoints[currentWaypointIndex].z.ToString());
//Debug.Log("AI is at " + transform.GlobalPosition.x.ToString() + " " + transform.GlobalPosition.y.ToString() + " " + transform.GlobalPosition.z.ToString());
Vector3 normalisedDifference = targetPosition - transform.GlobalPosition;
normalisedDifference.y = 0.0f; //Do not move vertically
normalisedDifference /= normalisedDifference.GetMagnitude();
//Debug.Log("Normalised Difference x " + normalisedDifference.x.ToString() + " z " + normalisedDifference.z.ToString());
//Look at the correct direction
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(normalisedDifference, new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
transform.LocalRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.LocalRotation, targetRotation, turningSpeed * Time.DeltaTimeF);
//transform.GlobalPosition += normalisedDifference * moveSpeed * (float)Time.DeltaTime;
//rb.LinearVelocity = normalisedDifference * patrolSpeed;
/*rb.AddForce(new Vector3(normalisedDifference.x, 0.0f, normalisedDifference.z) * movementForceMultiplier);
float currentSpeed = MathF.Sqrt(rb.LinearVelocity.x * rb.LinearVelocity.x + rb.LinearVelocity.z * rb.LinearVelocity.z);
if (currentSpeed > patrolSpeed)
float adjustmentFactor = patrolSpeed / currentSpeed;
Vector3 adjustedVelocity = rb.LinearVelocity;
//adjustedVelocity *= adjustmentFactor;
adjustedVelocity.x = patrolSpeed;
adjustedVelocity.z = patrolSpeed;
rb.LinearVelocity = adjustedVelocity;
//TODO delete this when original intended code above works with velocity being limited correctly
if (rb != null)
//Move quickly if alert
if (GetNodeData("isAlert") != null && (bool)GetNodeData("isAlert"))
//Debug.Log("Fast Patrol");
rb.LinearVelocity = normalisedDifference * chaseSpeed;
rb.LinearVelocity = normalisedDifference * patrolSpeed;
//Unalert if AI reaches player nearest
if (GetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex") != null && GetNodeData("playerLastSightedWaypointIndex") != null)
if ((int)GetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex") == (int)GetNodeData("playerLastSightedWaypointIndex"))
if (GetNodeData("isAlert") != null && (bool)GetNodeData("isAlert"))
//AudioHandler.audioClipHandlers["BGMAdaptive"].SetParameter("Detected", 0.0f);
//Audio.SetParameter("Detected", 0.0f);
Audio.SetParameterWithLabel("PlayerDetection", "Undetected");
SetNodeData("isAlert", false);
if (retreatState)
if (retreatTimer < 1.0f) retreatTimer += Time.DeltaTimeF;
retreatState = false;
retreatTimer = 1.0f;
private void DelayAtWaypoint()
waitCounter += Time.DeltaTimeF;
if (waitCounter >= waitDuration)
isWaiting = false;