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2022-11-23 21:02:33 +08:00
* \file LeafSearch.cs
* \author Ryan Wang Nian Jing
* \brief Leaf node implementation for AI searching for player
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2022 DigiPen Institute of Technology. Reproduction
or disclosure of this file or its contents without the prior written
consent of DigiPen Institute of Technology is prohibited.
using SHADE;
using SHADE_Scripting.AIBehaviour.BehaviourTree;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public partial class LeafSearch : BehaviourTreeNode
private Transform transform;
private Vector3 eyeOffset;
private float sightDistance;
private GameObject? player; //To be searched for and marked
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public partial class LeafSearch : BehaviourTreeNode
public LeafSearch(string name) : base(name)
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//Debug.Log("LeafSearch ctor");
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//Helper, find the nearest unobstructed waypoint to return to when chase is over
public void reevaluateWaypoint()
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List<GameObject> waypoints = (List<GameObject>)GetNodeData("waypoints");
if (waypoints == null)
SetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex", 0);
int nearestWaypointIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Count; ++i)
2022-11-23 22:44:15 +08:00
if ((transform.GlobalPosition - waypoints[i].GetComponent<Transform>().GlobalPosition).GetSqrMagnitude() <
(transform.GlobalPosition - waypoints[nearestWaypointIndex].GetComponent<Transform>().GlobalPosition).GetSqrMagnitude())
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nearestWaypointIndex = i;
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SetNodeData("currentWaypointIndex", nearestWaypointIndex);
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//Helper for handling being alert
//Helper for handling stopping of chases
private void handleChaseStop()
if (GetNodeData("isAlert") != null && (bool)GetNodeData("isAlert") == true)
SetNodeData("isAlert", false);
public override BehaviourTreeNodeStatus Evaluate()
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//Get data
if (GetNodeData("transform") == null ||
GetNodeData("eyeOffset") == null ||
GetNodeData("sightDistance") == null)
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return status;
transform = (Transform)GetNodeData("transform");
eyeOffset = (Vector3)GetNodeData("eyeOffset");
sightDistance = (float)GetNodeData("sightDistance");
//Search for player
player = GameObject.Find("Player");
2022-11-23 21:02:33 +08:00
//Automatically fail if no player is found
if (player == null)
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SetNodeData("isAlert", false);
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return status;
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//Fail if unable to find a player
//Get player's transform
Transform plrT = player.GetValueOrDefault().GetComponent<Transform>();
//Debug.Log("X " + MathF.Sin(transform.LocalEulerAngles.y).ToString() + " Z " + MathF.Cos(transform.LocalEulerAngles.y).ToString());
//Debug.Log("Looking at: " + transform.LocalRotation.y.ToString() + " To player is: " + temporary.ToString());
//Debug.Log("Look difference is: " + (transform.LocalRotation.y - differenceDirection.y).ToString());
//Debug.Log("Dot: " + Quaternion.Dot(differenceDirection, transform.GlobalRotation));
//Fail if too far from vision range
if ((plrT.GlobalPosition - transform.GlobalPosition).GetMagnitude() > sightDistance)
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//Debug.Log("Failure: Too far");
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return status;
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//Fail if player is out of FOV
//TODO currently a simple dot product against negative is done, this makes it essentially be a semicircle in front at which AI can see
Vector3 difference = plrT.GlobalPosition - transform.GlobalPosition;
difference.y = 0.0f; //Disregard Y axis
Vector3 lookDirection = new Vector3(MathF.Sin(transform.LocalEulerAngles.y), 0.0f, MathF.Cos(transform.LocalEulerAngles.y));
//Debug.Log("Dot: " + Vector3.Dot(difference, lookDirection));
if (Vector3.Dot(difference, lookDirection) < 0.0f)
2022-11-23 21:02:33 +08:00
//Debug.Log("Failure: Out of FOV");
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return status;
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//LocalRotation is between -1 and 1, which are essentially the same.
//0 and -1/1 are 180 deg apart
//Quaternion differenceDirection = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.Forward, plrT.GlobalPosition - transform.GlobalPosition);
//Debug.Log("Looking at: " + transform.LocalRotation.y.ToString() + " To player is: " + differenceDirection.y.ToString());
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//Draw a ray, succeed if ray is unobstructed
Vector3 eyePosition = transform.GlobalPosition + eyeOffset;
BoxCollider playerCollider = player.GetValueOrDefault().GetComponent<Collider>().GetCollisionShape<BoxCollider>(0);
if (playerCollider == null)
//Debug.Log("Failure: Player has no collider");
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return status;
//Ray destination to target the centre of the player's collider instead of transform position
//Since transform position is often the raccoon's base and the ray needs to hit somewhere higher to be more reliable
Vector3 rayDestination = plrT.GlobalPosition + plrT.GlobalScale * playerCollider.PositionOffset;
Ray sightRay = new Ray(eyePosition, rayDestination - eyePosition);
2023-01-03 10:14:39 +08:00
RaycastHit sightRayHit = Physics.Raycast(sightRay, false)[0];
//As of November 2022, RaycastHit contains only the FIRST object hit by
//the ray in the Other GameObject data member
//Diren may likely add ALL objects hit by the ray over December
if (sightRayHit.Hit && sightRayHit.Other != player)
//TODO sometimes the ray doesn't hit the player even if he's in plain sight because the ray hits the floor the player is on instead???
//Debug.Log("Failure: Ray hit obstacle named " + sightRayHit.Other.GetValueOrDefault().Name + " ID" + sightRayHit.Other.GetValueOrDefault().EntityId);
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.FAILURE;
return status;
else if (sightRayHit.Hit && sightRayHit.Other == player)
//Debug.Log("Ray hit player");
//All checks for now succeeded
//Debug.Log("Success: Homeowner has sighted player");
//Write player's transform into the blackboard
SetNodeData("target", plrT);
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if (GetNodeData("isAlert") == null)
SetNodeData("isAlert", true);
if (GetNodeData("isAlert") != null && (bool)GetNodeData("isAlert") == false)
SetNodeData("isAlert", true);
status = BehaviourTreeNodeStatus.SUCCESS;
return status;
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