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#version 460 core
struct GenericData
//! Delta time
float dt;
//! Elapsed time of the application
float elapsedTime;
//! Viewport width of the scene (excluding imgui, that means smaller than window)
uint viewportWidth;
//! Ditto but for height
uint viewportHeight;
struct ParticleData
vec4 position;
vec4 orientationSpeedDecay;
vec4 velocity;
vec4 acceleration;
vec4 scaleAndDecay;
vec4 colorTint;
vec4 colorDecay;
float life;
uint textureIndex;
layout (set = 0, binding = 0) uniform GenericDataBuffer
GenericData data;
} genericDataBuffer;
layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform CameraData
vec4 position;
mat4 vpMat;
mat4 viewMat;
mat4 projMat;
} cameraData;
// output buffer not needed
layout (std430, set = 2, binding = 2) coherent restrict buffer ParticlesOutputBuffer
ParticleData data[];
} outputParticles;
layout (std430, set = 2, binding = 4) coherent restrict buffer IndicesData
uint indices[];
// between shader stages
layout(location = 0) out struct
vec2 uv; // location = 0
} Out;
// material stuff
layout(location = 1) out struct
uint textureIndex; // location = 1
vec4 color; // location = 2
} OutFlat;
vec2 CreateQuad (in uint vertexID)
uint b = 1 << vertexID;
return vec2 ((0x3 & b) != 0, (0x9 & b) != 0);
void main()
// Create a quad and its texture coordinates
Out.uv = CreateQuad (gl_VertexIndex);
vec3 vertexPos = vec3 (Out.uv - vec2(0.5f), 0.0f);
vertexPos.y *= 0.5f;
ParticleData particle =[indices[gl_InstanceIndex]];
vec3 normalized = normalize (vec3 (;
float pitch = acos (dot (, normalize (vec3 (normalized.x, 0.0f, normalized.z))));
float angle = pitch;
// float angle = atan (normalized.y, normalized.x);
vec2 particleScaleData = particle.scaleAndDecay.xy; // x and y
mat3 rotate = mat3 (1.0f);
rotate[0][0] = cos(angle);
rotate[0][1] = sin(angle);
rotate[1][0] = -sin(angle);
rotate[1][1] = cos(angle);
vec3 particlePos = rotate * vertexPos;
vec3 viewRight = normalize (vec3 (cameraData.viewMat[0][0], cameraData.viewMat[1][0], cameraData.viewMat[2][0]));
vec3 viewUp = normalize(vec3 (cameraData.viewMat[0][1], cameraData.viewMat[1][1], cameraData.viewMat[2][1]));
particlePos = + (viewRight * particlePos.x * particleScaleData.x) + (viewUp * particlePos.y * particleScaleData.y);
OutFlat.textureIndex = particle.textureIndex;
OutFlat.color = particle.colorTint;
gl_Position = cameraData.vpMat * vec4(particlePos, 1.0f);