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2022-11-23 21:02:33 +08:00
* \file LeafChase.cs
* \author Ryan Wang Nian Jing
* \brief Leaf node implementation for AI chasing the player
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
using SHADE;
using SHADE_Scripting.AIBehaviour.BehaviourTree;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public partial class LeafChase : BehaviourTreeNode
//Used to move entity around
private Transform transform;
private RigidBody rb;
private float chaseSpeed;
private float turningSpeed;
2022-11-23 21:02:33 +08:00
private float captureDistance;
private float baseCaptureTime;
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public partial class LeafChase : BehaviourTreeNode
//Despite inheriting from BehaviourTreeNode, we don't have children to this node,
//and hence we don't need to inherit its constructors
public LeafChase(string name) : base (name)
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//Debug.Log("LeafChase ctor");
//Helper, find which waypoint player is closest to
private void determinePlayerWaypoint()
List<GameObject> waypoints = (List<GameObject>)GetNodeData("waypoints");
Transform target = (Transform)GetNodeData("target");
if (waypoints == null || target == null)
int nearestWaypointIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Count; ++i)
if ((target.GlobalPosition - waypoints[i].GetComponent<Transform>().GlobalPosition).GetSqrMagnitude() <
(target.GlobalPosition - waypoints[nearestWaypointIndex].GetComponent<Transform>().GlobalPosition).GetSqrMagnitude())
nearestWaypointIndex = i;
//Debug.Log("Player is nearest " + nearestWaypointIndex);
//Debug.Log("I'm at " + (int)GetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex"));
SetNodeData("playerLastSightedWaypointIndex", nearestWaypointIndex);
2022-11-23 21:02:33 +08:00
public override BehaviourTreeNodeStatus Evaluate()
//Get Data
if (GetNodeData("transform") == null ||
GetNodeData("rigidBody") == null ||
GetNodeData("turningSpeed") == null ||
GetNodeData("chaseSpeed") == null ||
GetNodeData("distanceToCapture") == null ||
GetNodeData("baseCaptureTime") == null)
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return status;
transform = (Transform)GetNodeData("transform");
rb = (RigidBody)GetNodeData("rigidBody");
chaseSpeed = (float)GetNodeData("chaseSpeed");
turningSpeed = (float)GetNodeData("turningSpeed");
captureDistance = (float)GetNodeData("distanceToCapture");
baseCaptureTime = (float)GetNodeData("baseCaptureTime");
2022-11-23 21:02:33 +08:00
//Fail if no target in blackboard
if (GetNodeData("target") == null)
//Debug.Log("Failure: No target in blackboard");
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return BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
Transform target = (Transform)GetNodeData("target");
Vector3 normalisedDifference = target.GlobalPosition - transform.GlobalPosition;
normalisedDifference.y = 0.0f; //Do not consider Y
normalisedDifference /= normalisedDifference.GetMagnitude();
//Over maximum distance, stop chase
if ((transform.GlobalPosition - target.GlobalPosition).GetMagnitude() > 1000.0f)
//Debug.Log("Failure: Over maximum distance");
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if (GetNodeData("isAlert") != null && (bool)GetNodeData("isAlert") == true)
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SetNodeData("isAlert", false);
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return status;
else if (false) //TODO If collided against a wall
//Debug.Log("Running: Collided against wall");
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SetNodeData("isPathfinding", true);
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.RUNNING;
return BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.RUNNING;
//Keep chasing
else if ((transform.GlobalPosition - target.GlobalPosition).GetMagnitude() > captureDistance)
//Debug.Log("Running: Chasing");
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Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(normalisedDifference, new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
transform.LocalRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.LocalRotation, targetRotation, turningSpeed * Time.DeltaTimeF);
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//Determine the player's nearest waypoint as long as the AI can see the player
//Head towards that waypoint in an attempt to chase the player
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//TODO delete this when original intendd code above works with velocity being limited correctly
//Only chase the player directly if the player's waypoint matches the AI's own
if (GetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex") != null && GetNodeData("playerLastSightedWaypointIndex") != null)
if ((int)GetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex") == (int)GetNodeData("playerLastSightedWaypointIndex"))
//Debug.Log("Waypoint indicees matching. Chasing directly");
rb.LinearVelocity = normalisedDifference * chaseSpeed;
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
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//Reset capture timing to base
SetNodeData("captureTimeLeft", baseCaptureTime);
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//Not capturing, don't play SFX
SetNodeData("isCapturing", false);
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.RUNNING;
return BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.RUNNING;
//Once player is close enough, perform attack
//Debug.Log("Success: Near enough. Begin attack");
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//Look at the correct direction
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(normalisedDifference, new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
transform.LocalRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.LocalRotation, targetRotation, turningSpeed * Time.DeltaTimeF);
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//Play SFX
if (GetNodeData("isCapturing") != null && (bool)GetNodeData("isCapturing") == false)
//Debug.Log("AI Play capturing SFX");
2022-11-23 21:02:33 +08:00
SetNodeData("isCapturing", true);
//TODO resetting the capture time once it's less than 0 doesn't work as
//there is quite some time (about .1 seconds) after the timer falls below 0
//that the capture actually happens
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.SUCCESS;
return status;